Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Edward: Blade of Justice - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

Askr is amazing, isn’t it? Nearly every
individual walking through the halls
of this castle is a famous Hero.

I’m somewhat surprised myself, but
this could be a great opportunity.

I suspect we may have numerous
chances to learn if we make the most
of our interactions with them.

Leonardo Freedoms Arrow Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

I think you’re right. In fact, I had
Princess Sharena introduce me to
some swordmasters already.

Meeting them must have been a great
learning experience for a swordsman
like you.

Leonardo Freedoms Arrow Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

A learning experience, eh? Well, yeah.
I suppose...

Never forget your convictions if you
wish to improve your swordsmanship.
I have held to mine since childhood.

Shannan Wielder of Astra Face FC
Yenfay Blade Legend Face FC

Put yourself in dangerous situations.
A warrior’s resolve grows stronger
when they cast aside their doubts.

To be honest, I felt like they each had
a different approach. It was hard to
follow them...

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Leonardo Freedoms Arrow Face FC

We are young and still learning. The
words of masters may be difficult for
us to truly understand.

It’s not that. I feel like I learned some
important things from them, but
it was all hard to put into practice.

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Leonardo Freedoms Arrow Face FC

Oh. Did you notice any similarities
in the things they told you?

Similarities... Yes! If I find something
in common between the two, that
might help me make sense of it all.

Hmm... Hrmmm... Now that I think
about it, they were both very noble.

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Leonardo Freedoms Arrow Face FC

And is that necessary to become a
better swordsman?

Oh! Their weapons! They had the
most amazing weapons. They seemed
like they must be legendary!

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Leonardo Freedoms Arrow Face FC

Well, they are masters of the
blade who have been recognized
for their skills.

I guess it should come as no surprise
that they would carry extraordinary

Perhaps I could strive to become a
greater swordsman if I wielded such
a remarkable weapon too!

I heard Jorge from the merchant
convoy is here in Askr. I’ll go ask him
if he knows of any!

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Leonardo Freedoms Arrow Face FC

Edward! There is more to it than just
having an amazing weapon!

Too late. He’s on his way. *sigh* This
is so like Edward.

Edward: Blade of Justice - B

Background image: 005_Castle
Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC

You’re looking for the kind of blade a
master swordsman would wield, eh?

Yes. One you wouldn’t find in any
ordinary shop.

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC

If that’s what you want, you should
try asking the owner of this store.
She may know something.

You mean your employer here?

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

Yep! I’m Anna! Nice to meet you! I’m
in charge of the Askr Branch of the
Ylisse Division of Anna & Company.

Jorge’s been helping me out around
the shop.

I’m Edward of the Dawn Brigade. It’s
nice to meet you as well, Anna!

I seem to recall learning the basics of
combat from someone who looks just
like you in Tellius.

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

Oh! I bet that was one of my sisters.
Say hi for me if you happen to run
into her again.

I will! I had something I wanted to ask

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

A legendary holy blade, a sword
forged by a renowned smith, or one
imbued with forbidden magic...

Powerful swords like that are often
passed down within families.

Though, in some cases, they can be
obtained by overcoming a trial of
some kind.

What you’re saying is that it won’t be
easy to get one, right? I had a feeling
that might be the case.

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC

Then why don’t you refine one?

That’s probably the most realistic
way to handle it. We can refine
Heroes’ weapons here in Askr.

Anna Secret Seller Face FC
Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC

You remember Daniel was quite good
at making weapons more powerful by
reforging them. It’s a bit like that.

Of course! Do you think you could do
that for me then?

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

Well, it’s not that simple. You need
raw materials to refine weapons, and
a weapon to refine.

Ugh. Looks like I’ve got a difficult
road ahead.

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

Hey! Don’t worry! I can set you up
with work to gather the materials
here at Anna & Company.

Really?! Sign me up! I’ll do whatever
it takes!

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

All right, but in return, I’d like it if you
could help out around the shop in
your free time.

You got it! Just tell me what you
need done.

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

Tee hee hee! Sounds like we have a
deal. I look forward to doing business
with you.

Edward: Blade of Justice - A

Background image: 005_Castle
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

*grunt* And...there we are. I’ll leave
the things you asked me to get here!

Oh, thanks for that.

Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

I should move this box into the
storage shed next, right? *grunt*
Here we go!

Edward, you were just dispatched to
a battlefield yesterday, weren’t you?
Aren’t you exhausted?

Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

Not at all! My endurance is about all
I have going for me.

I hear you’ve also been doing side
jobs for Anna and gathering materials
by competing in the coliseum.

All of this effort will be for nothing if
you overdo it and get yourself killed.

Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

This is nothing! ...Ahh. Oops.

Your legs are shaking with exhaustion.
I might step up to help a pretty lady
out, but not some guy like you.

How are you finding the energy to
work so hard? Is there something
motivating you?

Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

I was born to a common family in
Daein. I can’t do anything to change
that fact.

I don’t have a convenient ancestor
who’s a legendary hero, or parents
with royal blood.

So I’ll do what I can to accomplish
things through my own effort.

So you want to take on the world, not
through your family or background,
but your own strength.

Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

I can protect the members of the
Dawn Brigade if I become a master

The Dawn Brigade is like a family
to me.

It’s not strange to want to work hard
to protect your family, is it?

Not at all. Now I understand what’s
driving you.

Even Anna, who is a very shrewd
businesswoman, has highly praised
the work you’ve been doing.

Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

She has? Well, you can all keep
counting on me!

Edward: Blade of Justice - S

Background image: 005_Castle
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

The refinement’s all done. Here’s
your sword, Edward.

Wow! This is amazing! It looks so
powerful. Is this really mine?

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

It is! Refined weapons take on a form
befitting the Hero wielding them.

This is a treasure passed down in
Daein, from Tellius, where you’re

It’s called Caladbolg.


Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC

Leonardo contributed some of the
materials used to refine it.

He gathered them along with the rest
of the Dawn Brigade when he saw
how hard you were working.

Hey did that for me?

Edward Blade of Justice Face FC
Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC

Why are you so surprised? If they’re
family to you, then it makes sense
that they might see you as family too.

Jorge also helped out.

Anna Secret Seller Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

Really? You too, Jorge?

It’s nothing. I owe the Dawn Brigade
for saving my friends in the merchant

Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

Jorge... Thank you for doing that!

I really appreciated your hard work
too, Edward. I sweetened the deal for
you a bit myself.

Anna Secret Seller Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

Thank you, Anna! You’ve all made me
so incredibly happy!

Hahaha. Don’t worry about it! Now
work will get around about how I
care for my friends.

My reputation with the ladies is sure
to improve real fast!

Jorge Traveling Peddler Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

Wh-what? Now I feel like a fool for
being moved by your kindness.

Still...I am very grateful to you all for
helping me out like this!

If you grow stronger, you’ll be a big
help! Not just to the Dawn Brigade,
but to everyone in Askr.

Anna Secret Seller Face FC
Edward Blade of Justice Face FC

That’s right! My journey is far from
over. Having a powerful weapon is
just one step toward my dream.

I will become a master swordsman
and make full use of this powerful
blade! I won’t let you all down!

← Sothe Leonardo →
Dawning Future
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
