General | Quotes | Misc | Heroic Ordeal |
Summoning[ | ]
I am Chrom of Ylisse. It is my pleasure to take part in the Day of Devotion with my companion Robin.
イーリス聖王国のクロムだ。 俺の半身、ルフレと一緒に 愛の祭りに参加させてもらうぞ。
Castle[ | ]
Chrom: Putting your life on the line to protect those most precious to you... I think there could be no greater act of love.
クロム: 大切な人々を命をかけて守る。 俺にとっての愛とは そういうものなのかもしれないな。
Robin: Having someone to express your love to is an amazing thing. There IS more to life than constant battle!
ルフレ: 愛を伝える相手がいるというのは 幸せなことだね。戦う相手しかいない 世界よりも…ずっといい。
Robin: I made sure to research what everyone wanted as a gift. It's a special occasion, after all.
ルフレ: 贈り物は事前に調査して 揃えておいたよ。せっかくだから みんなには喜んでほしいからね。
Chrom: My sister loved her people. She led with warmth and benevolence. I plan on following her example.
クロム: 民に注がれる姉さんの愛は 温かく慈しみ深かった… 俺も見習いたいものだ。
Chrom: Does Robin like these clothes? I find them somewhat embarrassing, but he wears them so well, and so proudly...
クロム: この衣装、少々気恥ずかしいな。 ルフレは気に入っているのか? やけに堂々と着こなしているな…
Friend greeting[ | ]
Robin: Hello! I come bearing an invitation to the Day of Devotion, compliments of
ルフレ: やあ、【Summoner】
。 【Friend】
から 愛の祭りの招待状を持って来たよ。
Leveling up[ | ]
+[4,5] points[ | ]
Chrom: Even fate can be changed by love!
クロム: 想いの力が運命を変える!
+[2,3] points[ | ]
Robin: Hmm... I suppose this is OK, but I can do better. I just want my strategy to prove useful to Chrom.
ルフレ: うまくいきそうだね。僕の策が クロムの役に立ってうれしいよ。
+[0,1] points[ | ]
Chrom: Urgh. Was I not grateful enough?
クロム: くっ、感謝の気持ちが 空回りし過ぎたか…
Ally Growth[ | ]
Robin: I can feel your love through this. You are a skillful leader indeed.
ルフレ: 見事な采配だね。 君の愛を感じるよ。
5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]
Chrom: Phew. Did we get to everyone? I'd never have guessed that showing we cared would be so...difficult.
I think I'm more used to swinging a blade than delivering gifts. I'm more exhausted than I should be.
Robin: Hmm. Maybe the Shepherds' only goal isn't just protecting people from their enemies...
Perhaps their role is also to support and care for those they protect, so everyone can live happily, in peace.
At least...that's what I think...
Chrom: Protect not just their lives, but their happiness as well? I think you may be on to something, Robin.
It's a noble goal, ensuring that those we care for feel supported. I will hold that in my heart from now on.
クロム: よし、これで全部か。 感謝の品はなんとか配り終えたようだな。 なかなかに骨が折れた…
剣は振り慣れているが、贈り物を 配り歩くのはあまり経験がなくてな。 いつもより気疲れしたな…
ルフレ: 自警団というのは 敵から民を守ることだけが 目的ではないのかもしれないよ。
民が穏やかな日々を送り 未来への希望を持てるように 支えること…
それもまた、自警団の 役目のひとつじゃないかと思うんだ。 少なくとも、僕はね。
クロム: 皆の笑顔を守るために備える、か。 そうだな、クロム自警団の目的として 胸に刻んでおこう。
Attack[ | ]
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Hah! | |
Take this! |
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| |
Damage[ | ]
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Wagh! | |
I failed... |
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Special trigger[ | ]
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Duo: A token of our thanks! | |
Duo: Let's talk about... Our feelings! | |
Chrom: A gift for you. | |
Robin: Will this do? |
Audio | Transcription |
二人: 感謝の印だ
| |
二人: 俺たちの 気持ちを
| |
クロム: 贈り物だ
| |
ルフレ: これはどうかな
Defeat[ | ]
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Not very...thoughtful... |
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Status page[ | ]
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
Hm... |
- | |
• "Who should we give this to?" |
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Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
ふう… |
- | |
「どれを誰に渡すんだ?」「間違えちゃだめだよ」 |
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Turn action[ | ]
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I wonder... | |
Let's go say hello. | |
I'm grateful to you. |
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| |
Cohort supporting[ | ]
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Be careful. | |
Think of the plan. |
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Duo Skill[ | ]
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• "It's the Day of Devotion!" | |
• "Lean on me." |
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Duo conversation[ | ]
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Robin: There's Lissa, Emmeryn, Lucina, Frederick... I think we've got gifts for everyone. Don't we? | |
Chrom: Well, all but one. What would you like your gift to be, Robin? | |
Robin: What? Me? You can't just come out and ask like that, you know. There are rules! | |
Chrom: You know I don't care about that. Just tell me what you want. | |
Robin: Truthfully...I can't think of anything. | |
Chrom: You don't want anything? Aw, come on. Think of the bind that puts me in. | |
Robin: You gave my life meaning when I had nothing—not even my memory. | |
The sense of purpose I've found at your side, working for peace in the world, is all I could ever ask for. | |
Chrom: You're not alone in that, you know. I feel the same way. | |
That's why I wanted to give you something nice. To show you how I feel. | |
Robin: All right, all right. In that case, why don't you give me one of those flowers you're wearing? | |
Chrom: It's only going to wilt. | |
Robin: I'll press it into one of my books. That way I'll never forget this Day of Devotion. | |
Chrom: You're too easy to please. If only Lissa could learn that from you. | |
Speaking of, I'd better start passing out these gifts. | |
Robin: Don't be shy about it, Chrom. Remember, the whole point of this is to show your gratitude. | |
Chrom: I know, I know. No need to nag me, I'm not a child. | |
Robin: Hahaha... |
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ルフレ: これがリズでこれがエメリナ様、 ルキナ、フレデリク…。 贈り物はこれで全部そろった?
| |
クロム: いや、お前の分がまだだ。 ルフレ、欲しいものはなんだ?
| |
ルフレ: えっ、僕の分? あっ… っていうかその聞き方… 君、ロマンってものがないよね…
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クロム: いいから何が欲しいか言え。
| |
ルフレ: そう言われても…。 欲しいものなんて特にないなあ。
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クロム: それじゃあ俺が困る。本当に何もないのか?
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ルフレ: うん。クロム、君は記憶を失った僕に、 生きる意味を与えてくれた。 本当に感謝してる。
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君と一緒に平和な世界を作るために 生きていける。 僕はそれで十分だよ。
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クロム: そう言われると…それは俺も同じだ。 お前にはいくら感謝しても足りない。
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だからこそ、この機会に 何か形で示したいと思ったんだが…
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ルフレ: ああ、 じゃあ、その衣装についてる花を 一輪もらえる?
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クロム: これか? すぐ枯れてしまうぞ。
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ルフレ: 戦術書に挟んで押し花にしておくよ。 愛の祭りの思い出に。
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クロム: まったく、お前は無欲だな。 リズなんてあれが欲しいこれが欲しいと うるさいくらいなのに。
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さて、そろそろみんなに贈り物を 渡しにいくとするか。
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ルフレ: クロム、ちゃんと照れずに 感謝を伝えながら渡すんだよ。 わかってる?
| |
クロム: わかってるさ。子供扱いするな。
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ルフレ: ふふふ…
Story appearances
― Chrom: Fate-Defying Duo, Inside All Along/Story |