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The Emblian Empire, or Embla is an empire located in the realm of Midgard. It is home to Veronica and Bruno. Its rival kingdom and counterpart is Askr.
People[ | ]
- Embla is the dragon god who founded the Emblian Empire.
- Bruno is the Prince of Embla.
- Veronica is the Princess of Embla.
- The Empress of Embla has yet to be named in the story.[1]
- Letizia is the leader of Embla's Order of Heroes, and the 9th in line for the throne of Embla.
- Thrasir was the first empress of Embla.
Thrasir: Omnicidal Witch is Princess Veronica of an alternate Embla that fell to ruin due to the preforming of The Heart's Rite.
- Elm is the retainer to the god Embla. He is sent to Midgard by Embla to end the Askran royal bloodline and close off the world in darkness.
Resplendent Heroes[ | ]
The outfits of these Resplendent Heroes are based on Embla:
Sophia: Nabata Prophet
Sanaki: Begnion's Apostle
Alm: Hero of Prophecy
Tiki: Dragon Scion
Nino: Pious Mage
Tailtiu: Thunder Noble
Shanna: Sprightly Flier
Lukas: Sharp Soldier
Faye: Devoted Heart
Lon'qu: Solitary Blade
Jeorge: Perfect Shot
Gordin: Altean Archer
Sheena: Princess of Gra
Celica: Warrior Priestess
Selena: Cutting Wit
Locations[ | ]
Unnamed shrine[ | ]
Further west of the Eternal Sanctum is another shrine, where the Rite of Awakening for Embla takes place. The layout of this place is described by Anna to be similar to the Eternal Sanctum. At the bottom, writing from the Emblian Empire was found in a stone slab, allowing the Order of Heroes to create a Weapon Refinery.
Temple of Blood[ | ]
Trivia[ | ]
- In Norse mythology, Ask and Embla male and female respectively—were the first two humans, created by the gods.
In other languages[ | ]
Language | Name |
English (US) | Embla |
Japanese | エンブラ |
German | Embla |
Spanish (Europe) | Embla |
Spanish (Latin America) | Embla |
French | Embla |
Italian | Embla |
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) | 恩布拉 |
Portuguese | Embla |
References[ | ]
- ↑
...And what does Mother believe?
―Veronica: Emblian Princess ― A Sandstorm's Ascension