Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Tanith: Bright Blade - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

Deputy Commander of the Begnion
Holy Guard, Tanith, reporting
for duty.

Please forgive my tardiness, Empress.

Well met, Tanith. Or should I say,
welcome back.

Your strength shall be as much a
boon to the Order of Heroes as it
is to me.

Sanaki Begnions Apostle Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

Still, I must apologize. I had no idea
that the apostle was aiding the
Kingdom of Askr in its time of need.

Had I been more attentive, you would
not have needed to place yourself in
such danger...

You fret overmuch, Tanith. I have
complete faith in the Holy Guard,
including you.

Sanaki Begnions Apostle Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

I am unworthy of such praise,
Empress...but thank you. It is a
relief to see you are well.

I was beside myself with worry that
you had stepped on your cape and
tripped a sixth time...

D-don’t be silly! Five was quite
enough...and besides, that was
many years ago!

Sanaki Begnions Apostle Face FC
Sigrun Loyal Protector Face FC

Ah, Tanith. As you know, our
orders are to support the apostle
here in Askr.

Of course, Commander! I stand ready
to serve as your second, as always.

Tanith Bright Blade Face FC
Sigrun Loyal Protector Face FC

Indeed. But before I let you go, there
is a certain matter that you must be
made aware of.

I am listening.

Tanith Bright Blade Face FC
Sigrun Loyal Protector Face FC

This may be hard to believe, but you
are not the first Tanith to arrive in
Askr and protect the Empress.

I... I’m not sure I follow. I am quite
certain that I have never been
here before.

Tanith Bright Blade Face FC
Sigrun Loyal Protector Face FC

Yes, but...what if a version of you
from another world found her way
here first?

One who is just as adept at
protecting the Empress and
honoring our mission?

I’m not sure there’s a way to prepare
you for this, but... Well, she will be
here any moment.

Wait, this is all... Another world? How is that possib—

Tanith Bright Blade Face FC
Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC

Deputy Commander of the Begnion
Hold Guard, Tanith, reporting in.

(Great Goddess! Is that...a
wedding dress?!)

Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

Tanith: Bright Blade - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC

If I may speak freely, Commander...
Is that... Is she a version of me from
another world?

Correct. She was summoned to Askr
while you were away on your mission.

Sigrun Loyal Protector Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

Wait, hold on...

Well, I suppose that means we are
co-deputy commanders, then. I look
forward to working with you.

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

I... You... This... What?!

Oh my. I had hoped to lessen the
shock by telling her ahead of
time, but...

Sigrun Loyal Protector Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC


This might be harder than
we thought.

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

Why is someone who looks just like
me dressed in such...such frilly,
frivolous attire?!

What possible reason could you
have for prancing around in a
WEDDING dress?!

Are you telling me you FIGHT like
that? And on a pegasus, no less?!

Calm yourself, Tanith. This outfit is
due to...unforeseen circumstances.

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

No! This is completely unacceptable!
How can a leader maintain discipline
while dressed as a bride?!

This cannot be real. I-I must be
dreaming. I have to wake up...
I have to get out of here.

Tanith, wait! Let us explain!
Hurry—we must give chase.

Sigrun Loyal Protector Face FC
Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC

Knowing me, I suppose that went
about as well as it could have...

Tanith: Bright Blade - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

To think someone who looks like me
has been strutting around Askr in a
wedding dress all this time...

What must Marcia and my other
subordinates think of me now?

There you are.

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

You again!

Enough running. Just hear me out...
That is all I ask.

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

...Fine. Tell me everything, and do
not spare even a single detail.

You should know perfectly well that
I would not be wearing this outfit
without good reason.

This dress is for the bridal festival,
one of the many sacred celebrations
held in this world.

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

A celebration, you say? Then you are
not a bride, but instead a...reveler?
I fail to see how that is any better.

It may seem strange, but outfits like
these allow us to contribute to the
peace and stability of Askr.

These festivals uplift the people and
promote a shared sense of belonging
and purpose.

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

Hmm... The Empress did say that she
wanted to aid Askr...

Indeed. If I can’t convince you, then
perhaps she can. After all, she herself
also once participated.

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

C-come again? Empress Sanaki,
dressed as a bride?! But who could
possibly be—

Her betrothed? Do not worry—it was
simply a festival, not a ceremony.

The same holds true for me. Despite
how it may appear, I do not intend to
walk down the aisle.

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

I could have told you that much.

Hah, of course. We are of exactly
like minds in this.

Still, I hoped you would be at least
a little interested in my marital
prospects. Alas...

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

So this...all of this was merely for
entertainment. Absurd as it is, that
much is at least clear to me now.

Indeed. My duty to protect the
Empress holds fast regardless of
what world I am in or attire I wear.

If anything, that I continue to fight
even in this outfit should serve as
proof of my dedication.

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

Your dedication is...admirable, but
are you certain you’re not doing
this for personal gain?

Preposterous! I have never once
thought of anything other than
fulfilling my duty.

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

Very well, this is proof that your
devotion to the Holy Guard is
as unshakable as my own.

It was wrong of me to doubt you.
Please accept my well
as my thanks.

No thanks are necessary. I am certain
you would have done the same, had
our roles been reversed.

Now then, come. It will do Askr good
to have two deputy commanders
patrolling the skies.

Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC

Tanith: Bright Blade - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

I really must apologize to the
commander for causing such a
ruckus earlier...

A leader must never lose their
composure...not even if they’re
staring themselves in the face.

There she is! Commander, please
forgive my unseemly behavior earlier!
It was not befitting one of my rank.

I—Commander! What are

Ah, Tanith. You’re finally back.

Isn’t it beautiful? The apostle’s
bodyguards must always follow the
example she sets before us.

Sigrun Steadfast Bride Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

I see... Then you’re still on duty.
Which means this is all for the
apostle’s sake, right?

Of course. And I see that you’ve met
the other Tanith. Have you warmed
up to the idea of dressing like this?

You could even ask to borrow her
clothes for a day. It would make
for a nice change of pace.

Sigrun Steadfast Bride Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

Erm... No, that’s quite all right. I have
other duties to attend to, so if you
will excuse me...

Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

This is vital to the success of my
mission! Just name your price!

Look, I know I said I’d take on any
job, but this is ridiculous...

How am I supposed to choose a
dress for you? It’s your wedding,
not mine!

Volke Man of Mysteries Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

It’s not mine either! It’s only for
show—I do not need anything with
sentimental value.

No, its true value will come from
proving to the empress that my
devotion to her is boundless!

All right, fine. I’ll do it. Just don’t
make me listen to any more of this.

Volke Man of Mysteries Face FC
Tanith Bright Blade Face FC

No matter what world the empress
is in, I will protect her to my
last breath...

Even if that means I must parade
myself around in a wedding dress
like some bashful bride!

← Gatrie Marcia →
Embracing Fate
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
