Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Wil: Unequaled Archer - C

Background image: 014_GaidenCastle
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

You did well in training today, Wil.
Have you grown accustomed to life
in Askr yet?

Oh yeah, Askr’s a great place. Good
food, nice people... I’m glad I got
summoned here.

AH! P-Princess Fjorm?! I didn’t
realize it was you!

Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Um, y-yes, I am Fjorm...

Wow, oh wow... I can’t believe a
princess is actually talking to me!

Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

I didn’t mean to startle you so. Did I
interrupt you at a bad time?

I’m just shocked! Princesses don’t
normally go out of their way to talk
to a random villager-type like me.

Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

I’m afraid I don’t understand... I just
wondered if something was troubling
you and wanted to offer my aid.

No, no, nothing is troubling me at all!
In fact, I’m treated so well here it
almost makes me feel guilty...

I’m just out here getting some extra
archery practice in. So you have
nothing to worry about, promise!

Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Is that so? It makes sense why you
came out here by yourself, then.

Yep! An archer isn’t much without
their bow and a keen eye. Gotta make
sure both are in tip-top shape!

Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile

Indeed. But do take care not to push
yourself too hard. Rest is just as
important as hard work.

Th-thank you, Princess! I don’t
know what I did to deserve such
kind words.

Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Well then, I shall take my leave.
Goodbye, Wil.

O-oh, um, please, allow me! I will, uh,
humbly..take my leave, so you don’t
have to? Ahaha...

Ahhh! Am I dreaming or something? I
can’t believe someone from a royal
family talked to a nobody like me...

Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC
Rebecca Wildflower Face FC

Whoa, you look kind of out of it, Wil.
Did you catch a cold or something?

Oh, Rebecca! Get this! Princess
Fjorm was here just now...

And she went out of her way to talk
to me. Me! Even though I’m Villager
Number Three!

Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC
Rebecca Wildflower Face FC

Villager Number Three? What in the
world are you talking about?

Oh, it’s a name I use to describe
my, uh...presence. Or lack thereof.

But the royalty in the Order of
Heroes is nice to everyone, even
villagers like us.

Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena
were welcoming and kind right from
the moment I was summoned here...

Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC
Rebecca Wildflower Face FC

That’s true. Royals here do seem less
distant than in Elibe.

But you aren’t inferior just because
you were born and raised in a village
instead of a castle.

There are lots of people in the Order
of Heroes who come from villages.

What?! I thought you and I were just
about all the villagers-turned-Heroes
there were!

Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC
Rebecca Wildflower Face FC

You don’t pick up on much, huh?
Tell you what. Why don’t you come
train with me tomorrow?

I’ll introduce you to some Heroes
who started out as villagers like us.

Wil: Unequaled Archer - B

Background image: 014_GaidenCastle
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Hi, I’m Wil the archer! Nice to
meet you!

Wil’s from the same village as me.
We’re childhood friends.

He’s been called the Master of
Rudeness because his manners
are terrible, but he’s a good guy.

Rebecca Wildflower Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Hey! Sheesh. I’d rather be introduced
as Villager Number Three.

My name’s Tobin. It’s nice to meet
you, fellow ex-villager!

Tobin The Clueless One Face FC
Kliff Curious Spirit Face FC

I’m Kliff. I guess it’s nice to
meet you...

I’m Faye.

Faye Devoted Heart Face FC
Gray Wry Comrade Face FC

Name’s Gray. We’re from Ram Village
in Valentia.

Wow, so you’re all childhood friends
like me and Rebecca?

Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC
Rebecca Wildflower Face FC

Except for Nephenee here.
She’s from Tellius.

I’m from a place in the countryside
called Ohma village.

I joined the Crimean army to protect
my village, and—

Nephenee Fierce Halberdier Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Oh! That sounds like my story!

I joined House Caelin as a knight after
traveling with Lady Lyndis as she
journeyed to her family home.

Then, I followed her into a battle that
determined the fate of the world.

Everyone here used to be just
regular villagers.

But their courage on the battlefield
is what inspires others to now call
them Heroes.

Rebecca Wildflower Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Wait, so all of you have a similar story
to me and Nephenee? That’s actually
reassuring, somehow.

In the Order of Heroes, royalty and
nobles fight alongside villagers
as comrades!

That’s not all! Some Heroes treat us
with extra respect just for growing up
the way we did.

Rebecca Wildflower Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Huh? You mean just because we
grew up poor?

Oh, is it one of those situations where
they respect us because we worked
extra hard to get here?

You’ll figure it out someday. There’s
even someone in the Order they call
”the mightiest villager.”

Kliff Curious Spirit Face FC

Wil: Unequaled Archer - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Yes! It looks like we’ve got the upper
hand. If we keep this up, we’ll win
for sure!

Huh? It feels like there are...fewer
enemies all of a sudden. Did I defeat
more of them than I thought?

Let’s see...

Donnel Village Hero Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Oh no, this is bad! That Hero’s being
surrounded by a group of wyvern
riders and he’s on his own!


Donnel Village Hero Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Wait a second, is that a pot on his
head? What is he thinking?

It’s time for an archer to take action
against these flying foes! I’ll save
you, fellow Hero!


Donnel Village Hero Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC



Donnel Village Hero Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

A-amazing... He wields his spear with
such precision!


Donnel Village Hero Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

H-hold on a minute! There’s no way!
He defeated all of the wyvern riders
in the blink of an eye...

Hey! You all right? I can’t believe you
did that all alone! Incredible! I didn’t
even have time to back you up!

Wh-who in the world are you? You
must be a legendary Hero...

Hm? Me? Well, I don’t know ‘bout
”legendary Hero.” I’m just Donnel.

I’m from a village on an island in the
corner of Ylisse.

Donnel Village Hero Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

You’re a villager?! But you fought in
ways that normal villagers wouldn’t
even be able to imagine!

Wait, wait! Are you the one they call
”the mightiest villager”?

Mightiest? What’re you on about?

Donnel Village Hero Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Oh, it’s, um...something my villager
pals told me.

They said there’s an amazing guy in
the Order of Heroes that people call
”the mightiest villager.”

Hm... I think you’ve got me mixed up
with another fella.

Donnel Village Hero Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

B-but your technique was amazing.
You took those wyvern riders down
in no time flat!

Shucks, there ain’t nothin’ special
’bout my fightin’. No different from
the work I do in the fields every day.

I just go on givin’ my best in each
task I gotta do.

Donnel Village Hero Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Fighting is the same as farm work?

Oh. If I think about it, I guess farm
work is a matter of life or death...

To you it’s just as important as
fighting. It’s all tasks that need to
be done.

I don’t have a powerful bloodline or
legendary weapon. ‘Bout all I got is
this here pot.

So all I’m really doin’ is findin’ ways
to help where I can and givin’ it all I
got. Pretty simple, hehe.

Donnel Village Hero Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

I feel like I get the reason why you’re
so strong.

Fighting and farming are the same...
You haven’t changed your approach
to life, even after leaving your village.

There’s no doubt about it. You’re
definitely the mightiest villager!

Wil: Unequaled Archer - S

Background image: 014_GaidenCastle
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Guess what, Rebecca? I met that
”mightiest villager” everyone was
talking about yesterday!

Oh, that’s great! And? What’d
you think?

Rebecca Wildflower Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

I think I’ve been too self-conscious
about the fact that I’m a villager.

It’s not about where you were born.
If you do your best with the tasks
you’re given, you will succeed.

I think not losing sight of yourself and
moving forward without wavering is
what leads to strength!

I’m shocked. I never thought I’d
hear you say something so well
thought-out. Of course, I agree.

Whether they’re villagers or royalty,
everyone in the Order of Heroes is
doing the best they can.

I think that’s why the royalty here
treat us villagers the same as
everyone else.

Rebecca Wildflower Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

I practically ran away from home to
set off on some adventure and make
a quick fortune.

But maybe that wasn’t the way to go.
Maybe the path to success is doing
unglamorous hard work every day...

Heehee... It’s a reward in itself just to
learn that, huh?

Rebecca Wildflower Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

What’s with that tone? You’re acting
like this is something you knew
all along.

I’ll have you know, I practiced my
archery and hunted every day
back home.

Meanwhile, you were daydreaming
about making a quick fortune.

Rebecca Wildflower Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Hey, that’s a low blow...

But from now on I’ll work hard and
not spend so much time thinking
about how to get rich quick!

You’d better keep yourself in check,
OK? Or else you’ll go right back to
being Villager Number Three.

Rebecca Wildflower Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

I’ve got this!

I was able to become a knight for
House Caelin. If I can make a name
for myself now, my life could change!

First I’ll do something splashy and
attention-grabbing, like saving Askr!

Then, when I go back to Elibe, bards
will sing about how Wil, knight of
House Caelin, triumphed over evil...


Rebecca Wildflower Face FC
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC

Then I’ll use that clout to form Wil’s
Knights or something and really carve
my name into Elibe’s history!

Oh yeah, it’s all coming together!
Now’s my chance to return home
in glory!

What happened to the power of
unglamorous hard work?!

Rebecca Wildflower Face FC
← Kent Pent →
Entrusted Hope
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
