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Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Astrid: Resolute Damsel - C

Background image: 002_ForestNight
Eir Merciful Death Face FC

A stroll in the evening might help to
clear my mind... Wait, who is that?

Oh! Is someone there? Forgive me if
I startled you.

Given your attire, I believe you are
Princess Eir, right? It is a pleasure
to meet you.

Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC
Eir Merciful Death Face FC

Likewise. Though, it is rare to
encounter someone else wandering
outside the castle this late at night.

Perhaps we have similar reasons
for needing some fresh air... Oh,
my apologies! I am Astrid.

I have recently arrived in
this world in response to
【Summoner】’s summons.

Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC
Eir Merciful Death Face FC

I see. And what brought you outside
the castle walls?

I was...stargazing.

I thought this hill would offer the
clearest view of the heavens above.

...But I must admit the constellations
here are completely different from
the ones I knew in Tellius.

Even so, I am happy to see that they
shine just as brightly.

Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC
Eir Merciful Death Face FC

You seem to be well-versed on
the topic.

Well, I speak only from experience.
I often sleep outside—though it can
be rather hard to fall asleep, you see.

Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC
Eir Merciful Death Face FC

Afraid of what lurks beyond
the campfire?

Exactly. It would be all too easy for
enemies to spring an attack in the
middle of the night.

When I close my eyes, I have no
guarantee that I will ever open
them again to see the morning.

But there is a fate even worse than
death awaiting me back home, so it
is not as if I can simply return.

At times like this, I find myself unable
and unwilling to sleep. So, to pass the
time, I gaze up at the stars.

Oh, please forgive me. We have only
just met, but I am burdening you with
my worries.

Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC
Eir Merciful Death Face FC

Think nothing of it...

I haven’t seen a sky this clear in some
time. May I join you?

Of course. I’d like that.

Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC

Astrid: Resolute Damsel - B

Background image: 002_ForestNight
Eir Merciful Death Face FC

(Hmm... It’s that girl again.)

Good evening, Princess Eir. We
meet again.

Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC
Eir Merciful Death Face FC

Good evening, Astrid.

Still stargazing, are you?

Indeed. Try as I might, I could not
seem to fall asleep tonight either.
So...I am here.

Still, this is quite the coincidence.
I did not ask last time we spoke, but
do you enjoy stargazing as well?

Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC
Eir Merciful Death Face FC

Watching the stars is...comforting.

Where I come from, death grinds
all to a halt, and time itself has
been brought to a standstill.

Hel is a land of finality—the last stop
on a long and winding journey.

But when I see the stars streaking
through the sky, I see something else.
I see motion. I see life.

I have heard about the land of the
dead from Commander Anna. It
sounds rather...inhospitable.

Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC
Eir Merciful Death Face FC

You are kind to describe it in such a
diplomatic way.

You said that time is at a standstill
there, yes?

Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC
Eir Merciful Death Face FC

When death claims its due, it robs the
living of every last thing they possess.

With nothing left, you are doomed
to simply exist. Nothing to look
forward to, and nothing to regret.

And yet, you still struggled against
that inescapable force, didn’t you?
That sounds hauntingly familiar.

I rejected the path my father chose
for me and set off on my own.

And yet, no matter how hard I try to
rid myself of that fate, it sometimes
feels as if I have only sunk deeper.

The closer I get to the surface, the
fiercer the undertow becomes.

Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC
Eir Merciful Death Face FC

I am familiar with the pain and
frustration that comes with being
subjected to another’s will.

Eir Merciful Death Face Smile

...But the night is yet young.
I would love to hear more
of your journey here.

Oh, well... Yes, of course. I shall
endeavor not to bore you to sleep
just yet.

Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC

Astrid: Resolute Damsel - A

Background image: 002_ForestNight
Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC

As the child of a noble house, I spent
my youth in luxury, never wanting
for food or shelter.

There was just one thing that my
parents refused to grant me:
my freedom.

(Being seen as more of a tool than a
daughter... I know this despair well.)

Eir Merciful Death Face FC
Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC

From the moment I was born, my life
was not my own.

I was to be wed to a stranger for the
family’s benefit. Not once did anyone
ask how I felt.

I know how that feels... A parent’s
overbearing glare can extinguish
one’s resolve in an instant.

Eir Merciful Death Face FC
Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC

Once I realized my fate, it was as if
all the life in my little world fell away,
I was nothing more than their doll.

I had to escape, and the knights of
Begnion were my only way out.

I thought if I struck out on my own,
I could seize control of my life.

But my desperate struggle to break
free did little more than make clear
just how powerless I truly am.

When we spoke before, you
mentioned that you have trouble
falling asleep.

Eir Merciful Death Face FC
Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC

As embarrassing as that sounds,
yes. It is true.

Fear drives animals to fight tooth
and nail to survive. Humans are
no different.

You feel fear because you wish to
see what tomorrow will bring.

That fear is proof of the hope you
carry in your heart.

Eir Merciful Death Face FC
Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC

Hope and fear... I never would have
thought of them that way, but I think
I understand.

So long as they draw breath, the
living cannot escape from who
they truly are...

But the strong can become weak,
and the weak can become strong.
You must choose your path.

Perhaps... Perhaps it is this lifelong
struggle that makes someone human.

Eir Merciful Death Face FC
Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC

Your words carry wisdom, Princess
Eir. If I remain paralyzed by my fears,
I have lost before I can even begin.

There is no shame in weakness. But,
at the same time, I need not remain
weak forever.

Astrid: Resolute Damsel - S

Background image: 002_ForestNight
Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC

Good evening, Princess Eir.

Good evening, Astrid.

Eir Merciful Death Face FC
Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC

The clouds are sparse tonight. Could
it be that we came here with the
same intention?

Indeed. The conditions are perfect
for stargazing.

Eir Merciful Death Face FC
Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC

Have you ever noticed the clusters
of small stars scattered among the
larger stars?

Individually, each one is nothing more
than a distant, tiny glimmer of light...

But they work together to overcome
their circumstances and shine just
as brilliantly.

Together, they are more than the
sum of their parts. And...I find that
rather inspiring.

Everyone wants to shine, but
sometimes the night sky is
simply too dark to be seen.

Together, however, they can create
something truly dazzling.

With others at our side, Heroes like
us can become something far greater
than we could ever be on our own.

Eir Merciful Death Face FC
Astrid Resolute Damsel Face FC

So long as the stars above shine, I will
remain hopeful that I should someday
be so lucky.

← Marcia Jill →
Embracing Fate
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
