Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Libra: Fetching Friar - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC


Allow me to offer you some words of
gratitude, if I may.

If you had not come to help us, our
defensive line would surely have
been crushed, along with the village.

Truly. Thank you for your help.

That said, however... We stand on the
precipice of a most violent war.

Harming and plundering the innocent
is against the will of the gods, and

Even when fighting in the name of
peace, war leads to suffering that
reaches far beyond the battlefield.

Friend and foe alike, willing to lay
down their lives... And friend and foe
alike, some will be lost.

Everyone who falls to battle leaves a
family behind. And that sort of loss,
that sadness, casts a long shadow.

There are victims on all sides of war...
Each life taken claimed as payment
for victory.

We must never forget those who paid
that price for us.

Libra: Fetching Friar - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

So this is where you've been hiding
yourself, 【Summoner】.

Thanks to the precision of your
commands, we made it through yet
another battle without casualties.

This may not seem the most sensible
comment from one who spends his
days discerning friend from foe, but...

I would like to reach out to those who
call themselves our enemies. I wish to
lend a helping hand to the wounded.

I will not stand for the invasion of this
country, nor will I allow innocents to
come to harm through any means.

However, those who admit their own
wrongdoing should be offered a path
back to the light.

I believe that those who have been
defeated are in the most dire need of
our compassion.

Victory may taste sweet to the victor,
but we mustn't give up on those we
had no choice but to defeat.

Libra: Fetching Friar - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

Would you mind if I spoke with you
about something that happened long
ago, 【Summoner】?

There was a time when I lost sight of
what I believed in. I wanted to crush
everything in the world.

Until just yesterday, this lapse of faith
had brought me shame... But now it
brings me purpose.

It had snatched the light from around
me, and I felt as if I'd been dropped
at the bottom of the blackest hole.

Even my own future was shrouded in

However, I soon met those with such
a depth of compassion...

They reached out to me and helped
me reclaim my faith in this world.

Yes, even a faithless wretch such as I
once was, plunged so deeply into the
darkness, can walk back into the light.

All it takes is the warmth of an open
hand. If one can believe in the
strength of an open heart...

then one can reclaim their lost hope.

And now I believe it is my turn to
help those who have strayed from
the path, just as I was helped.

If there is even a small chance to save
someone simply by not discriminating
friend from foe...

then I will not give up on them.

Libra: Fetching Friar - S

Background image: 014_GaidenCastle
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

To save all, friend and foe alike,
without discrimination...

To truly achieve this goal, perhaps all
fighting in the world would have to

Of course, I am painfully aware of
how outlandish a goal that is.

And yet, when I am with you, I feel as
though it may not be quite so

Every day you put forth great effort
not only to end battles but to do so
with as few casualties as possible.

When I see that side of you, it
reinforces my own resolve to
stay the course toward my dream.

I may be alone in thinking this, but...
you and I may be headed in the
same direction.

If indeed we are, then let us walk
together. One step at a time, no
matter how many steps it may take.

Until such a day that our wishes are

← Phila Basilio →
Defending Ylisse
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
