General | Quotes | Misc | Heroic Ordeal |
Summoning[ | ]
I am Chrom, of the Halidom of Ylisse. It is my duty as the exalt to wield this power for all those who seek peace!
俺はイーリス聖王国のクロム。 平和を求める人々の声を力に変えて、 聖王たる務めを果たす!
Castle[ | ]
Emm... This was the correct path to follow, right?
姉さん…… これで、よかったんだよな。
Ah! I'm sorry, did I startle you? It's surprisingly difficult to gauge my strength with this armor on...
ああっ、すまん驚かせたか!? この鎧姿でいると、気が入りすぎてしまう。 力の勘どころが意外と難しいのだ……
Ylissean armor symbolizes justice. If I am to live up to that idea, I must refrain from any rash behavior.
イーリス聖王の鎧装束は正義の証。 軽率な振る舞いは慎まねばならない。 覚悟はしている。
I will cross oceans and even time itself for the sake of a peaceful world. That is why I have this power.
平和を求める人々のために、俺の力はある。 海を越え、時を超え、自分の正義を信じて 戦いぬくだけだ……!
I remember this malevolence... Is the Fell Dragon here?!
これは……! 邪竜の気配か……?
Friend greeting[ | ]
I'm not suited to acting like a king, so I think I'll accompany you on your rounds for a while, if that's OK.
王として振る舞うのは窮屈でかなわん。 見回りでもするのが俺の性には合っている。 というわけで、しばらくお邪魔させてもらう。
Leveling up[ | ]
+[4,5] points[ | ]
Even if a future of despair is all that awaits us, we will believe in each other and fight! We will change fate!
たとえ絶望の未来が待ち受けていようと 俺たちは仲間を信じて戦う! そして変えてみせる……運命を!
+[2,3] points[ | ]
I will not let anyone else be lost. That is what I fight for, and why I must win!
俺の前でもう誰も、失わせない。 そのために勝つ!
+[0,1] points[ | ]
So this is my limit right now... Still, I won't give up, no matter what!
……やってしまったのはわかる。 だがどんなときでも、俺はあきらめない!
Ally Growth[ | ]
I will carry the hopes and prayers of all my friends. I swear it on the holy name of the Halidom of Ylisse.
仲間の想いを受け止めよう。 聖なるイーリスの名に誓って。
5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]
Oops! I bump into you a lot, don't I? I'm sorry, but could you spare a bit of your time while we're here?
It's just... It's no good. No matter what I try, I can't seem to sit still.
It isn't as if I'm hoping for a battle, but... Well, I think I must be too accustomed to fighting.
I enjoyed leading the Shepherds and never intended to become a ruler... but fate can have unexpected plans.
No matter the world, life never seems to go as we expect it to. Still, my friends and I fought against that.
Guided by the bonds I had formed with all of them, I vowed to change our dark future—to change our fate!
In truth, I know that prayer alone cannot prevail against power. But my heart tells me something else.
People's wishes, their pleas for help... They are never in vain. I will believe in that for as long as I live.
If there is a name for that feeling, it must be justice. I'm sure you have your own justice that you believe in.
So, let us each live our lives to the fullest, to protect those feelings as we carry them in our hearts.
おっと! よくぶつかるな。すまん。
俺がよくないのだ、じっと落ち着けない。 戦いを求めているわけではないが…… 戦いに慣れ過ぎたのかもしれん。
王になどなるつもりはなかったんだ。 自警団の団長くらいが性に合っていた…… だが……運命はそれを許さなかった。
何者かの思い通りになる世界などない。 そう信じて、絆で結ばれた皆と戦った。 絶望の未来、運命を変えると誓って……!
実際、祈りや想いだけでは力には勝てん。 それでも、人の願いは……希望は砕けん。 俺のゆずれない信念だ。
それを正義と呼ぶのだと、俺は思う。 お前にも、お前の信じる正義があるはずだ。 そのためにお互い、精一杯生きていこう。
Attack[ | ]
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Damage[ | ]
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Special trigger[ | ]
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This should do it! | |
Believe in me. | |
Coming through! | |
How about this? |
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Defeat[ | ]
Audio | Transcription |
Is this how it ends? |
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Status page[ | ]
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
1 | |
This is the armor of a Great Lord. It takes a lot of training to earn this, and to wear it well!
1 | |
*surprise* Don't strike me out of the blue, friend. Even with this armor, it still hurts!
1 | |
If my power can be used to promote peace, then I will happily go wherever I am needed.
1 | |
You think Lucina takes after me? I'm not sure what to say...
4 | |
Another training dummy. Damn. Hope they're not in short supply.
4 | |
For the good of the people, no matter who or where they are. Isn't that right, Emmeryn?
5 | |
You called on me. Now it's my turn to live up to that, and do my part.
5 |
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
1 | |
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うおっ!? いきなり叩くな。鎧越しとはいえ痛いぞ。
1 | |
1 | |
ルキナは俺に似ているのだろうか? 自分ではわからん…
4 | |
4 | |
5 | |
5 |
Turn action[ | ]
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Message received. | |
Your orders? | |
I'll handle this. |
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Map selection[ | ]
Audio | Transcription |
You are yourself. |
Story appearances
― Chrom: Fated Honor, Weave of Fate/Story |