Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Constance von Nuvelle! Tremble before my noble magic! Ahahaha!

コンスタンツェ=フォン=ヌーヴェルよ! 高貴なる魔道に恐れおののきなさい! おーっほっほっほっほっほ!

Castle[ | ]

Abyss is home to the Ashen Wolves, those who shun the light of day. It is the secret shadow of Garreg Mach.

私たちが暮らしていたアビスとは 陽の光の下で暮らせぬ者たちの居場所。 煤に塗れたガルグ=マクの闇…。

Like the gilded wyvern taking refuge in its cave, in time, I too shall soar free and have my nobility restored!

今は平民に落ちたこの身ですが 雌伏の時を経て、雄飛する飛竜がごとく 貴族の地位を取り戻してみせますわ!

If I may presume to offer my opinion, summoning me was a very keen decision, 【Summoner】!

この私を英雄として召喚するとは 【Summoner】の 慧眼も極まれりと言ったところですわね!

Are you captivated by my charms? Ahahaha! This happens all the time to those of us blessed with such beauty.

私に見とれていたのかしら…? おーっほっほっほ! これほどの美貌を 持つ私ですもの、仕方のないことですわ。

Even standing beside such great Heroes, I still shine remarkably... You sense my genius, do you not?

ああ、並み居る英雄の中でも 一際輝く私の姿… 隠しきれない才智を感じますでしょう?

Friend greeting[ | ]

I trust you have been well? Naturally, I was sent to greet you in 【Friend】's stead.

おーっほっほっほ! ご機嫌いかが? 【Friend】に代わり この私がご挨拶に伺いましてよ!

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

I've done it! I've improved on perfection!


+[2,3] points[ | ]

There's no masking my splendor.


+[0,1] points[ | ]

My next effort shall compensate.


Ally Growth[ | ]

What noble power! This will be of use to me in restoring the splendor of House Nuvelle!

なんという高貴な力…! ヌーヴェル家再興に 役立ててみせますわ!

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Oh, it's you! You've arrived at the perfect time, 【Summoner】!
I was hoping to speak to you about assisting me in achieving my dream of revitalizing House Nuvelle!
We will wait until the conflict in Askr has concluded, of course, but I then expect your presence in Fódlan.
Are you not willing? Helping me to achieve my dream would be an honor for any—wait! Where are you going?!
Hmm? Oh! The dreadful sunlight is peeking through the clouds! Please...
Please excuse my cavalier behavior... If I have upset you, I request that you please punish me accordingly...
What's this? You grant me forgiveness for the way I spoke? Such words are wasted on me...

あら、【Summoner】。 ちょうどいいところに…!
貴方に手伝ってほしいことがあるの。 それは私の夢…誇り高き一族の栄華を 取り戻す、ヌーヴェル家の再興!
も・ち・ろ・ん! アスク王国での戦いが 終わったあとでよろしくてよ。私とともに フォドラに赴き、手助けをしなさいな。
光栄に思いなさい? 私の夢を叶える 手助けができるのですから…って どこに行くのです!? お待ちなさい!
ひっ…! こ、ここは明るい場所! あの…とんだ無礼を働いてしまい 申し訳なく…ああ…。
ご不快な思いをさせたとなれば この命をもってつぐなうしか…え? 大丈夫…? もったいないお言葉…。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Look upon your doom!
Shall I test your defense?
Respect your betters!
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Defeat[ | ]

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It cannot end here...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Ahaha! ★
I am Constance von Nuvelle. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. ★
Ah! Such rudeness is beneath you, surely. ★
Though House Nuvelle has fallen, it is still every noble's duty to provide for the commonfolk. ★
Abyssians tend to be the first suspects whenever there is foul play. ★
Do you have some need of me? I assure you, I am busier than I may seem. ★
This castle has far too many bright spots. I must be on my guard. ★
My superior spellcraft is yours. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
おほほっ ★
私はコンスタンツェ=フォン=ヌーヴェル! 以後、お見知りおきなさって? ★
きゃあっ!? 何をなさいますの!? 無礼ですわよ! ★
今は平民に身をやつしていますけど、私、名門ヌーヴェル家の血筋ですの! ★
何か問題が起こると、アビスの住人が真っ先に疑わるんですのよ。 ★
何かご用ですの? 私、こう見えて忙しいのですわ。 ★
この城はどこも明るくて、油断も隙もありませんわ… ★
私の新たな魔法で、あなたの力になって差し上げますわ。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Very well.
Are you certain?
Let us proceed.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Constance: Fallen Noble has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote’re a priest?
Not a priestess?

Constance: Fallen Noble,
Abyssal Light/Constance: Fallen Noble