General | Quotes | Misc | Heroic Ordeal |
Summoning[ | ]
I'm Catria of the Whitewings. These clothes... They're part of my mission. Just...try to forget about them.
私は白騎士団のカチュア。 この格好は…任務のために必要で… あ、あまり気にしないで…
Castle[ | ]
It has gotten a little warmer, hasn't it? We are at war, I know...but you must take a break sometime.
暖かくなってきたわね… 今は戦時中ではあるけれど、 少し一息つきたくなるわ。
I have never really had the chance to pause and enjoy the changing of the seasons before...
Spring really is lovely, isn't it?
これまで季節の移り変わりを楽しむ 余裕なんてなかったわ… 春ってこんなに素敵な季節だったのね。
How about some training? I know the spring festival is exciting, but we can't get carried away.
一緒に訓練しましょうか? 春祭りだからって、 浮かれるわけにはいかないわ。
You'll see a lot of rabbits at the spring festival. They represent prosperity and fertility.
I hear that some visitors even wish on them, hoping to be blessed with a child that's healthy and happy.
春祭りのうさぎは、繁栄と多産の象徴… 良い子が生まれますように、 という願いも込められているそうよ。
Now that it's getting warmer, it might be a good time to scrub down the pegasi. I'm sure they'd enjoy it.
せっかく暖かくなったから、 天馬たちの身体を洗ってあげようかしら。 あの子たちもきっと喜ぶはずよ。
Friend greeting[ | ]
I bring
's greetings. That's not why I'm dressed like this, though.
の代理として、 こちらに挨拶に参りました。 こ、この格好のことは、どうかお構いなく…
Leveling up[ | ]
+[4,5] points[ | ]
Spring brings growth. Something good is on its way...
新しい春の訪れ…何か良いことが 起こりそうな予感がするわ。
+[2,3] points[ | ]
The breeze is gentle and warm...
+[0,1] points[ | ]
Spring may be on its way, but it isn't here quite yet.
Ally Growth[ | ]
This is a fresh start, like the first day of spring. I will do my best.
新しい春、心機一転、 がんばるつもりよ。
5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]
Stopping to enjoy a spring festival... It's a little bit hard for me to wrap my head around, frankly.
The thought would never have crossed my mind before. I was too busy fighting for my life...
Then again, perhaps the struggles we went through give meaning to our celebrations today.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take the conversation down such a serious path. I can't help but speak my mind...
Really, I should just drop everything and enjoy myself for now. But that's not a thing I really know how to do.
Maybe you can help me figure it out— help me figure out how to change.
When I'm with you, I feel like I can get a glimpse into what it might be live a different life.
Thank you,【Summoner】
春のお祭りを楽しむ、なんて… これまで長く厳しい戦争を続けてきた時は、 考えもしなかったわ。
でも、辛い経験があるからこそ、 新しい季節の訪れを祝うことに 意味があるのかもしれないわね。
あっ、ごめんなさい。 また真面目な言い方になってしまって… 私、頭が固いってよく言われるの。
お祭りの時くらい、 何もかも忘れて楽しまないと。 でも、どうすればいいのかしら…?
そうね。あなたが… あなたが一緒にいてくれたら、 私も変われるのかも…
何もかも忘れて、あなたと… ありがとう…【Summoner】
Attack[ | ]
Audio | Transcription |
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Damage[ | ]
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Special trigger[ | ]
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Spring is here! | |
For the cause! | |
It's not the outfit! | |
Fear the rabbit! |
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Defeat[ | ]
Audio | Transcription |
Don't bury me in this... |
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Status page[ | ]
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
1 | ||
I'm Catria of the Whitewings. Please don't ask why I'm dressed like this.
1 | |
Hey! What did you do that for? Oh, my ears were crooked...
1 | |
I wonder what my sisters would say if they saw me dressed like this.
1 | |
How did I end up in this outfit? This is not great.
4 | |
I look good dressed like this? You're just saying that...
4 | |
Hoppity-hop! Is that really what rabbits say?
5 | |
My desire to protect you is no laughing matter! Unlike this outfit...
5 |
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
1 | |
1 | |
きゃあっ!? え、ウサギの耳が曲がってた…?
1 | |
1 | |
4 | |
え? 似合ってる…? バ、バカなこと言わないで。
4 | |
ぴ、ぴょん…? だめ、絶対言えないわ…
5 | |
5 |
Turn action[ | ]
Audio | Transcription |
Here we go! | |
What should I do? | |
For spring! |
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Story appearances
― Catria: Spring Whitewing, Hope for Next Time/Story |