Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Emblem Celica. I desire peace, not conflict, yet I will lend you my strength to protect this land.

私は紋章士セリカ。 争いは好まないのだけれど、 あなたと、この地を守るため力を貸すわ。

Castle[ | ]

Is that...Alm? I haven't seen him for...thousands of years. Yet, I feel as if I just saw him yesterday.

あそこにいるのは…アルム? 何千年も顔を見ていなかったはずなのに まるで昨日も会ったみたいな気持ちだわ。

I was in the kingdom of Firene, in Elyos. It was so peaceful, with fields of beautiful flowers...
Though I was considered its guardian, I was surely the one being protected there.

エレオス大陸では、フィレネ王国にいたの。 花畑の美しい、平和な国で…私はきっと、 あの国を守りながら、守られてもいたのね。

I do miss the oranges that grew in my homeland and in Firene... Perhaps there are some that grow here?

どこかにオレンジの実は生っている? 私の故郷でも、フィレネ王国でも よく見かける果物だったから、懐かしくて。

Seems I can eat again in this world. Though I do like sweets, I would like to try some of Askr's rarer foods also.

ここではまた食事ができるみたいね。 甘いものも良いけれど、 アスク王国の珍しい食べ物も試したいわ。

When one engages with an Emblem, their hair color changes based on that Emblem.
I would very much like to see you with a peach hue in your hair from engaging with me.

紋章士とエンゲージをすると、 髪が紋章士に近しい色に変化するの。 私と似た桃色の髪のあなた、見てみたいわ。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Friendship is worthy of protection. Accept this gift, a token of concern, from 【Friend】.

これ、【Friend】から。 いつもあなたのことを案じているわ。 その友情を、ずっと守っていってね。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

I ponder the meaning of getting stronger or obtaining power... For what is the purpose?

強くなること、力を得ること… その意味は考え続けているわ。

+[2,3] points[ | ]

If this is for the sake of all, then I am happy.

皆のためになるのなら、 私はうれしいわ。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

If only the world were such that no one would wish for more power...

もっと力を…と、 願わない世であればいいのだけれど。

Ally Growth[ | ]

I, too, wished for this. However, please do not abuse this power.

望んだのは私も同じよ。 この力、どうか正しく使ってね。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I have been looking for you, 【Summoner】.
I took a walk around the Order of Heroes' facilities, and I wonder, are there any flower fields here?
You see, in Elyos I was entrusted to Firene's care. Perhaps it was because I was guardian there for so long...
But being surrounded by flowers, drinking orange tea... I feel true joy. The other me here may feel similarly.
Oh! There are fields toward the castle? Then let us engage and go there together.
If we use Warp Ragnarok, it will take but a moment to get there.
Though I may be unable to transport us as far as in Elyos, we will enjoy a wonderful excursion together.

【Summoner】、探したわ。 特務機関の施設は一通り見たのだけれど 聞きたいことがあって。ここに花畑はある?
エレオス大陸ではフィレネ王国に託されて 長くあの地を見守ってきたせいか、 花畑を見るとなんだか気持ちが落ち着くの。
花に囲まれて、オレンジの香りの紅茶を 飲めれば幸せだわ。ここにいる他の私は… こういうことは思わないのかしら。
そう、花畑はアスク王城の方角にあるのね。 じゃあ私とエンゲージして向かいましょう。 ワープライナを使えば、すぐに行けるわ。
エレオスにいた頃程の転移は無理でも、 あなたとなら楽しい道中になりそう。 一緒に素敵なひと時を過ごしましょう。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Warp Ragnarok!
Emblem guide you!
I'll protect you!
Emblem engage!
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Don't cry over me...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Oh! ★
Oh? I see such nostalgia in your eyes when you look at me. Have our paths crossed before? ★
Hm? Oh, hello. For a moment I thought you were offering to polish my Emblem ring. ★
I finished offering prayers. One to Mother Mila, and many more for everyone on Elyos. ★
Please, reach out to me if anything troubles you. I want to be of service, with or without my Emblem ring. ★
May I share the invocation that previously summoned me? It was, "Care for us, Emblem of Echoes!" ★
I really hope that Alfred and Céline are doing all right on their own. ★
I am certain that each Celica here has contributed to the Emblem standing before you now. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
うふふ ★
あら、そんなに懐かしそうな瞳をするのは、どうして? ★
! なんだ、磨いてくれるのかと思っちゃったわ。 ★
祈りをささげていたの。ミラさまと…それから、エレオス大陸のみんなに。 ★
困りごとがあれば言ってね。指輪は無くても、あなたを助けたいの。 ★
『守護(まも)れ、響きの紋章士(エムブレム)』…私を顕現させるための呪文よ。 ★
アルフレッドとセリーヌは、元気でやっているかしら… ★
此処にはたくさんのセリカが存在すると聞いたわ。 彼女たち一人一人が、紋章士たる私を形作っているのでしょうね。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
By your side.
Ready to help.
Ever onward.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Celica: Of Echoes has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

I would expect nothing less of the
Sentinels of Solm. Now I know I can
count on you here in this land too.

Celica: Of Echoes,
Spirits Ablaze/Story