Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Azelle: Youthful Flame - C

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Lex Young Blade Face FC

So... Lord Arvis is with the Order
of Heroes now. I figured as much.

Yes. Princess Sharena says his
strength has been a great help
to them.

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Lex Young Blade Face FC

I'm sure he's an extremely powerful
ally. It's not hard to figure out why
【Summoner】 relies on him.

Arvis has changed. We both know
the path he chose. And here he is—
a Hero!

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Lex Young Blade Face FC

I hate to bring this up, but sooner or
later you're going to have to talk to
him about leaving House Velthomer.

Yes. I left to join Lord Sigurd so I
could aid Lady Edain. I expect that
act does not sit well with him.

Arvis is my half brother, but he raised
me as if he were my father. I respect
him and I honor him. And yet...

I feel an indescribable unease when
I am near him. It borders on...fear.

But I cannot hide forever. I must meet
with him.

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Lex Young Blade Face FC

If you like, I could come with you.

Lex, you are a good friend, but
I need to go alone. We must
speak brother to brother.

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC

Azelle: Youthful Flame - B

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC

It has been far too long, Brother.
I apologize for not visiting sooner.

Azelle! So you have been summoned
to Askr as well. It is good to have you.

This nation is threatened by calamity.
Its people need all the strength we
can muster. I hope you are ready.

Arvis Emperor of Flame Face FC
Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC

I am. But, Brother, I need to know
something. You came from a time just
beyond the events I lived, correct?

Princess Sharena mentioned your
fight with Lord Sigurd had...ended.

Yes. And it could be said that its
conclusion helped pave the way for
lasting peace across the continent.

Arvis Emperor of Flame Face FC
Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC

That is truly remarkable! I could
never aspire to something so bold.
I regret I could not aid you...

I must ask for your forgiveness. I let
my own desires get in the way of my
duties to House Velthomer.

I ran away—both from House
Velthomer and...from you.


Arvis Emperor of Flame Face FC
Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC

I felt that leaving House Velthomer
was the only way to save Lady Edain.
I was selfish.

I am ready to answer for my
inexcusable deeds. You need
only say the word.

Azelle... I believe that you may have
misunderstood the situation.

Arvis Emperor of Flame Face FC
Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC

Huh? Now I am confused. What is
there to misunderstand?

Azelle: Youthful Flame - A

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Arvis Emperor of Flame Face FC

When I fight, my aim is to remake the
world. I wish to tear down divisions
and make things equitable for all.

But there is a heavy toll for such
grand ambition. The sacrifice
required is...immeasurable.


Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Arvis Emperor of Flame Face FC

These are my convictions, however,
and mine alone.

I believe each person must choose
their path, and that those choices—
those paths—must be respected.

One's thoughts or beliefs deserve to
remain sovereign. That is the world
I strive to build, no matter the cost.

No matter the cost...

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Arvis Emperor of Flame Face FC

Azelle, your choice to leave House
Velthomer was rooted in what you
believed was right.

It is not my place to condemn your
choice, and so there is no need for


Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Arvis Emperor of Flame Face FC

However, remember this. Your
choices bind you to responsibility
for their consequences.

Before you choose, ask yourself:
What will you lose by that choice?
What will be gained by it?

Answering these questions is your
duty. Yours. It is not for you to place
their burden on others.

I...understand. I will move forward
and take full responsibility for my
choices. Th-thank you, Arvis...

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Arvis Emperor of Flame Face FC

Excellent. Always choose a path you
believe in. Only then can you live
without regret.

Azelle: Youthful Flame - S

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Lex Young Blade Face FC

That's how Lord Arvis sees it, huh?

After our meeting, I may be more
afraid of him than ever. I thought
I knew my brother, and yet...

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Lex Young Blade Face FC

You don't have to know him. He
talked about owning your choices,
right? That goes for him too.

He thinks he's found a path that'll
create the world he wants? Fine.
You don't have to follow him.

His path... Yes. I worry about the
scope of his ambition. It really
is boundless.

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Lex Young Blade Face FC

Yes, it is...

Well, look at the bright side—at least
you didn't get scolded for leaving
House Velthomer!

Truthfully, I might have preferred it if
he were angry at me for that.

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Lex Young Blade Face FC

Huh? Why?

He said he will respect any choice
I make, and that I must take
responsibility for it.

I believe that what he meant is that if
we find ourselves in opposition to
each other, he will show no mercy.

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Lex Young Blade Face FC

I see. Yeah, that is a bit worrisome.

No matter. I have already made my
choice. And I have tricked you into
coming along with me.

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Lex Young Blade Face FC

Ha! Don't sweat it. I'm here because
I want to be. We have to look out for
each other.

Thank you, Lex. I am very glad we
were summoned here together.

Now we must forge our path in Askr.
If that pits us against Arvis, so be it.
As he said, we must own our choices.

I am ready to take responsibility, no
matter the outcome.

There is a future here worth striving
for and it will be built, in part, from
our choices.

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Lex Young Blade Face FC

Count me in! And when the going gets
tough, I'll be there choosing to drag
us forward. Ha ha!

Heh! I know you will. Let us hope we
are both strong enough to see this

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
← Midir Lex →
Enduring Legacy
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
