Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Cornelia Arnim, court mage of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and I expect to be for some time...

私はファーガス神聖王国に仕える 魔道士、コルネリア=アルニム。 これまでも、これから先もしばらくはね。

Castle[ | ]

Don't make me laugh. You know what lies ahead if you cling to the Church of Seiros' filthy teachings!

笑わせるなよ。薄汚いセイロス教の 教えにすがるようじゃあ… お先は知れてるよなぁ!

I see quite a few familiar faces here. How irritating.

この世界には 見知った顔が揃っているようですね。 正直、鬱陶しいですけど。

Should you rise against me like a fool forgetting their place, I will crush you like the worthless beast you are.
And you will thank me for it.

私に歯向かうとどうなるか 道理をわきまえぬ愚か者は 獣同然に叩き潰して差し上げますわ。

Everyone looks positively saintly, don't they? Ugh, how vile. If only I was not bound by contract...
I suppose I will play nice for now.

どいつもこいつも聖人ヅラしやがって。 気に食わねえが仕方ねえ… 契約があるからな、付き合ってやるよ。

Victory comes at the cost of sacrifice. Surely, even you are not so foolish as to deny this.

勝利に犠牲はつきもの。 それがわからぬほど あなたも愚かではないでしょう?

Friend greeting[ | ]

I am Cornelia Arnim, a mage from Fódlan who was summoned by 【Friend】.

私はコルネリア=アルニム。 【Friend】に 招かれた、フォドラの魔道士よ。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Won't you be a dear and wallow in despair for me?

絶望するがいいさ。 己の運命を呪いながら、ね。

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Heheheh. How marvelous. Entertain me more, if you dare.

ふふふ、よいですわよ。 もっと私を楽しませてごらんなさい。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Tsk... What brutes.


Ally Growth[ | ]

Oh, for me? One can never be too prepared, after all.

あら、これを私に? 備えはいくつあってもいいですからねぇ。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Summoner, I presume you were the one who called me to this world...
Knowing full well who I am, you made ready to welcome me as your ally to attain victory in battle. Correct?
Heheh, such an avaricious desire for victory... I don't hate it. In fact, it makes me feel right at home.
This world is so beset by threats that you need strength like mine. There is not a moment's respite, is there?
Hahaha! It sounds enthralling! I don't typically play with beasts, but if I can toy with them until their last breath...
Oh, my, look at me getting all worked up. This body will never hold out if I let myself get carried away like that.
I suppose I should take my time and really enjoy myself, then...

【Summoner】。 私をこの世界に 呼びつけたということは…。
私のすべてを知ったうえで 仲間として迎えて 戦いに勝ちたいということかしら?
ふふ、その勝利に対する貪欲さ… 嫌いじゃないわよ。 むしろ、私に近いものを感じるわ。
私の力を必要とするほどに この世界は危機に瀕し 一刻の猶予もないのでしょう?
くくく、面白いじゃねえか! 獣と戯れるのは趣味じゃねえが なぶり殺しにできるなら話は別だ。
おっと、あんまり張り切りすぎると この身体に限界が来ちまうんでな。 じっくり楽しませてもらうとするか…。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Damage[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'll take good care of you.
Don't look at me like that!
Sweet dreams.
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
- ★
Pathetic. ★
Get up. ★
I am Cornelia. How lovely to make your acquaintance. *chuckle* ★
That Dimitri is such a troublesome young man... ★
Patricia was willing to sacrifice anyone or anything. I granted her wish, in exchange for the king's head... ★
*Chuckle* You should be wallowing in despair about now. ★
You seem quite useful. Perhaps I should take you home with me... ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふふっ ★
情けない… ★
ほら、立ちなさい ★
初めまして。コルネリアと申します。うふふ… ★
ディミトリ…。まったく困った坊ちゃんだこと… ★
私はパトリシア様の願いを叶えたまでですわ。王の首と引き換えに… ★
ふふふ…。せいぜい絶望するがいいさ…… ★
あなた、なかなか使えそうですわね。連れて帰りたいくらい… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Oh, fine.
Dear me.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Cornelia: Saint Consumed has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Hah! Your candor is most endearing,
my lord. I shall speak plainly.

We will grant you this power on the
condition that we be allowed to
document the outcome.

Cornelia: Saint Consumed,
Hope's Flame/Arlen: Mage of Khadein