Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Miriel: Rapier Intellect - C

Background image: 005_Castle
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

Fascinating. The phenomenon
manifests identically here as it does
in Ylisse.

Is that Miriel? What it she up to?

Whatever it is, it seems to involve
dropping that bag and picking it up
again repeatedly...

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

I am evaluating Askr’s gravity.

Ah—apologies, Miriel. I did not realize
you could hear me.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

I have determined that gravitational
forces in Askr are indistinguishable
from those in Ylisse.

I suppose I should explain that gravity
is a term my mother used to describe
a specific physical phenomenon.

Corporeal matter, without exception,
is pulled inexorably to the ground.

The notion does sound familiar.
I believe I first heard it explained
by 【Summoner】.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

How interesting. You mean to suggest
the theory of gravity is known to
【Summoner】 as well?

If I recall correctly, it was the sight of
a full moon that prompted the
conversation. I cannot say why.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

Curious. What role could a floating
celestial body possibly play in this?

And if there were such a role, how
could the summoner discover it?
A sojourn to said moon?

I’m afraid I am out of my depth on
this one. Perhaps you should inquire
with 【Summoner】 directly.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

Perhaps I shall.

Hmm... The summoner must come
from quite a sophisticated civilization.

Directed inquiries may teach me
about far more than gravity...


Miriel: Rapier Intellect - B

Background image: 005_Castle
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC


Hey, Miriel. You look like you’ve got
something on your mind.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Cool2
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

Is that so?

What is the primary stimulus behind
this observation?

Um, I can sort of just tell! You’ve got
a pensive look on your face.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

What does that mean, exactly? Please
provide empirical details.

In which part of the face does the
look reside? Is it a matter of shape,
angle, or orientation?

Um... I don’t know. Like I said, I can
just tell!

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain

Anyway, what’s on your mind?
Maybe it’d help to chat about it.

When something’s bothering me,
I always feel better after talking it
over with someone.

I’m not great with the complicated
stuff you tend to noodle over, but
I promise I’ll do my best!

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

...Very well.

Suppose that you and your mother
had long labored to solve a mystery.

Ooo, exciting!

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

...Yes. Your mother has passed her
knowledge down to you, in the hope
that you might continue her work.

Thus, you have spent a fair portion
of your life in pursuit of answers.

Aww, I’m making my mother’s wish
come true! What a good daughter
I am!

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

...Right. But now suppose that you
discover that this information was
easily available in another country.

By visiting this place, you can learn
the answers to all your questions
without expending any effort.

How does that make you feel about
the many years you spent searching?

Oh... I guess I might wonder at first
if there was any point.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain

But I think there was! Just because
someone else figured it out doesn’t
make my pursuit of it meaningless.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

Is that not exactly what it means?
If the truth was available all along,
your efforts were unnecessary.

Or are you suggesting you would
ignore it and continue researching on
your own? Is that not illogical?

Umm... I don’t think I’m equipped
to answer that...

I’m sorry. I thought I might be able to
help solve your problem, but...

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

Actually, this has been valuable.
I now see that it is a personal
quandary. One I must solve alone...

Miriel: Rapier Intellect - A

Background image: 005_Castle
Anna Commander Face Pain

Replenishing supplies, managing
finances... So much to do, so
little time!

Anna Commander Face FC

Oh, hey, Miriel. Perfect timing. Say,
could you deliver this for me?

I suppose so. What is it? Hmm...
a magical text. Rudimentary.

Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

It’s for 【Summoner】.

What use could an elementary
instructional treatise possibly have
for 【Summoner】?

Perhaps there is some secret truth
hidden underneath the superficial
simplicity of the text...

Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

No, nothing like that.

It’s just that magic doesn’t exist in
【Summoner】’s world.

What do you mean it doesn’t exist?

Surely the people of any world could
at the very least master simple skills
like conjuring wind or fire.

Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

Actually, no—【Summoner】
knows no magic at all.

Incredible. How can that be?

The summoner’s civilization is more
advanced than any other. Nothing is
beyond 【Summoner】.

Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

That’s putting 【Summoner】
on a bit of a pedestal.

And there are limits to any person’s
knowledge, no matter how smart.


Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

Miriel: Rapier Intellect - S

Background image: 005_Castle
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC


Hello, Miriel. I notice you are back at
it with the bag.

How are your experiments going
since our last conversation? Have you
spoken with 【Summoner】?

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

I have made a decision.

The study of gravity is my mother’s
legacy. In a way, it represents the
bond I have with her.

For that reason, I cannot in good
conscience abandon my efforts to
unravel its mysteries.

I see.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

I have always pursued knowledge
through every available means.
Reading, research, experimentation...

To close myself off to a learning
opportunity of any kind would be
a desecration of knowledge itself.

Therefore I have decided, in spite of
my prior misgivings, that I will always
continue to seek the truth.

Sharena mentioned that you seemed
pensive the other day.

But I suppose this means you have
already found the other side of your
recent difficulties.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Miriel Rapier Intellect Face FC

I believe I knew the correct answer
to my dilemma from the outset.

Now, it is simply a matter of inquiring.
I do not know what I will be able to
learn from 【Summoner】...

But I am confident that the inquiry
will bear fruit, one way or another.

What I learn, I will pass down to those
who inherit my legacy—those who
read what I leave behind.

Ultimately, that is how truth is found.
We advance, as we always have,
by sharing what we know.

← Maribelle Ricken →
Dueling Spirit
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
