Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Claude, of the Leicester Alliance. You're planning a trip to the beach, right? Perfect, count me in!

レスター諸侯同盟のクロードだ。 今月の予定は臨海学校ってわけかい? いいね、夏にはうってつけだ!

Castle[ | ]

You know, comfortable clothing like this suits me a whole lot better than some heavy suit of armor.

重い鎧を着込むよりも これくらいの楽な格好が 俺の性に合っているかな。

My hometown, Derdriu, is often called the Aquatic Capital. It's a great place to spend a summer vacation.

故郷のデアドラも【水の都】と 呼ばれる風光明媚な場所でね。 夏の休暇を過ごすにはいいところさ。

The imperial princess and crown prince are here too? Time to find out which of us is the fastest swimmer!

なんだ、皇女様や王子様も 来ていたのかよ。級長同士 ここは泳ぎで勝負してみるかい?

You can't REALLY say you're living it up on a tropical island unless you put together a feast, right? Right.

ん? 考え事というかな…。 南国ならではの宴を開く 計画を練っていたのさ。

I'm still not gonna put my faith in any gods, but I guess I can be a little grateful for the summer season.

神様ってのはいまいち信用できないが 夏という季節を作ってくれたことには 感謝しないとな。

Friend greeting[ | ]

I was sort of in the middle of my vacation, so it'd be great if I could get back to 【Friend】 soon.

クロードだ。見てのとおり 【Friend】と一緒に 夏の休暇を満喫中さ。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Looks like I've worked up quite the sweat. Now it's time to get ready for a feast!

さてと! 気持ちいい汗をかいたあとは 宴の準備をしないとな!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

You know, running around under the sun isn't all that bad sometimes.

暑い太陽の下で駆け回るのも たまには悪くない。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Starting to think I may have overdone this whole vacation thing...

俺としたことが… ちょっと熱くなりすぎたか?

Ally Growth[ | ]

It's like you read my mind—this is just what I need to beat the summer heat!

わかってるじゃないか。 夏の暑さをしのぐには、こいつが一番だ。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Phew! It's been ages since I was able to kick back and unwind like this... Beaches really are the best, huh?
Now, on a completely unrelated note, did you know that the bowstring affects a bow's performance?
I know, I know, it sounds obvious. But hear me out, 【Summoner】.
If you keep a bow strung for too long, it'll eventually warp, and might even become useless.
In other words, you need to give the bowstring a break.
It's the same with people. If they stay tense and guarded, they'll get worn out, and end up falling apart.
If you want to take care of yourself, sometimes the best thing to do is just give yourself time to relax.
Speaking of which, I'm feeling nice and refreshed now. Time to make sure this trip is one to remember!

ふぅぅ、こんなに羽を伸ばせたのは 久しぶりだ。やっぱり夏は 浜辺で過ごすに限るな。
【Summoner】なら 知ってるだろうが…弓の良し悪しを 決めるのは、弓づるの状態なんだよ。
弓づるは張り詰め続けると すぐにダメになってしまう。 適度に緩める必要があるのさ。
人間だって同じさ。 気を張り続けると、疲れが溜まって すぐにガタが来てしまう。
ま、適度に気を休めることが 大事だってことだよ。 最高の自分を維持するためにはさ。
今回はいい気分転換になった。 これでしばらくは全力で走れそうさ!

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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Ride the wave!
Let's settle it with a swim!
You're sunk!
Ah, summer memories…
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Ow! Cramp! Cramp!
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Heh. ★
Nothing's better than a tropical island vacation. ★
Gah! Your hands are so cold! Were you holding a drink or something? ★
Heroes around here are getting a little rowdy. I'll let 'em know we're aiming for a more laid-back vibe. ★
*yawn* I'm gonna go find a nice, shady place to nap. ★
I'm planning a big party on the beach after the sun goes down. Invite any Heroes you know! ★
If the whole world were as peaceful as this island, well... It'd be nice, but...I think I'd want something more. ★
Wow, I can't even enjoy one day at the beach without you ordering me around... H-hey, come on, now! You know I'm kidding! ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
へへっ ★
南の島ってのもいいもんだな。 ★
うわっ…! やけに冷えてるな。それ、飲み物か? ★
あいつらもはしゃいじまって大変だったろ? 俺は大人しくしてるぜ。 ★
ふぁーあ…。とりあえず日陰で昼寝でもするか。 ★
日が暮れたら浜辺で宴だ! きっと最高だぜ。 ★
世界中がこの島みたいに平和だったら…いや、俺には少し物足りないかもな。 ★
休暇のときまで上官のあんたの顔を見るなんて…って、冗談だよ。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Bright idea!
That way, huh?
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Claude: Tropical Trouble has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Hold on, I never— Would you stop
and listen to me for... Gah!

Claude: Tropical Trouble,