Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

I suggest making a table/chart/something that organizes the source of penalty neutralization into groups based on what skill slot they are equipped. The current alphabetical list makes it hard to know which slot these sources will need. I am team building at the moment and I am interested in trying to put penalty neutralization into a specific slot. I imagine the mentioned table would be helpful to future team builders.
Perhaps the columns could be what slot the skill belongs to (Prf Weapons, Inheritable Weapons, slot A, slot B, slot C, Seal, and Other sources like Duo Skills) and the rows (if needed) are the stats targeted. I am not sure if a row should have 1 stat at most or if they could also include stat combinations (atk/spd will take up 1 row, atk/def will take up another row). Allowing only 1 stat per row would result in less rows, but skills that target multiple stats will appear multiple times in a single column and the cells could get quite packed, while allowing stat combinations would result in more rows, but it would be less work for users to figure out the skill they are looking for.
You could do something similar for the other category pages. I am willing to make an example to show what it would look like, but I am not sure when I'll have time to make it and also whether I should post the example on the actual page or in this talk section.

The simplest solution is to use {{Source Lists by Description}}. This won't be sorted by kind of neutralization, but it will be separated by skill's category. You just have to set the right condition, based on skills descriptions. I let you have a look to what I have done for Category:Sources of penalty neutralization, if you want to do the same for other pages. More informations about the LIKE operator here. Pival13 (talk) 16:32, 10 May 2021 (UTC)
Thank you. That definitely made things easier.
--Renwit355 (talk) 03:35, 19 May 2021 (UTC)