Heroes' Saga
Amidst the chaos of the Grado Empire's invasion of Renais, Ephraim, prince of Renais, saves a young manakete named Myrrh. Then, when reunited with his sister, Eirika, they all set out to mount a resistance against Grado. Myrrh, however, senses a threat. As daughter to the guardian of the Darkling Woods, where the Demon King is sealed away, she knows danger lies ahead...
グラド帝国に侵略されたルネス王国 王子エフラムは戦乱の中 竜人族の少女ミルラを助ける 妹姫エイリークと再会したエフラムは 帝国へ反撃に出るが ミルラは行く手に 禍々しい気配を感じるという 彼女は 魔王を封じる樹海の守護者の娘だった
1st Act
Myrrh's dragonstone is taken by General Selena, known as the Fluorspar of the Grado Empire. General Selena listens to what Myrrh has to say about the ominous presence she feels. But after Myrrh explains it was a power that could turn people evil, Selena simply replies that if Myrrh wants her dragonstone back, she will need to take it back herself...
ミルラの持つ竜石が グラドの将軍 蛍石のセライナによって奪われてしまう 彼女は禍々しい気配が人を悪しき方へ 変えてしまうというミルラの話に 耳を傾けるが 竜石を奪い返したくば 自分を倒せと去ってしまう
2nd Act
Even though Emperor Vigarde seemed to have changed into someone completely different than the man he once was, Selena stayed loyal to him. She tried in vain to make him see reason. But when she comes face-to-face with Ephraim, still she remains loyal—to her dying breath. Myrrh cannot help but wonder why Selena had to die when she was a good person deep down...
別人のように変わってしまったグラド皇帝に 尚も忠節を尽くすセライナは 説得も虚しく エフラムと戦い命を落とす 決して悪人ではなかったセライナが なぜ死ななければならなかったのか ミルラは疑問を抱くのだった
3rd Act
Ephraim advances on into the capital and battles the emperor, but upon Vigarde's defeat, his corpse turns to ash. Ephraim is then captured and held prisoner, where he meets one of Grado's royal mages, Knoll, who is a researcher of dark magic. The emperor, Ephraim learns, had been controlled by the power of the Dark Stone, even in death...
帝都に乗り込んだエフラムは 皇帝を倒すが 彼の亡骸は灰になってしまう エフラムは牢に捕らえられていた グラドの闇魔道士と出会い 皇帝が死後も魔石の力で 操られていたことを知る
4th Act
Long ago, the Demon King was sealed away, and Grado's Sacred Stone was divided into the Sacred Stone and the Dark Stone. The Dark Stone held the Demon King's power, and mages sought to harness it. But when the Dark Stone was misused in a plot to revive the Demon King, the Sacred Stone was destroyed. So, to stop the resurrection, Ephraim leads his allies to the Darkling Woods...
古の時代 世界を脅かした魔王を封じた グラドの聖石は その魔力を利用せんと 魔王の宿る魔石と聖石に分かたれた しかし魔王の復活を目論む者により 魔石は悪用され 聖石は破壊されたという エフラムらは魔王復活を阻止すべく 闇の樹海の魔殿を目指す
Final Act
When they arrive at the woods, Myrrh hopes to be reunited with her father. But at the sinister Black Temple, a draco zombie attacks the party. Myrrh fights, swallowing her feelings. After the draco zombie is defeated, and the party proceeds into the Black Temple, Myrrh sheds quiet, mournful tears.
故郷である闇の樹海で 守護者である父との再会を期待するミルラ そこへ魔殿を守る死竜が襲い掛かり ミルラは驚きを胸に秘め戦う 死竜を倒し 魔殿へと進む一行の中 ミルラは静かに涙を流すのだった