Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Fae, Legendary Hero! Sounds like a pretty big deal, right? ...Er, can you tell me what it means?

ファだよ! でんしょーのえいゆうなの! ねえ、でんしょーってなに?

Castle[ | ]

Fae isn't my real name, you know! It's actually— Oh, right. You can't hear it! Well, it's really, really long!

ファのおなまえはね! …………………………………なの! でもね、人のお耳には聞こえないんだって!

The outside world is great! After just seeing the same thing forever, this makes it all worth it!

おそとはたのしいね! ファ、ずっと「おるすばん」してたから… いいこにしてた「ごほうび」なの!

Are you busy? I can help too! Don't forget it, all right?

おそうじ、できるもん! ファもおてつだいする!

If I stay out of trouble, you'll keep giving me head pats, right? Heehee!

なでなでしてくれるの? えへへ… ファ、これからもいい子でいるね!

I'm bored of being stuck inside the castle... Let's explore outside! Bet I can get there before you!

えっとねー…… お城のなか、あきちゃった! ね、おそとにいこ?

Friend greeting[ | ]

Hey, you're friends with 【Friend】, right?
In that case, you're my friend too!

ファはでんしょーのえいゆうなの! 【Friend】のおともだち? なら、ファともおともだちだね!

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

I still keep on growing... I wonder how strong I'll be when I'm finally all grown up!

ファはそだちざかりなんだって! そだったら、大人になるんだよ! どんなファになるのかなあ?

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Don't mess with me! RAWR!

あっちいけーっ! がおーっ!

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Wh-what happened?


Ally Growth[ | ]

Aw! For me? Yay!


5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

♪Hmm-hm-hmmm♪Oh! There you are, 【Summoner】!
You aren't busy...right?
Then how about a pat on the head?
Heehee! You're the best, 【Summoner】!
With head pats like these, I might just have to stick around forever!

らんらんらん… あ、【Summoner】
うふふ、わあい! ファはね、 【Summoner】だいすき!
ファが大人になっても、 ずっといっしょにいてね! やくそくだからね!

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Go away! Shoo!
I'm not scared!
Take this! RAWR!
Smush you!
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Defeat[ | ]

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I wanna keep playing...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Come on! Come on! We're gonna play all day! ★
Why are you patting me on the head? Did I do something good? *giggle* ★
Legendary Hero? *gasp* That sounds like a big deal! What is it? ★
You seem really busy. Here, let me help! ★
There are so many pretty ladies in the castle! I hope I can grow up to be just like them! ★
Am I going to stay a kid forever? Hmm... ★
Let's play together, forever and ever! Promise? ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
あはっ ★
あのね、ファと遊んでほしいなー ★
わー、なでなでしてくれるの? えへへ… ★
でんしょーのえいゆう? でんしょーってなに? ★
ファ、おてつだいするのー ★
このおしろには、きれいなのたくさん! ファ、きれいなの、とっても好き! ★
うー。ファ、いつ大人になれるのかなあ…? ★
これからもずーっと、ファといっしょに遊んでね! えへへ… ★

Turn action[ | ]

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La la la!
Here we go!
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Story appearances

In addition to the above, Fae: Childlike Dragon has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Legendary Hero? That sounds like
a big deal! What is it?

Fae: Childlike Dragon,
Fae: Childlike Dragon (map)