General | Quotes | Misc | Heroic Ordeal |
Summoning[ | ]
It may be "only" a festival, but it is still worth celebrating properly. And since I have fully prepared, let us do so.
たかが祭り、されど祭り―― このセシリア、万全の支度をもって 楽しませていただきましょう。
Castle[ | ]
This garb is different from the Mage General uniform I usually wear... How exciting!
普段の魔道軍将の装束とはちがって…… 胸がどきどきするわ。
The fact that a woman became Mage General of Etruria upset many within and without the country.
I was rather despised at the time...
エトルリアの将軍に女がついたということで、 相手国だけでなく国内の勢力からも…… 当時はずいぶん見くびられたものだったわ。
I will not hold back when training with Roy or Lilina. That is a teacher's duty, even if I only taught for a spell.
ロイやリリーナ相手にも遠慮はしないわ。 それが、一時でも師であった者のつとめ。
So we congratulate the bride and are thus blessed with well wishes. We then find new love, and nurture it...
There is so much for me to learn!
花嫁を寿ぎ、自らもまたその祝福に浴す。 そして新たな愛を導き、育んでいくのね。 学ぶべきところが多いわ。
I can't seem to stop conducting myself as a general... Is that all right?
将としての振る舞いが 抜けきらないのだけど…… これでいいのかしら?
Friend greeting[ | ]
I look forward to building a long- lasting relationship with both you and
の 城より参りました。 今後も末永きよしみをお願い申し上げます。
Leveling up[ | ]
+[4,5] points[ | ]
Today is a good day to spar with me. After all, you can blame any mistakes on being captivated by my dress!
この日の対戦でよかったと思うことね。 ドレス姿に見とれたせいだと 言い訳できるのだから!
+[2,3] points[ | ]
Not only do I feel great in this outfit, but my magic flows well too. Maybe I should change up my usual attire...
この格好だと気持ちが盛り上がって、 魔力の流れもいいみたい。 普段使いの装束、変えてみようかしら。
+[0,1] points[ | ]
You pick me? Really? Well, it's just, I'm so...
うそ!? あら、いやだわ、私ったら……
Ally Growth[ | ]
I am filled with gratitude. Truly.
嬉しいわ。 それが私の素直な気持ち。 ……本当よ。
5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]
I am an Etrurian general. And as the honored Mage General, my duty is to command troops and deliver justice.
Therefore, my future husband must also be wise and capable of leading others.
*sigh* I'm sure this isn't meant to be a formal affair, and yet, here I am, acting as though it were serious.
But...I can't go back to being "just" Cecilia. Not that I had any intention of going back, of course.
I must rebuild and usher my country into a new age. My future husband has a tough job ahead of him.
私はエトルリアの将。 栄光ある【魔道軍将】として兵を指揮し、 国に正義を導く責任がある――
ですから、私の夫となる方にも 人を率いてしかるべき器量と 豊かな見識を持っていただかなくては。
………はぁ。 そんなに律儀な祭りではないはずだけれど。 どうしても私、肩肘を張ってしまうのね。
でも……いまさら、私は戻れない。 ただのセシリアには……… もちろん、そんなつもりもないわ。
祖国の復興を支え、新たな時代を築く。 それが、私のかなえるべき夢なのだから。 フフ……大変よ、私の夫になる人は。
Attack[ | ]
Audio | Transcription |
Ha! | |
Here I go! |
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Damage[ | ]
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Kyah! | |
My dress... |
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Special trigger[ | ]
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I do! | |
Love eternal! | |
No obstacle too great! | |
Together! |
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Defeat[ | ]
Audio | Transcription |
Together...forever... |
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Status page[ | ]
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
1 | |
How curious. Simply wearing a wedding dress makes me as nervous as a bride...
1 | |
It's impolite to play tricks on a bride. You ought to know better!
1 | |
I suppose even a Mage General can blush like a bride!
1 | |
What's my type? Well, someone I can respect, I suppose.
4 | |
That plan, in this dress? Surely I taught you better tactics than that.
4 | |
Someday, perhaps, I will wear this dress for my own wedding.
5 | |
I am grateful I could take part in this festival. Let's be off so we can enjoy it!
5 |
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
1 | |
1 | |
きゃっ…! 花嫁にいたずらなんて…いけない人。
1 | |
1 | |
好みのタイプ…? そうね、尊敬できる人かしら。
4 | |
4 | |
5 | |
5 |
Turn action[ | ]
Audio | Transcription |
Wedding march! | |
Where to? | |
Lead on. |
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Story appearances
― Cecilia: Etrurian Bride, Competition/Story |