Heroes' Saga
The struggle between the peaceful Hoshido and the militant Nohr was reflected nowhere more strongly than Corrin's heart. For one from Hoshido but raised in Nohr, it was like having two homes, two families—until Nohr's King Garon assassinated Corrin's mother. Forced to choose between two brothers—Ryoma of Hoshido and Xander of Nohr—Corrin sided with Xander, but hoped to end their feud...
平和を愛する白夜王国と 戦を是とする暗夜王国 白夜に生まれ暗夜に育った王女カムイは 母を暗夜王ガロンに謀殺され 二国の間で揺れ動く カムイは暗夜の兄マークスの手を取り 国の中から争いを止める道を選び取る
1st Act
Corrin was sent out to suppress an uprising in Cheve and was reunited with Takumi, a prince of Hoshido, along the way. Flying into a rage, Takumi forced Corrin and company into battle. It was then that Azura, a songstress born in Nohr but raised in Hoshido, sensed something off about the brother she had known to be so kind and caring...
シュヴァリエ公国の反乱の鎮圧に 赴いたカムイは 道中の港町で 白夜の弟王子タクミに再会する 暗夜で生まれ白夜で育った歌姫アクアは 激しく怒り狂い 襲い掛かるタクミの姿に 昔の彼とは違うものを感じる
2nd Act
One night, Corrin followed Azura to the lakeside and learned two truths. First, there is a hidden land between worlds, and second, king Garon has become a twisted shell of his former self, a puppet to a maligned force. To put an end to this deceit, Corrin was to trick Garon into claiming the throne of Hoshido and sitting on it, which would reveal his true form...
ある夜 湖に消えたアクアを追ったカムイは 二国の間にある見えざる国の存在と ガロンが何者かに取り憑かれ 異形の化け物と化していることを知る この真実を皆に知らしめるためには 座った者の真の姿を露わにする 白夜の王座に座らせるしかないという
3rd Act
Forced to conquer Hoshido to expose the evil possessing Garon, Corrin and the Nohrians marched on to their goal. Reaching the Hoshidan capital and mounting the wall that encircled it, Corrin met and captured Takumi— who was able to escape by seemingly jumping to his death. Unable to locate his body, however, Corrin had no choice but to soldier on, anxious and confused, to Hoshido's throne...
ガロンを王座に座らせるべく 白夜王国へ侵攻を開始するカムイ 王都を守る長城でタクミを撃破するも 彼は城の上から身を投げ消えてしまう 亡骸さえ見つからないことを訝しみつつ カムイは兵を進め 白夜城へ辿り着く
4th Act
Forced to fight Ryoma, High Prince of Hoshido, Corrin narrowly managed to claim victory before facing the final challenge: exposing Garon by having him take the throne. Then, as Garon's true form was revealed, Corrin rallied the bewildered Nohrian siblings, and they were able to finally put and end to their possessed father...
最大の敵 白夜の長兄リョウマに 辛くも勝利し白夜城を制圧 カムイは遂にガロンを王座に座らせる 化け物となった父王の本性に 驚き動揺する暗夜のきょうだいたち しかしカムイの説得に応じ 力を合わせ見事ガロンを打ち倒す
Final Act
Victory was cut short when Takumi, now sustained by pure rage, returned and loosed an arrow, striking Corrin. But as Corrin lay dying, a vision of Takumi's true self appeared and reforged Corrin's weapon with his Fujin Yumi. Returning to the living world, Corrin then struck the final blow against their enemy, ending the long war. As peace returned, Azura disappeared without a trace.
全て終わったと思われたその時 ガロン同様 異形と化したタクミが現れる 一度は彼の怒りを受け止め倒れるカムイ しかし夢で本当のタクミに会い 自分を倒してほしいと風神弓を託される カムイは彼の望みを叶え 長い戦いは 幕を閉じるも そこにアクアの姿はなかった