Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Choose Your Legends: Round 9 was the ninth Choose Your Legends event (Official website) which was held between and .

Units with tallied votes[ | ]

Certain Heroes from multiple titles have their votes tallied together.[1] When any of these are the victor, the Choose Your Legends outfit are based on the title that received the most votes.

In general, Heroes appearing in Icon MiniUnit Head 1 Shadow Dragon / (New) Mystery, Heroes appearing in both Icon MiniUnit Head 3 Genealogy of the Holy War and Icon MiniUnit Head 4 Thracia 776, Heroes appearing in both Icon MiniUnit Head 8 Path of Radiance and Icon MiniUnit Head 9 Radiant Dawn, and Heroes from Icon MiniUnit Head 12 Three Houses (Academy Arc, War Arc and Warriors: Three Hopes) are tallied together. On the other hands, Heroes appearing in both Icon MiniUnit Head 5 The Binding Blade and Icon MiniUnit Head 6 The Blazing Blade are *not* tallied together.

Some exceptions include Heroes adopting an alias, such as Camus/Sirius, and Heroes with a drastic personality change. Note that only the Annas from Icon MiniUnit Head 1 Shadow Dragon / (New) Mystery are tallied together. For a full list, refer to the previous event.

Voting restrictions[ | ]

Winners from previous Choose Your Legends events cannot be voted for. This includes:

Results[ | ]

Interim results[ | ]

The results 2 days into voting are the following:[2][3]

Top 20 males[ | ]

The results were initially ordered alphabetically, but are here ranked by game to provides a better insight.

Image Name Titles
CYL Eikthyrnir Heroes Eikþyrnir Heroes
CYL Sigurd Genealogy of the Holy War Sigurd Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Leif Thracia 776 Leif Genealogy of the Holy War
Thracia 776
CYL Reinhardt Thracia 776 Reinhardt Thracia 776
CYL Fomortiis The Sacred Stones Fomortiis The Sacred Stones
CYL Lyon The Sacred Stones Lyon The Sacred Stones
CYL Black Knight Path of Radiance Black Knight Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Corrin male Fates Corrin (male) Fates
CYL Leo Fates Leo Fates
CYL Takumi Fates Takumi Fates
CYL Ashe Three Houses War Arc Ashe Three Houses (Academy Arc, War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Byleth male Three Houses Academy Arc Byleth (male) Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Sylvain Three Houses War Arc Sylvain Three Houses (Academy Arc, War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Yuri Three Houses War Arc Yuri Three Houses (Academy Arc, War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Shez male Warriors Three Hopes Shez (male) Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Alcryst Engage Alcryst Engage
CYL Alear male Engage Alear (male) Engage
CYL Diamant Engage Diamant Engage
CYL Itsuki Chrom Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore Itsuki & Chrom Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
CYL Touma Cain Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore Touma & Cain Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore

Top 20 females[ | ]

Image Name Titles
CYL Baldr Heroes Baldr Heroes
CYL Freyja Heroes Freyja Heroes
CYL Hodr Heroes Höðr Heroes
CYL Sharena Heroes Sharena Heroes
CYL Caeda Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon Caeda Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Lilina The Binding Blade Lilina The Binding Blade
CYL Nino The Blazing Blade Nino The Blazing Blade
CYL Elincia Radiant Dawn Elincia Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Mia Radiant Dawn Mia Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Tharja Awakening Tharja Awakening
CYL Azura Fates Azura Fates
CYL Dorothea Three Houses War Arc Dorothea Three Houses (Academy Arc, War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Hilda Three Houses War Arc Hilda Three Houses (Academy Arc, War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Shez female Warriors Three Hopes Shez (female) Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Alear female Engage Alear (female) Engage
CYL Ivy Engage Ivy Engage
CYL Lapis Engage Lapis Engage
CYL Veyle Engage Veyle Engage
CYL Yunaka Engage Yunaka Engage
CYL Tsubasa Caeda Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore Tsubasa & Caeda Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore

Top 5 Icon MiniUnit Head 0 Heroes[ | ]

Image Name
CYL Baldr Heroes Baldr
CYL Eikthyrnir Heroes Eikþyrnir
CYL Freyja Heroes Freyja
CYL Hodr Heroes Höðr
CYL Sharena Heroes Sharena

Top 5 Icon MiniUnit Head 1 Shadow Dragon / (New) Mystery[ | ]

Image Name Image Name
CYL Caeda Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon Caeda CYL Caeda Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem Caeda
CYL Catria Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon Catria CYL Clarisse Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem Clarisse
CYL Minerva Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon Minerva CYL Katarina Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem Katarina
CYL Navarre Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon Navarre CYL Kris female Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem Kris (female)
CYL Tiki Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon Tiki CYL Kris male Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem Kris (male)

Top 5 Icon MiniUnit Head 2 Echoes[ | ]

Image Name
CYL Berkut Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia Berkut
CYL Catria Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia Catria
CYL Delthea Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia Delthea
CYL Faye Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia Faye
CYL Mae Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia Mae

Top 5 Icon MiniUnit Head 3 Genealogy of the Holy War / Icon MiniUnit Head 4 Thracia 776[ | ]

Image Name Image Name
CYL Arvis Genealogy of the Holy War Late Story Arvis CYL Finn Thracia 776 Finn
CYL Ayra Genealogy of the Holy War Ayra CYL Leif Thracia 776 Leif
CYL Finn Genealogy of the Holy War Early Story Finn CYL Mareeta Thracia 776 Mareeta
CYL Julia Genealogy of the Holy War Julia CYL Olwen Thracia 776 Olwen
CYL Sigurd Genealogy of the Holy War Sigurd CYL Reinhardt Thracia 776 Reinhardt

Top 5 Icon MiniUnit Head 5 The Binding Blade / Icon MiniUnit Head 6 The Blazing Blade[ | ]

Image Name Image Name
CYL Fae The Binding Blade Fae CYL Athos The Blazing Blade Athos
CYL Idunn The Binding Blade Idunn CYL Guy The Blazing Blade Guy
CYL Lilina The Binding Blade Lilina CYL Matthew The Blazing Blade Matthew
CYL Rutger The Binding Blade Rutger CYL Ninian The Blazing Blade Ninian
CYL Wolt The Binding Blade Wolt CYL Nino The Blazing Blade Nino

Top 5 Icon MiniUnit Head 7 The Sacred Stones[ | ]

Image Name
CYL Fomortiis The Sacred Stones Fomortiis
CYL Lute The Sacred Stones Lute
CYL Lyon The Sacred Stones Lyon
CYL Marisa The Sacred Stones Marisa
CYL Seth The Sacred Stones Seth

Top 5 Icon MiniUnit Head 8 Path of Radiance / Icon MiniUnit Head 9 Radiant Dawn[ | ]

Image Name Image Name
CYL Black Knight Path of Radiance Black Knight CYL Black Knight Radiant Dawn Black Knight
CYL Elincia Path of Radiance Elincia CYL Elincia Radiant Dawn Elincia
CYL Mia Path of Radiance Mia CYL Mia Radiant Dawn Mia
CYL Nephenee Path of Radiance Nephenee CYL Nephenee Radiant Dawn Nephenee
CYL Stefan Path of Radiance Stefan CYL Zelgius Radiant Dawn Zelgius

Top 5 Icon MiniUnit Head 10 Awakening[ | ]

Image Name
CYL Cordelia Awakening Cordelia
CYL Grima Awakening Grima
CYL Morgan female Awakening Morgan (female)
CYL Nowi Awakening Nowi
CYL Tharja Awakening Tharja

Top 5 Icon MiniUnit Head 11 Fates[ | ]

Image Name
CYL Azura Fates Azura
CYL Corrin male Fates Corrin (male)
CYL Leo Fates Leo
CYL Takumi Fates Takumi
CYL Xander Fates Xander

Top 5 Icon MiniUnit Head 12 Three Houses / Three Hopes[ | ]

Image Name Image Name
CYL Byleth male Three Houses Academy Arc Byleth (male) CYL Byleth male Warriors Three Hopes Byleth (male)
CYL Hilda Three Houses War Arc Hilda CYL Hilda Warriors Three Hopes Hilda
CYL Dorothea Three Houses War Arc Dorothea CYL Shez female Warriors Three Hopes Shez (female)
CYL Sylvain Three Houses War Arc Sylvain CYL Shez male Warriors Three Hopes Shez (male)
CYL Yuri Three Houses War Arc Yuri CYL Yuri Warriors Three Hopes Yuri

Top 5 Icon MiniUnit Head 14 Engage[ | ]

Image Name
CYL Alear female Engage Alear (female)
CYL Alear male Engage Alear (male)
CYL Diamant Engage Diamant
CYL Ivy Engage Ivy
CYL Yunaka Engage Yunaka

Top 5 Icon MiniUnit Head 13 Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore[ | ]

Image Name
CYL Itsuki Chrom Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore Itsuki & Chrom
CYL Maiko Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore Maiko
CYL Tiki Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore Tiki
CYL Touma Cain Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore Touma & Cain
CYL Tsubasa Caeda Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore Tsubasa & Caeda

Final results[ | ]

Image Rank Name Votes
CYL Eikthyrnir Heroes 1 Eikþyrnir 15,138
CYL Byleth male Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Byleth male Warriors Three Hopes
2 Byleth (male) 14,345
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Sharena Heroes 3 Sharena 11,381
CYL Baldr Heroes 4 Baldr 11,158
CYL Sigurd Genealogy of the Holy War 5 Sigurd 10,597
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Azura Fates 6 Azura 9,260
CYL Fomortiis The Sacred Stones 7 Fomortiis 9,066
The Sacred Stones
CYL Ivy Engage 8 Ivy 8,748
CYL Tsubasa Caeda Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 9 Tsubasa & Caeda 7,155
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Yunaka Engage 10 Yunaka 7,048
CYL Alear female Engage 11 Alear (female) 6,480
CYL Sylvain Three Houses War Arc
CYL Sylvain Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Sylvain Warriors Three Hopes
12 Sylvain 5,611
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Black Knight Path of Radiance
CYL Black Knight Radiant Dawn
13 Black Knight 5,221
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Hilda Three Houses War Arc
CYL Hilda Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Hilda Warriors Three Hopes
14 Hilda 4,560
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Tharja Awakening 15 Tharja 4,172
CYL Diamant Engage 16 Diamant 4,117
CYL Leif Thracia 776
CYL Leif Genealogy of the Holy War
17 Leif 3,783
Thracia 776
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Freyja Heroes 18 Freyja 3,458
CYL Itsuki Chrom Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 19 Itsuki & Chrom 3,426
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Dorothea Three Houses War Arc
CYL Dorothea Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Dorothea Warriors Three Hopes
20 Dorothea 3,213
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Yuri Three Houses War Arc
CYL Yuri Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Yuri Warriors Three Hopes
21 Yuri 3,184
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Corrin male Fates 22 Corrin (male) 3,012
CYL Hodr Heroes 23 Höðr 2,605
CYL Elincia Radiant Dawn
CYL Elincia Path of Radiance
24 Elincia 2,591
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Alear male Engage 25 Alear (male) 2,569
CYL Veyle Engage 26 Veyle 2,567
CYL Touma Cain Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 27 Touma & Cain 2,421
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Takumi Fates 28 Takumi 2,404
CYL Lyon The Sacred Stones 29 Lyon 2,298
The Sacred Stones
CYL Mia Radiant Dawn
CYL Mia Path of Radiance
30 Mia 2,279
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Shez male Warriors Three Hopes 31 Shez (male) 2,237
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Alcryst Engage 32 Alcryst 2,228
CYL Ashe Three Houses War Arc
CYL Ashe Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Ashe Warriors Three Hopes
33 Ashe 2,154
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Leo Fates 34 Leo 2,064
CYL Shez female Warriors Three Hopes 35 Shez (female) 2,038
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Lapis Engage 36 Lapis 1,913
CYL Nino The Blazing Blade 37 Nino 1,885
The Blazing Blade
CYL Lilina The Binding Blade 38 Lilina 1,869
The Binding Blade
CYL Caeda Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Caeda Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
39 Caeda 1,760
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Grima Awakening 40 Grima 1,473
CYL Nephenee Radiant Dawn
CYL Nephenee Path of Radiance
41 Nephenee 1,373
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Reinhardt Thracia 776 42 Reinhardt 1,348
Thracia 776
CYL Fjorm Heroes 43 Fjorm 1,274
CYL Ingrid Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Ingrid Three Houses War Arc
CYL Ingrid Warriors Three Hopes
44 Ingrid 1,230
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Three Houses (War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Hubert Three Houses War Arc
CYL Hubert Warriors Three Hopes
CYL Hubert Three Houses Academy Arc
45 Hubert 1,185
Three Houses (War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Berkut Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 46 Berkut 1,109
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Cordelia Awakening 47 Cordelia 1,077
CYL Guy The Blazing Blade 48 Guy 1,073
The Blazing Blade
CYL Celine Engage 49 Céline 1,046
CYL Finn Genealogy of the Holy War Early Story
CYL Finn Thracia 776
CYL Finn Genealogy of the Holy War Late Story
50 Finn 1,045
Genealogy of the Holy War
Thracia 776
CYL Morgan female Awakening 51 Morgan (female) 1,043
CYL Ninian The Blazing Blade 52 Ninian 1,020
The Blazing Blade
CYL Alfred Engage 53 Alfred 1,017
CYL Annette Three Houses War Arc
CYL Annette Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Annette Warriors Three Hopes
54 Annette 998
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Nidhoggr Heroes 55 Níðhöggr 955
CYL Goldmary Engage 56 Goldmary 950
CYL Stefan Radiant Dawn
CYL Stefan Path of Radiance
57 Stefan 939
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Timerra Engage 58 Timerra 921
CYL Etie Engage 59 Etie 895
CYL Xander Fates 60 Xander 893
CYL Nowi Awakening 61 Nowi 873
CYL Nel Engage 62 Nel 853
CYL Maiko Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 62 Maiko 853
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Catria Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Catria Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia
CYL Catria Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
63 Catria 840
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Rosado Engage 64 Rosado 828
CYL Mercedes Three Houses War Arc
CYL Mercedes Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Mercedes Warriors Three Hopes
65 Mercedes 815
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Petra Three Houses War Arc
CYL Petra Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Petra Warriors Three Hopes
66 Petra 809
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Henry Awakening 67 Henry 792
CYL Linhardt Three Houses War Arc
CYL Linhardt Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Linhardt Warriors Three Hopes
68 Linhardt 775
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Sothis Three Houses Academy Arc 69 Sothis 731
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Lonqu Awakening 70 Lon'qu 720
CYL Ayra Genealogy of the Holy War 71 Ayra 712
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Anna Awakening 72 Anna 706
CYL Sakura Fates 73 Sakura 695
CYL Nil Engage 74 Nil 694
CYL Tiki Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 75 Tiki 685
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Owain Awakening 76 Owain 676
CYL Hapi Three Houses War Arc
CYL Hapi Warriors Three Hopes
CYL Hapi Three Houses Academy Arc
77 Hapi 673
Three Houses (War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Citrinne Engage 78 Citrinne 664
CYL Ferdinand Three Houses War Arc
CYL Ferdinand Warriors Three Hopes
CYL Ferdinand Three Houses Academy Arc
79 Ferdinand 661
Three Houses (War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Rhea Three Houses Academy Arc 79 Rhea 661
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Tiki Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Tiki Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
80 Tiki 654
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Constance Three Houses War Arc
CYL Constance Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Constance Warriors Three Hopes
81 Constance 649
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Scarlet Fates 82 Scarlet 648
CYL Athos The Blazing Blade 83 Athos 645
The Blazing Blade
CYL Marisa The Sacred Stones 84 Marisa 627
The Sacred Stones
CYL Arvis Genealogy of the Holy War Late Story
CYL Arvis Genealogy of the Holy War Early Story
85 Arvis 623
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Julia Genealogy of the Holy War 86 Julia 614
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Lorenz Three Houses War Arc
CYL Lorenz Warriors Three Hopes
CYL Lorenz Three Houses Academy Arc
87 Lorenz 602
Three Houses (War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Seth The Sacred Stones 88 Seth 593
The Sacred Stones
CYL Lute The Sacred Stones 89 Lute 585
The Sacred Stones
CYL Mist Radiant Dawn
CYL Mist Path of Radiance
90 Mist 582
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Lif Heroes 91 Líf 577
CYL Loki Heroes 92 Loki 573
CYL Zelgius Radiant Dawn
CYL Zelgius Path of Radiance
93 Zelgius 572
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Ranulf Radiant Dawn
CYL Ranulf Path of Radiance
94 Ranulf 568
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Rodrigue Three Houses Academy Arc 95 Rodrigue 561
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Felicia Fates 96 Felicia 558
CYL Ishtar Genealogy of the Holy War 97 Ishtar 557
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Panette Engage 98 Panette 550
CYL Bruno Heroes 99 Bruno 542
CYL Heidrun Heroes 99 Heiðrún 542
CYL Leonie Three Houses War Arc
CYL Leonie Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Leonie Warriors Three Hopes
100 Leonie 541
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Amber Engage 101 Amber 538
CYL Pandreo Engage 102 Pandreo 537
CYL Yashiro Navarre Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 103 Yashiro & Navarre 535
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Nerthuz Heroes 103 Nerþuz 535
CYL Caspar Three Houses War Arc
CYL Caspar Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Caspar Warriors Three Hopes
104 Caspar 525
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Minerva Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Minerva Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
105 Minerva 523
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Hortensia Engage 106 Hortensia 522
CYL Shamir Three Houses Academy Arc 106 Shamir 522
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Myrrh The Sacred Stones 107 Myrrh 521
The Sacred Stones
CYL LArachel The Sacred Stones 108 L'Arachel 519
The Sacred Stones
CYL Chloe Engage 109 Chloé 514
CYL Katarina Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 109 Katarina 514
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Delthea Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 110 Delthea 513
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Severa Awakening 111 Severa 510
CYL Zelkov Engage 112 Zelkov 508
CYL Dedue Three Houses War Arc
CYL Dedue Warriors Three Hopes
CYL Dedue Three Houses Academy Arc
112 Dedue 508
Three Houses (War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Soleil Fates 113 Soleil 501
CYL Boucheron Engage 114 Boucheron 497
CYL Ryoma Fates 115 Ryoma 494
CYL Anna Heroes 116 Anna 493
CYL Matthew The Blazing Blade 116 Matthew 493
The Blazing Blade
CYL Seidr Heroes 117 Seiðr 481
CYL Anna Engage 117 Anna 481
CYL Laegjarn Heroes 118 Laegjarn 475
CYL Joshua The Sacred Stones 119 Joshua 462
The Sacred Stones
CYL Elise Fates 120 Elise 459
CYL Plumeria Heroes 121 Plumeria 455
CYL Mae Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 121 Mae 455
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Fae The Binding Blade 122 Fae 454
The Binding Blade
CYL Beruka Fates 123 Beruka 453
CYL Palla Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia
CYL Palla Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Palla Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
124 Palla 448
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Sumia Awakening 125 Sumia 441
CYL Altina Radiant Dawn 126 Altina 434
Radiant Dawn
CYL Fogado Engage 127 Fogado 431
CYL Navarre Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Navarre Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
128 Navarre 424
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Wolt The Binding Blade 129 Wolt 416
The Binding Blade
CYL Amelia The Sacred Stones 129 Amelia 416
The Sacred Stones
CYL Selkie Fates 130 Selkie 412
CYL Shinon Path of Radiance
CYL Shinon Radiant Dawn
131 Shinon 411
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Xane Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Xane Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
132 Xane 404
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Inigo Awakening 133 Inigo 402
CYL Tibarn Radiant Dawn
CYL Tibarn Path of Radiance
133 Tibarn 402
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Volug Radiant Dawn 134 Volug 396
Radiant Dawn
CYL Idunn The Binding Blade 135 Idunn 394
The Binding Blade
CYL Jeritza Three Houses Academy Arc 136 Jeritza 393
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Hinoka Fates 137 Hinoka 391
CYL Boyd Radiant Dawn
CYL Boyd Path of Radiance
138 Boyd 388
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Jade Engage 139 Jade 382
CYL Titania Path of Radiance
CYL Titania Radiant Dawn
140 Titania 381
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Franz The Sacred Stones 141 Franz 380
The Sacred Stones
CYL Merrin Engage 142 Merrin 372
CYL Arval Warriors Three Hopes 143 Arval 370
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Framme Engage 144 Framme 369
CYL Ilyana Path of Radiance
CYL Ilyana Radiant Dawn
145 Ilyana 367
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Eldigan Genealogy of the Holy War 145 Eldigan 367
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Griss Engage 146 Griss 356
CYL Morgan male Awakening 147 Morgan (male) 354
CYL Faye Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 148 Faye 353
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Sophia The Binding Blade 149 Sophia 352
The Binding Blade
CYL Gaius Awakening 150 Gaius 350
CYL Kris male Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 151 Kris (male) 348
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Mitama Fates 151 Mitama 348
CYL Olivia Awakening 152 Olivia 346
CYL Rutger The Binding Blade 152 Rutger 346
The Binding Blade
CYL Ogma Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Ogma Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
153 Ogma 341
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Shura Fates 153 Shura 341
CYL Fir The Binding Blade 154 Fir 336
The Binding Blade
CYL Kagetsu Engage 155 Kagetsu 333
CYL Tormod Radiant Dawn
CYL Tormod Path of Radiance
156 Tormod 330
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Lissa Awakening 156 Lissa 330
CYL Askr Heroes 156 Askr 330
CYL Peri Fates 156 Peri 330
CYL Sothe Radiant Dawn
CYL Sothe Path of Radiance
157 Sothe 327
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Niles Fates 158 Niles 325
CYL Oifey Genealogy of the Holy War Late Story
CYL Oifey Genealogy of the Holy War Early Story
159 Oifey 319
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Thorr Heroes 160 Thórr 314
CYL Kieran Path of Radiance
CYL Kieran Radiant Dawn
160 Kieran 314
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Ash Heroes 160 Ash 314
CYL Raven The Blazing Blade 161 Raven 307
The Blazing Blade
CYL Jean Engage 162 Jean 305
CYL Florina The Blazing Blade 163 Florina 304
The Blazing Blade
CYL Rinea Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 164 Rinea 303
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Hrid Heroes 165 Hríd 302
CYL Manuela Three Houses Academy Arc 166 Manuela 299
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Lumera Engage 167 Lumera 298
CYL Clair Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 168 Clair 295
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Cherche Awakening 169 Cherche 294
CYL Donnel Awakening 169 Donnel 294
CYL Louis Engage 169 Louis 294
CYL Lucius The Blazing Blade 170 Lucius 292
The Blazing Blade
CYL Kris female Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 171 Kris (female) 289
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Kagero Fates 172 Kagero 287
CYL Jill Radiant Dawn
CYL Jill Path of Radiance
173 Jill 286
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Garcia The Sacred Stones 173 Garcia 286
The Sacred Stones
CYL Janaff Path of Radiance
CYL Janaff Radiant Dawn
173 Janaff 286
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Kiria Tharja Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 174 Kiria & Tharja 285
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Hraesvelgr Heroes 175 Hræsvelgr 284
CYL Deirdre Genealogy of the Holy War 176 Deirdre 276
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Sanaki Radiant Dawn
CYL Sanaki Path of Radiance
176 Sanaki 276
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Ophelia Fates 177 Ophelia 274
CYL Setsuna Fates 178 Setsuna 273
CYL Mareeta Thracia 776 179 Mareeta 272
Thracia 776
CYL Tana The Sacred Stones 180 Tana 269
The Sacred Stones
CYL Mauvier Engage 181 Mauvier 268
CYL Charlotte Fates 182 Charlotte 266
CYL Clarisse Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 183 Clarisse 265
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Lachesis Genealogy of the Holy War 184 Lachesis 264
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Ced Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Ced Thracia 776
185 Ced 263
Genealogy of the Holy War
Thracia 776
CYL Elena Path of Radiance 185 Elena 263
Path of Radiance
CYL Aran Radiant Dawn 186 Aran 260
Radiant Dawn
CYL Larcei Genealogy of the Holy War 187 Larcei 259
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Python Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 187 Python 259
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Hana Fates 188 Hana 257
CYL Rune Heroes 188 Rune 257
CYL Gregory Engage 189 Gregory 256
CYL Lewyn Genealogy of the Holy War 189 Lewyn 256
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Ratatoskr Heroes 190 Ratatoskr 253
CYL Jakob Fates 191 Jakob 251
CYL Henriette Heroes 192 Henriette 249
CYL Linoan Thracia 776 193 Linoan 245
Thracia 776
CYL Ismaire The Sacred Stones 194 Ismaire 243
The Sacred Stones
CYL Wrys Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Wrys Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
194 Wrys 243
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Hisame Fates 194 Hisame 243
CYL Seteth Three Houses Academy Arc 195 Seteth 242
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Seiros Three Houses War Arc 196 Seiros 240
Three Houses (War Arc)
CYL Almedha Radiant Dawn 197 Almedha 239
Radiant Dawn
CYL Madeline Engage 198 Madeline 237
CYL Laevatein Heroes 198 Laevatein 237
CYL Gordin Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Gordin Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
199 Gordin 236
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Serra The Blazing Blade 199 Serra 236
The Blazing Blade
CYL Meg Radiant Dawn 200 Meg 233
Radiant Dawn
CYL Lana Genealogy of the Holy War 201 Lana 232
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Kaze Fates 201 Kaze 232
CYL Lloyd The Blazing Blade 202 Lloyd 230
The Blazing Blade
CYL Clanne Engage 203 Clanne 227
CYL Jaffar The Blazing Blade 204 Jaffar 225
The Blazing Blade
CYL Gunnthra Heroes 204 Gunnthrá 225
CYL Nifl Heroes 205 Nifl 223
CYL Linde Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Linde Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
205 Linde 223
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Kliff Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 205 Kliff 223
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Kvasir Heroes 206 Kvasir 222
CYL Elm Heroes 207 Elm 220
CYL Fafnir Heroes 208 Fáfnir 218
CYL Canas The Blazing Blade 209 Canas 216
The Blazing Blade
CYL Eir Heroes 209 Eir 216
CYL Etzel Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Etzel Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
210 Etzel 214
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Lukas Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 211 Lukas 213
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Barry Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 212 Barry 211
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Ignatz Three Houses War Arc
CYL Ignatz Warriors Three Hopes
CYL Ignatz Three Houses Academy Arc
213 Ignatz 210
Three Houses (War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Rinkah Fates 214 Rinkah 208
CYL Eve Engage 215 Ève 206
CYL Julius Genealogy of the Holy War 216 Julius 205
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Olwen Thracia 776 216 Olwen 205
Thracia 776
CYL Shanna The Binding Blade 216 Shanna 205
The Binding Blade
CYL Haar Radiant Dawn
CYL Haar Path of Radiance
217 Haar 204
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Mirabilis Heroes 218 Mirabilis 203
CYL Camus Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Camus Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
219 Camus 202
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Lethe Path of Radiance
CYL Lethe Radiant Dawn
220 Lethe 200
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Stahl Awakening 220 Stahl 200
CYL Ulki Radiant Dawn
CYL Ulki Path of Radiance
221 Ulki 199
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Raigh The Binding Blade 221 Raigh 199
The Binding Blade
CYL Genny Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 222 Genny 198
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Triandra Heroes 223 Triandra 197
CYL Zelestia Engage 224 Zelestia 195
CYL Sombron Engage 225 Sombron 194
CYL Calill Radiant Dawn
CYL Calill Path of Radiance
225 Calill 194
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Naesala Radiant Dawn
CYL Naesala Path of Radiance
226 Naesala 193
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Lowen The Blazing Blade 227 Lowen 192
The Blazing Blade
CYL Embla Heroes 228 Embla 190
CYL Frederick Awakening 229 Frederick 186
CYL Sonya Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 230 Sonya 185
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Cormag The Sacred Stones 230 Cormag 185
The Sacred Stones
CYL Eleonora Virion Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 231 Eleonora & Virion 184
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Jeorge Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Jeorge Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
232 Jeorge 183
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Effie Fates 232 Effie 183
CYL Kronya Three Houses Academy Arc 233 Kronya 181
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Brom Path of Radiance
CYL Brom Radiant Dawn
233 Brom 181
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Ayaha Aversa Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 234 Ayaha & Aversa 180
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Laura Radiant Dawn 234 Laura 180
Radiant Dawn
CYL Selena Fates 234 Selena 180
CYL Skrimir Radiant Dawn 235 Skrimir 179
Radiant Dawn
CYL Jubelo Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 235 Jubelo 179
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Oboro Fates 235 Oboro 179
CYL Ares Genealogy of the Holy War 236 Ares 178
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Dagr Heroes 236 Dagr 178
CYL Keaton Fates 236 Keaton 178
CYL Eitr Heroes 237 Eitr 176
CYL Merric Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Merric Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
237 Merric 176
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Alois Three Houses Academy Arc 238 Alois 175
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Laslow Fates 238 Laslow 175
CYL Eitri Heroes 238 Eitri 175
CYL Shannan Genealogy of the Holy War 239 Shannan 174
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Lambert Three Houses War Arc 240 Lambert 173
Three Houses (War Arc)
CYL Maribelle Awakening 241 Maribelle 172
CYL Kana female Fates 241 Kana (female) 172
CYL Legault The Blazing Blade 241 Legault 172
The Blazing Blade
CYL Edward Radiant Dawn 241 Edward 172
Radiant Dawn
CYL Zihark Radiant Dawn
CYL Zihark Path of Radiance
241 Zihark 172
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Dwyer Fates 242 Dwyer 171
CYL Flora Fates 242 Flora 171
CYL Subaki Fates 242 Subaki 171
CYL Miklan Three Houses Academy Arc 243 Miklan 167
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Altena Genealogy of the Holy War 244 Altena 166
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Heidr Heroes 244 Heiðr 166
CYL Neimi The Sacred Stones 245 Neimi 165
The Sacred Stones
CYL Nyx Fates 245 Nyx 165
CYL Velouria Fates 245 Velouria 165
CYL Raphael Three Houses Academy Arc
CYL Raphael Three Houses War Arc
CYL Raphael Warriors Three Hopes
246 Raphael 164
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
Three Houses (War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Silas Fates 246 Silas 164
CYL Reyson Path of Radiance
CYL Reyson Radiant Dawn
247 Reyson 162
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Nolan Radiant Dawn 247 Nolan 162
Radiant Dawn
CYL Greil Path of Radiance 247 Greil 162
Path of Radiance
CYL Lucia Radiant Dawn
CYL Lucia Path of Radiance
248 Lucia 161
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Machyua Thracia 776 248 Machyua 161
Thracia 776
CYL Thjazi Heroes 249 Þjazi 160
CYL Wolf Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Wolf Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
250 Wolf 158
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Vander Engage 250 Vander 158
CYL Jesse Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 250 Jesse 158
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Coirpre Genealogy of the Holy War 251 Coirpre 157
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Flayn Three Houses Academy Arc 251 Flayn 157
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Sophie Fates 252 Sophie 156
CYL Njordr Heroes 253 Njörðr 153
CYL Nemesis Three Houses War Arc 253 Nemesis 153
Three Houses (War Arc)
CYL Radd Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Radd Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
254 Radd 152
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Lugh The Binding Blade 254 Lugh 152
The Binding Blade
CYL Karla The Blazing Blade 255 Karla 151
The Blazing Blade
CYL Noire Awakening 255 Noire 151
CYL Tailtiu Genealogy of the Holy War 256 Tailtiu 150
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Sonia The Blazing Blade 256 Sonia 150
The Blazing Blade
CYL Pelleas Radiant Dawn 256 Pelleas 150
Radiant Dawn
CYL Innes The Sacred Stones 257 Innes 149
The Sacred Stones
CYL Forrest Fates 257 Forrest 149
CYL Nanna Thracia 776
CYL Nanna Genealogy of the Holy War
258 Nanna 148
Thracia 776
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Cecilia The Binding Blade 258 Cecilia 148
The Binding Blade
CYL Midia Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Midia Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
259 Midia 144
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Laeradr Heroes 259 Læraðr 144
CYL Michalis Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Michalis Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
259 Michalis 144
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Arden Genealogy of the Holy War 260 Arden 143
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Marni Engage 260 Marni 143
CYL Rebecca The Blazing Blade 261 Rebecca 142
The Blazing Blade
CYL Igrene The Binding Blade 262 Igrene 141
The Binding Blade
CYL Thrasir Heroes 262 Thrasir 141
CYL Hanneman Three Houses Academy Arc 263 Hanneman 140
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Athena Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Athena Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
263 Athena 140
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Saizo Fates 264 Saizo 139
CYL Balthus Three Houses War Arc
CYL Balthus Warriors Three Hopes
CYL Balthus Three Houses Academy Arc
264 Balthus 139
Three Houses (War Arc)
Warriors: Three Hopes
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Sephiran Radiant Dawn
CYL Sephiran Path of Radiance
265 Sephiran 138
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Ursula The Blazing Blade 266 Ursula 137
The Blazing Blade
CYL Lehran Radiant Dawn 266 Lehran 137
Radiant Dawn
CYL Misha Thracia 776 266 Misha 137
Thracia 776
CYL Anankos Fates 267 Anankos 136
CYL Seadall Engage 267 Seadall 136
CYL Marcus The Blazing Blade 267 Marcus 136
The Blazing Blade
CYL Moulder The Sacred Stones 267 Moulder 136
The Sacred Stones
CYL Rhys Path of Radiance
CYL Rhys Radiant Dawn
268 Rhys 135
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Karel The Binding Blade 269 Karel 134
The Binding Blade
CYL Lance The Binding Blade 270 Lance 133
The Binding Blade
CYL Aversa Awakening 270 Aversa 133
CYL Nah Awakening 271 Nah 131
CYL Kaden Fates 272 Kaden 130
CYL Zephiel The Binding Blade 272 Zephiel 130
The Binding Blade
CYL Nichol Fates 272 Nichol 130
CYL Naoise Genealogy of the Holy War 273 Naoise 129
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Judith Three Houses Academy Arc 273 Judith 129
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Lorenz Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Lorenz Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
274 Lorenz 128
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Fiora The Blazing Blade 274 Fiora 128
The Blazing Blade
CYL Shigure Fates 275 Shigure 127
CYL Nasir Path of Radiance
CYL Nasir Radiant Dawn
276 Nasir 126
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Priscilla The Blazing Blade 277 Priscilla 125
The Blazing Blade
CYL Makalov Path of Radiance
CYL Makalov Radiant Dawn
278 Makalov 124
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Clarine The Binding Blade 278 Clarine 124
The Binding Blade
CYL Cynthia Awakening 279 Cynthia 123
CYL Gustav Heroes 279 Gustav 123
CYL Ashunera Radiant Dawn 279 Ashunera 123
Radiant Dawn
CYL Izana Fates 280 Izana 122
CYL Erk The Blazing Blade 280 Erk 122
The Blazing Blade
CYL Nils The Blazing Blade 281 Nils 121
The Blazing Blade
CYL Surtr Heroes 281 Surtr 121
CYL Saleh The Sacred Stones 281 Saleh 121
The Sacred Stones
CYL Muirne Genealogy of the Holy War 281 Muirne 121
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Alen The Binding Blade 282 Alen 120
The Binding Blade
CYL Nader Three Houses War Arc 283 Nader 119
Three Houses (War Arc)
CYL Caineghis Radiant Dawn
CYL Caineghis Path of Radiance
284 Caineghis 118
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Volke Radiant Dawn
CYL Volke Path of Radiance
284 Volke 118
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Dart The Blazing Blade 284 Dart 118
The Blazing Blade
CYL Ginnungagap Heroes 284 Ginnungagap 118
CYL Letizia Heroes 284 Letizia 118
CYL Monica Warriors Three Hopes 285 Monica 117
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Sin The Binding Blade 285 Sin 117
The Binding Blade
CYL Libra Awakening 286 Libra 116
CYL Boey Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 287 Boey 115
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Leanne Radiant Dawn
CYL Leanne Path of Radiance
288 Leanne 114
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Peony Heroes 288 Peony 114
CYL Marcia Radiant Dawn
CYL Marcia Path of Radiance
289 Marcia 113
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Gerik The Sacred Stones 289 Gerik 113
The Sacred Stones
CYL Tobin Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 290 Tobin 112
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Kellam Awakening 290 Kellam 112
CYL Homer Thracia 776 291 Homer 110
Thracia 776
CYL Narcian The Binding Blade 292 Narcian 109
The Binding Blade
CYL Ylgr Heroes 292 Ylgr 109
CYL Silque Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 293 Silque 108
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Arthur Genealogy of the Holy War 293 Arthur 108
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Layla Fates 293 Layla 108
CYL Iago Fates 294 Iago 107
CYL Giffca Radiant Dawn
CYL Giffca Path of Radiance
294 Giffca 107
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Zephia Engage 294 Zephia 107
CYL Reginn Heroes 295 Reginn 106
CYL Kurthnaga Radiant Dawn
CYL Kurthnaga Path of Radiance
295 Kurthnaga 106
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Odin Fates 295 Odin 106
CYL Erinys Genealogy of the Holy War 295 Erinys 106
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Patty Genealogy of the Holy War 295 Patty 106
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Forsyth Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 296 Forsyth 105
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Norne Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Norne Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
297 Norne 104
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Amalda Thracia 776 298 Amalda 102
Thracia 776
CYL Fergus Thracia 776 298 Fergus 102
Thracia 776
CYL Trec The Binding Blade 298 Trec 102
The Binding Blade
CYL Quan Genealogy of the Holy War 298 Quan 102
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Sumeragi Fates 299 Sumeragi 101
CYL Saber Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 299 Saber 101
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Beowolf Genealogy of the Holy War 299 Beowolf 101
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Arthur Fates 300 Arthur 100
CYL Cyril Three Houses War Arc
CYL Cyril Three Houses Academy Arc
300 Cyril 100
Three Houses (War Arc)
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Abysskeeper Three Houses Academy Arc 300 Abysskeeper 100
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Maria Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Maria Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
300 Maria 100
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Dheginsea Radiant Dawn
CYL Dheginsea Path of Radiance
300 Dheginsea 100
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Cain Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Cain Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
300 Cain 100
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Klein The Binding Blade 301 Klein 99
The Binding Blade
CYL Ullr Genealogy of the Holy War 301 Ullr 99
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Eleanora The Blazing Blade 301 Eleanora 99
The Blazing Blade
CYL Perceval The Binding Blade 301 Perceval 99
The Binding Blade
CYL Bunet Engage 301 Bunet 99
CYL Virion Awakening 301 Virion 99
CYL Vika Radiant Dawn 301 Vika 99
Radiant Dawn
CYL Reina Fates 302 Reina 97
CYL Artur The Sacred Stones 303 Artur 96
The Sacred Stones
CYL Anna Fates 303 Anna 96
CYL Laylea Genealogy of the Holy War 303 Laylea 96
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Elen The Binding Blade 304 Elen 95
The Binding Blade
CYL Tine Genealogy of the Holy War 304 Tine 95
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Morva The Sacred Stones 304 Morva 95
The Sacred Stones
CYL Luthier Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 305 Luthier 94
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Amy Radiant Dawn 305 Amy 94
Radiant Dawn
CYL Cecil Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 305 Cecil 94
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Marisha Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 305 Marisha 94
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Mathilda Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 306 Mathilda 93
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Azelle Genealogy of the Holy War 306 Azelle 93
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Ross The Sacred Stones 306 Ross 93
The Sacred Stones
CYL Ewan The Sacred Stones 306 Ewan 93
The Sacred Stones
CYL Scathach Genealogy of the Holy War 306 Scáthach 93
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Anna Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Anna Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
307 Anna 92
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Midori Fates 307 Midori 92
CYL Muspell Heroes 307 Múspell 92
CYL Karel The Blazing Blade 307 Karel 92
The Blazing Blade
CYL Knoll The Sacred Stones 307 Knoll 92
The Sacred Stones
CYL Thea The Binding Blade 307 Thea 92
The Binding Blade
CYL Nailah Radiant Dawn 308 Nailah 91
Radiant Dawn
CYL Rath The Blazing Blade 309 Rath 90
The Blazing Blade
CYL Geitz The Blazing Blade 309 Geitz 90
The Blazing Blade
CYL Catherine Three Houses Academy Arc 309 Catherine 90
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Otr Heroes 310 Ótr 89
CYL Sain The Blazing Blade 310 Sain 89
The Blazing Blade
CYL Panne Awakening 310 Panne 89
CYL Echidna The Binding Blade 311 Echidna 88
The Binding Blade
CYL Renault The Blazing Blade 311 Renault 88
The Blazing Blade
CYL Leon Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 312 Leon 87
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Kana male Fates 312 Kana (male) 87
CYL Conrad Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 312 Conrad 87
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Mordecai Path of Radiance
CYL Mordecai Radiant Dawn
312 Mordecai 87
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Ephidel The Blazing Blade 313 Ephidel 86
The Blazing Blade
CYL Selena The Sacred Stones 314 Selena 85
The Sacred Stones
CYL Gray Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 315 Gray 84
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Mamori Draug Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 315 Mamori & Draug 84
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Frey Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Frey Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
315 Frey 84
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Diarmuid Thracia 776
CYL Diarmuid Genealogy of the Holy War
315 Diarmuid 84
Thracia 776
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Naga Awakening 315 Naga 84
CYL Gangrel Awakening 316 Gangrel 83
CYL Hel Heroes 316 Hel 83
CYL Ymir Heroes 316 Ymir 83
CYL Wallace The Blazing Blade 316 Wallace 83
The Blazing Blade
CYL Valter The Sacred Stones 316 Valter 83
The Sacred Stones
CYL Iucharba Genealogy of the Holy War 316 Iucharba 83
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Emmeryn Awakening 317 Emmeryn 82
CYL Nuibaba Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 317 Nuibaba 82
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Lilith Fates 317 Lilith 82
CYL Sara Thracia 776 318 Sara 81
Thracia 776
CYL Tomas Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Tomas Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
318 Tomas 81
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Natalie The Blazing Blade 318 Natalie 81
The Blazing Blade
CYL Sayri Awakening 319 Say'ri 80
CYL Tatiana Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 319 Tatiana 80
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Samuel Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 320 Samuel 79
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Sue The Binding Blade 320 Sue 79
The Binding Blade
CYL Est Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia
CYL Est Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Est Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
320 Est 79
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Ladislava Three Houses Academy Arc 320 Ladislava 79
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Cain Thracia 776 320 Cain 79
Thracia 776
CYL Vanessa The Sacred Stones 320 Vanessa 79
The Sacred Stones
CYL Helbindi Heroes 320 Helbindi 79
CYL Morion Engage 320 Morion 79
CYL Jake Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Jake Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
320 Jake 79
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Nott Heroes 320 Nótt 79
CYL Nina Fates 321 Nina 78
CYL Pent The Blazing Blade 322 Pent 77
The Blazing Blade
CYL Jedah Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 322 Jedah 77
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Gerome Awakening 322 Gerome 77
CYL Guinivere The Binding Blade 322 Guinivere 77
The Binding Blade
CYL Muarim Radiant Dawn
CYL Muarim Path of Radiance
323 Muarim 76
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Thales Three Houses War Arc 323 Thales 76
Three Houses (War Arc)
CYL Gunter Fates 323 Gunter 76
CYL Kent The Blazing Blade 323 Kent 76
The Blazing Blade
CYL Count Bergliez Warriors Three Hopes 323 Count Bergliez 76
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Mozu Fates 324 Mozu 75
CYL Malice Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 324 Malice 75
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Lena Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Lena Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
324 Lena 75
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Roland The Blazing Blade 324 Roland 75
The Blazing Blade
CYL Hugh The Binding Blade 325 Hugh 74
The Binding Blade
CYL Ashnard Path of Radiance 325 Ashnard 74
Path of Radiance
CYL Cornelia Three Houses War Arc 325 Cornelia 74
Three Houses (War Arc)
CYL Death Knight Three Houses Academy Arc 325 Death Knight 74
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Jeralt Three Houses Academy Arc 325 Jeralt 74
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Shiva Thracia 776 325 Shiva 74
Thracia 776
CYL Oliver Radiant Dawn 326 Oliver 73
Radiant Dawn
CYL Gilbert Three Houses Academy Arc 326 Gilbert 73
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Colm The Sacred Stones 326 Colm 73
The Sacred Stones
CYL Deen Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 326 Deen 73
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Rhajat Fates 326 Rhajat 73
CYL Dieck The Binding Blade 327 Dieck 72
The Binding Blade
CYL Saias Thracia 776 327 Saias 72
Thracia 776
CYL Yarne Awakening 327 Yarne 72
CYL Roger Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Roger Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
327 Roger 72
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Levail Radiant Dawn 328 Levail 71
Radiant Dawn
CYL Lifis Thracia 776 328 Lifis 71
Thracia 776
CYL Nidavellir Heroes 328 Niðavellir 71
CYL Linda Genealogy of the Holy War 329 Linda 70
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Kempf Thracia 776 329 Kempf 70
Thracia 776
CYL Fiona Radiant Dawn 329 Fiona 70
Radiant Dawn
CYL Priam Awakening 329 Priam 70
CYL Limstella The Blazing Blade 330 Limstella 69
The Blazing Blade
CYL Shahid Warriors Three Hopes 331 Shahid 68
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Gromell Path of Radiance 332 Gromell 67
Path of Radiance
CYL Nyna Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Nyna Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
332 Nyna 67
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Carrion Thracia 776 332 Carrion 67
Thracia 776
CYL Linus The Blazing Blade 332 Linus 67
The Blazing Blade
CYL Ilios Thracia 776 332 Ilios 67
Thracia 776
CYL Hardin Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Hardin Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
332 Hardin 67
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Caesar Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Caesar Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
332 Caesar 67
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Dorothy The Binding Blade 332 Dorothy 67
The Binding Blade
CYL Nagi Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Nagi Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
333 Nagi 66
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Bramimond The Blazing Blade 333 Bramimond 66
The Blazing Blade
CYL Elimine The Binding Blade 333 Elimine 66
The Binding Blade
CYL Lombard Genealogy of the Holy War 333 Lombard 66
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Febail Genealogy of the Holy War 333 Febail 66
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Zeke Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 333 Zeke 66
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Orochi Fates 333 Orochi 66
CYL Duessel The Sacred Stones 334 Duessel 65
The Sacred Stones
CYL Heather Radiant Dawn 334 Heather 65
Radiant Dawn
CYL Gilliam The Sacred Stones 334 Gilliam 65
The Sacred Stones
CYL Silvia Genealogy of the Holy War 334 Silvia 65
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Clive Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 334 Clive 65
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Shannam Thracia 776 335 Shannam 64
Thracia 776
CYL Gonzalez The Binding Blade 335 Gonzalez 64
The Binding Blade
CYL Rolf Path of Radiance
CYL Rolf Radiant Dawn
335 Rolf 64
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Hawk Genealogy of the Holy War 336 Hawk 63
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Oscar Path of Radiance
CYL Oscar Radiant Dawn
336 Oscar 63
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Marty Thracia 776 336 Marty 63
Thracia 776
CYL Julian Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Julian Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
336 Julian 63
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Sheena Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 336 Sheena 63
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Kiragi Fates 337 Kiragi 62
CYL Heath The Blazing Blade 338 Heath 61
The Blazing Blade
CYL Zeiss The Binding Blade 338 Zeiss 61
The Binding Blade
CYL Claud Genealogy of the Holy War 338 Claud 61
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Vaike Awakening 338 Vaike 61
CYL Jahn The Binding Blade 339 Jahn 60
The Binding Blade
CYL Freyr Heroes 339 Freyr 60
CYL Chad The Binding Blade 339 Chad 60
The Binding Blade
CYL Sully Awakening 340 Sully 59
CYL Asugi Fates 340 Asugi 59
CYL Tauroneo Radiant Dawn
CYL Tauroneo Path of Radiance
341 Tauroneo 58
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Wil The Blazing Blade 341 Wil 58
The Blazing Blade
CYL Marcus The Binding Blade 341 Marcus 58
The Binding Blade
CYL Forde The Sacred Stones 342 Forde 57
The Sacred Stones
CYL Caellach The Sacred Stones 342 Caellach 57
The Sacred Stones
CYL Dorcas The Blazing Blade 342 Dorcas 57
The Blazing Blade
CYL Legion Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 342 Legion 57
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Haitaka Fates 342 Haitaka 57
CYL Metodey Three Houses Academy Arc 343 Metodey 56
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Midir Genealogy of the Holy War 344 Midir 55
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Gatrie Radiant Dawn
CYL Gatrie Path of Radiance
344 Gatrie 55
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Percy Fates 344 Percy 55
CYL Horace Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Horace Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
344 Horace 55
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Samson Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Samson Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
345 Samson 54
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Elbert The Blazing Blade 345 Elbert 54
The Blazing Blade
CYL Chagall Genealogy of the Holy War 345 Chagall 54
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Cath The Binding Blade 345 Cath 54
The Binding Blade
CYL Ethlyn Genealogy of the Holy War 345 Ethlyn 54
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Astrid Path of Radiance
CYL Astrid Radiant Dawn
346 Astrid 53
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Eda Thracia 776 346 Eda 53
Thracia 776
CYL Garon Fates 346 Garon 53
CYL Fred Thracia 776 346 Fred 53
Thracia 776
CYL Draug Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Draug Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
346 Draug 53
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Arran Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Arran Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
347 Arran 52
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Zola Fates 347 Zola 52
CYL Daniela Fates 347 Daniela 52
CYL Ronan Thracia 776 347 Ronan 52
Thracia 776
CYL Barst Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Barst Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
347 Barst 52
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Eyvel Thracia 776 348 Eyvel 51
Thracia 776
CYL Jamke Genealogy of the Holy War 348 Jamke 51
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Louise The Blazing Blade 348 Louise 51
The Blazing Blade
CYL Wendell Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Wendell Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
348 Wendell 51
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Sandima Genealogy of the Holy War 349 Sandima 50
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Mila Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 349 Mila 50
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Excellus Awakening 349 Excellus 50
CYL Yuliya Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 349 Yuliya 50
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Anna Three Houses Academy Arc 349 Anna 50
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Gwendolyn The Binding Blade 349 Gwendolyn 50
The Binding Blade
CYL Gregor Awakening 350 Gregor 49
CYL Asbel Thracia 776 350 Asbel 49
Thracia 776
CYL Saphir Engage 350 Saphir 49
CYL Sirius Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 350 Sirius 49
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Brendan The Blazing Blade 350 Brendan 49
The Blazing Blade
CYL Tanith Path of Radiance
CYL Tanith Radiant Dawn
350 Tanith 49
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Lene Genealogy of the Holy War 350 Lene 49
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Astram Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Astram Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
350 Astram 49
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Rudolf Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 350 Rudolf 49
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Shiro Fates 351 Shiro 48
CYL Alec Genealogy of the Holy War 351 Alec 48
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Daisy Genealogy of the Holy War 351 Daisy 48
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Melady The Binding Blade 351 Melady 48
The Binding Blade
CYL Farina The Blazing Blade 351 Farina 48
The Blazing Blade
CYL Natasha The Sacred Stones 352 Natasha 47
The Sacred Stones
CYL Miriel Awakening 352 Miriel 47
CYL Leonardo Radiant Dawn 352 Leonardo 47
Radiant Dawn
CYL Walhart Awakening 352 Walhart 47
CYL Leila The Blazing Blade 353 Leila 46
The Blazing Blade
CYL Perne Thracia 776 353 Perne 46
Thracia 776
CYL Hyacinth Engage 353 Hyacinth 46
CYL Brady Awakening 353 Brady 46
CYL Petrine Path of Radiance 354 Petrine 45
Path of Radiance
CYL Mikoto Fates 354 Mikoto 45
CYL Azama Fates 354 Azama 45
CYL Benny Fates 354 Benny 45
CYL Sedgar Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Sedgar Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
354 Sedgar 45
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Brigid Genealogy of the Holy War 354 Brigid 45
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Brunnya The Binding Blade 354 Brunnya 45
The Binding Blade
CYL Sigrun Radiant Dawn
CYL Sigrun Path of Radiance
354 Sigrun 45
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Margrave Gautier Warriors Three Hopes 354 Margrave Gautier 45
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Bryce Path of Radiance 354 Bryce 45
Path of Radiance
CYL Ena Radiant Dawn
CYL Ena Path of Radiance
354 Ena 45
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Devdan Path of Radiance 354 Devdan 45
Path of Radiance
CYL Duma Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 355 Duma 44
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Holst Warriors Three Hopes 355 Holst 44
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Iuchar Genealogy of the Holy War 355 Iuchar 44
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Douglas The Binding Blade 355 Douglas 44
The Binding Blade
CYL Yune Radiant Dawn 355 Yune 44
Radiant Dawn
CYL Lindon Engage 356 Lindon 43
CYL Elice Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Elice Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
356 Elice 43
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Phina Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 356 Phina 43
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Medeus Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Medeus Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
356 Medeus 43
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Lester Genealogy of the Holy War 357 Lester 42
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Lot The Binding Blade 357 Lot 42
The Binding Blade
CYL Geoffrey Radiant Dawn
CYL Geoffrey Path of Radiance
357 Geoffrey 42
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Seforia Engage 357 Seforia 42
CYL Ryan Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 357 Ryan 42
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Ignatius Fates 357 Ignatius 42
CYL Monica Three Houses Academy Arc 357 Monica 42
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Deen Thracia 776 358 Deen 41
Thracia 776
CYL Cord Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Cord Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
358 Cord 41
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Caeldori Fates 359 Caeldori 40
CYL Aida Genealogy of the Holy War 359 Aida 40
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Miranda Thracia 776 359 Miranda 40
Thracia 776
CYL Fee Genealogy of the Holy War 359 Fee 40
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Acheron Three Houses Academy Arc 359 Acheron 40
Three Houses (Academy Arc)
CYL Castor Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Castor Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
360 Castor 39
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Ganglot Heroes 360 Ganglöt 39
CYL Manfroy Genealogy of the Holy War 360 Manfroy 39
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Dew Genealogy of the Holy War 360 Dew 39
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Selphina Thracia 776 360 Selphina 39
Thracia 776
CYL Raydrik Thracia 776 360 Raydrik 39
Thracia 776
CYL Bord Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Bord Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
360 Bord 39
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Nergal The Blazing Blade 360 Nergal 39
The Blazing Blade
CYL Vyland Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Vyland Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
360 Vyland 39
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Chulainn Genealogy of the Holy War 361 Chulainn 38
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Dagdar Thracia 776 361 Dagdar 38
Thracia 776
CYL Ricken Awakening 361 Ricken 38
CYL Jagen Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Jagen Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
361 Jagen 38
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Travant Genealogy of the Holy War 361 Travant 38
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Gazak Fates 362 Gazak 37
CYL Lawson Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 363 Lawson 36
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Lex Genealogy of the Holy War 363 Lex 36
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Kumagera Fates 363 Kumagera 36
CYL Harken The Blazing Blade 363 Harken 36
The Blazing Blade
CYL Hayato Fates 363 Hayato 36
CYL Abel Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Abel Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
363 Abel 36
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Bloom Genealogy of the Holy War 363 Bloom 36
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Basilio Awakening 364 Basilio 35
CYL Laurent Awakening 364 Laurent 35
CYL Noah The Binding Blade 364 Noah 35
The Binding Blade
CYL Largo Path of Radiance
CYL Largo Radiant Dawn
364 Largo 35
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
CYL Rainbow Sage Fates 364 Rainbow Sage 35
CYL Fernand Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 364 Fernand 35
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Xavier Thracia 776 364 Xavier 35
Thracia 776
CYL Valbar Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 365 Valbar 34
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Roshea Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Roshea Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
365 Roshea 34
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Beck Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Beck Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
365 Beck 34
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Lyre Radiant Dawn 365 Lyre 34
Radiant Dawn
CYL Lang Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 365 Lang 34
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Bartre The Binding Blade 365 Bartre 34
The Binding Blade
CYL Hinata Fates 365 Hinata 34
CYL Amid Genealogy of the Holy War 365 Amid 34
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Aimee Radiant Dawn 366 Aimee 33
Radiant Dawn
CYL Riku Abel Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 366 Riku & Abel 33
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Guinivere The Blazing Blade 366 Guinivere 33
The Blazing Blade
CYL Yatsufusa Gharnef Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 367 Yatsufusa & Gharnef 32
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Candace Fates 367 Candace 32
CYL Orson The Sacred Stones 367 Orson 32
The Sacred Stones
CYL Valtome Radiant Dawn 368 Valtome 31
Radiant Dawn
CYL Arete Fates 368 Arete 31
CYL Sleuf Thracia 776 368 Sleuf 31
Thracia 776
CYL Astolfo The Binding Blade 368 Astolfo 31
The Binding Blade
CYL Bantu Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Bantu Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
369 Bantu 30
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Fado The Sacred Stones 369 Fado 30
The Sacred Stones
CYL Uther The Blazing Blade 369 Uther 30
The Blazing Blade
CYL Ishtore Genealogy of the Holy War 369 Ishtore 30
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Creidne Genealogy of the Holy War 369 Creidne 30
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Ogier The Binding Blade 369 Ogier 30
The Binding Blade
CYL Flavia Awakening 369 Flavia 30
CYL Jeanne Genealogy of the Holy War 369 Jeanne 30
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Nobu Gangrel Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 370 Nobu & Gangrel 29
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Tethys The Sacred Stones 370 Tethys 29
The Sacred Stones
CYL Merlinus The Binding Blade 370 Merlinus 29
The Binding Blade
CYL Eremiya Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 370 Eremiya 29
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Yukimura Fates 370 Yukimura 29
CYL Randolph Three Houses War Arc 370 Randolph 29
Three Houses (War Arc)
CYL Ralf Thracia 776 370 Ralf 29
Thracia 776
CYL Oswin The Blazing Blade 370 Oswin 29
The Blazing Blade
CYL Nealuchi Radiant Dawn
CYL Nealuchi Path of Radiance
371 Nealuchi 28
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Arlen Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 371 Arlen 28
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Merlinus The Blazing Blade 371 Merlinus 28
The Blazing Blade
CYL Andrey Genealogy of the Holy War 371 Andrey 28
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Tristan Genealogy of the Holy War 371 Tristan 28
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Gareth Radiant Dawn
CYL Gareth Path of Radiance
371 Gareth 28
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL Lara Thracia 776 371 Lara 28
Thracia 776
CYL Robert Thracia 776 371 Robert 28
Thracia 776
CYL Reptor Genealogy of the Holy War 372 Reptor 27
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL August Thracia 776 372 August 27
Thracia 776
CYL Galle The Binding Blade 372 Galle 27
The Binding Blade
CYL Niime The Binding Blade 372 Niime 27
The Binding Blade
CYL Dayan The Binding Blade 372 Dayan 27
The Binding Blade
CYL Dalsin Thracia 776 372 Dalsin 27
Thracia 776
CYL Barthe The Binding Blade 373 Barthe 26
The Binding Blade
CYL Nomah Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 373 Nomah 26
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Dithorba Genealogy of the Holy War 374 Díthorba 25
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Atlas Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 374 Atlas 25
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Dryas Thracia 776 374 Dryas 25
Thracia 776
CYL Geese The Binding Blade 374 Geese 25
The Binding Blade
CYL Rafiel Radiant Dawn 374 Rafiel 25
Radiant Dawn
CYL Kuen Excellus Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore 374 Kuen & Excellus 25
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
CYL Count Hevring Warriors Three Hopes 374 Count Hevring 25
Warriors: Three Hopes
CYL Massena Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 374 Massena 25
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Glen The Sacred Stones 374 Glen 25
The Sacred Stones
CYL Troude Thracia 776 375 Troude 24
Thracia 776
CYL Dolph Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Dolph Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
375 Dolph 24
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Gotoh Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Gotoh Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
375 Gotoh 24
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Byron Genealogy of the Holy War 375 Byron 24
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Gharnef Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Gharnef Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
375 Gharnef 24
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Siegbert Fates 375 Siegbert 24
CYL Mustafa Awakening 375 Mustafa 24
CYL Hicks Thracia 776 375 Hicks 24
Thracia 776
CYL Bartre The Blazing Blade 375 Bartre 24
The Blazing Blade
CYL Arion Genealogy of the Holy War 375 Arion 24
Genealogy of the Holy War
CYL Dice Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem 376 Dice 23
Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL Brighton Thracia 776 376 Brighton 23
Thracia 776
CYL Elffin The Binding Blade 376 Elffin 23
The Binding Blade
CYL Desaix Gaiden Echoes Shadows of Valentia 376 Desaix 23
Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL Rickard Shadow Dragon the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon
CYL Rickard Mystery of the Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem
376 Rickard 23