Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
General Quotes Misc Heroic Ordeal

Summoning[ | ]

I've come a looong waaay for this event! It's really happening! I'll be the star of the festival!

は~るばる きまし~た 怪盗の祭り~! おっ、やってるねぇ! お祭りの主役は このあたし、キャスがいただきま~す!

Castle[ | ]

With everyone distracted by the festival, treasures in the castle are— Ahahaha! That was a joke. Just a joke!

お祭りのどさくさに紛れて このお城のお宝も… あははは。今のは冗談、冗談だからね!

The rich hoard money by bullying the weak. I steal from the rich, and give it back to those who deserve it!

あたしは金持ちからしか盗まない。 弱い者いじめをして蓄えたお金を みんなのところに戻してあげているの。

A new outfit for the festival! Hehe, this is perfect for the occasion, don't you think?

お祭りってことで 装束も新調しちゃった! ふふっ、似合うでしょー!

There are people in this world who can't live unsullied lives. Master thieves are here to help those people.

綺麗事では生きられない人が この世の中にはたくさんいるの。 怪盗は、そんな人たちの力になるのよ。

What's this? A festival just for us thieves?! This is my time to shine! Cath's Bandits, assemble!

怪盗の祭り? それってあたしが 主役になるってことじゃない! キャス怪盗団、全員集合よ!

Friend greeting[ | ]

Security seems a little light in this castle. Don't worry, your friend's castle had the same problem.

この城、ちょっと警備が甘くない? 【Friend】の城も あたしから見れば隙だらけだけど!

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

The shiny coins and sparkling jewelry! It's all calling out to me!

おったからは〜ぜ〜んぶ あ・た・しのものよ〜っと!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

You did leave yourself wide open. Good learning experience though!

隙を見せたそっちが悪いの。 いい勉強になったでしょ!

+[0,1] points[ | ]

No way! I can't believe you sensed my presence!

うそっ! 気配を読まれていたなんて!

Ally Growth[ | ]

This is what they call a "lavish feast," right? I'm gonna try everything!

大盤振る舞いってやつ!? いただきまーす!

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

The Kingdom of Askr is throwing a festival, just for me! Nice!
It's not that kind of festival? How can you say that? When someone says "master thief," you think of me, right?
Therefore, it isn't an exaggeration to say that this festival is the ultimate celebration of me!
Oh! You know what else? This is the perfect place to scout for more recruits for Cath's Bandits.
I met a pair earlier with a mysterious air about them. And that masked lady thief seemed to be quite skilled.
So many great additions to the roster! Cath's Bandits have a bright future!

【Summoner】! あたしのためのお祭りを開くなんて アスク王国もやるじゃない!
え? そういうお祭りじゃない? なに言ってるの! 怪盗といえばあたし! あたしと言えば怪盗!
ってことは、今回のお祭りは あたしのための祭りといっても 言い過ぎではないわけ!
そうだ! ちょうどいい機会だし キャス怪盗団にふさわしいメンバーも スカウトしとこうかしら。
さっき出会った不思議な雰囲気の 二人組や、仮面の女怪盗とか 腕が立ちそうだったわね…
いいメンバーを増強できそうじゃない! キャス怪盗団の未来は明るいわね!

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Shut your trap.
I'll take that!
I can steal anything!
You're no match for me!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Are you kidding me?
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
- ★
What? You don't know who I am? I'm Cath! The master thief! ★
*squeal* Calm down, Cath! There's nothing to be scared of. You're a thief, after all! ★
I'm an optimist. No time for doom and gloom! ★
It's no fun if you can just walk in and take things. Where's the thrill? ★
I just wish I could hand out all this wealth back home... ★
Psst. Just between us...where does the royal family hide its treasure? ★
Y'know, you're not so bad. I mean, you're nowhere near as good as me, but...who is? ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふふん ★
あたしを知らないなんて、あんたモグリ? あたしはキャス。怪盗よ! ★
うひゃあっ!? …って、びびることないんだったわ。今は怪盗だもんね~ ★
しめっぽいのは苦手! あたしはもっと前向きに生きるの。 ★
盗み放題ってのも張り合いがないわ~。やっぱりスリルがなくっちゃ。 ★
あーあ、このお宝を故郷のみんなに配れたらな~ ★
…ね、アスク城のお宝ってどこに隠してあるか知らない? ★
あんた、なかなかやるわね。ま、あたしほどじゃないけどー。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Fine, I'll take care of it.
Oh. What? Um...
Gimme treasure!
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Cath: Caper Captain has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

...And she's gone.

A rival, eh? Could be fun...

Just you wait, Nina! I'll find something
even better next time! Your eyes will
bulge right out of their sockets!

Cath: Caper Captain,
Birth of Rivalry/Story