Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Carrying the Torch - Opening

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Patty Youthful Thief Face FC

Ugh, are we there yet? This wagon
ride is so bumpy. My butt hurts!

Our destination should be visible as
soon as we crest this hill. I expect we
will arrive in the village by nightfall.

Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

I hope these supplies bring the
villagers some relief.

Um... That's strange. Are you all
seeing this?

Fee Aspiring Knight Face FC
Febail Mercenary Waif Face FC

Seeing what?

Over the hill. It looks like smoke...

It is! Oh no, there's a fire in the
village! Several fires, by the look
of it!

Fee Aspiring Knight Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

Are they under attack?

Could be bandits. We had best hurry
down there!

Febail Mercenary Waif Face FC
Patty Youthful Thief Face FC

Take this—hyah! And get lost!

Hah! You will not set one foot inside
this village while I'm here!

Fee Aspiring Knight Face FC
Febail Mercenary Waif Face FC

It seems we've managed to drive
them back for now.

And the village does not appear to
have sustained more serious damage.
What a relief we arrived in time...

Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

The fires have all been put out.

I regret to interrupt the celebration,
but I followed the bandits' retreat
path from the sky,'s troubling.

The ones we fought off were merely
scouts. The main force is encamped
on the other side of the hill!

Fee Aspiring Knight Face FC
Febail Mercenary Waif Face FC

Then they will be back. And soon.

We cannot defend against them
without reinforcements!

Fee Aspiring Knight Face FC
Patty Youthful Thief Face FC

What do we do?! Is there time to
evacuate the villagers?

Everyone, remain calm.

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC
Fee Aspiring Knight Face FC

Right—of course, Ced.

Fee, I want you to fly to the Order of
Heroes as fast as you can and find us
some reinforcements.

The rest of us will hole up here and
fortify the village defenses.

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

Carrying the Torch - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Fee Aspiring Knight Face FC

Very well—I will find reinforcements
as quickly as I can. Hold tight until
I return!

Take care. And may Lord Askr watch
over you on your journey.

Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

We should assume they will strike
with an all-out assault while she is
gone. Let us examine our assets.

The village has steep cliffs on three
sides. If we fortify the moat in front,
we should be able to block them out.

The terrain does favor us. Numbers
will mean less if they only have one
way in.

Febail Mercenary Waif Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

Ash, Febail, I will leave it to you to
defend the front.

I have no objections. We shall do
our utmost to keep the point of
ingress secure!

Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC
Febail Mercenary Waif Face FC

Understood. My skills are well suited
to this task.

What should I do?

Patty Youthful Thief Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

I want you to round up the civilians.
Keep them calm and safe.

No problem! One sip of my stamina
drink and they’ll feel ready to take
on the world.

Patty Youthful Thief Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

Flaming arrows will likely be their
opening move. Split the villagers up
into teams to fight the fires.

And we may as well distribute our
provisions to them now. We will have
no time for it once the chaos begins.

You are an extraordinary leader, if
I may say so. I believe I can learn a
great deal by following your example.

Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

Experience is the best teacher. It is
only by chance that I have fought in
battles of this kind before.

This situation is not unlike what the
Magi faced when we stood up to the
atrocities of the Grannvale Empire.

Word of your deeds in battle
spread far beyond the town where
you fought.

The name of the Hero on the Wind
inspires hope in the hearts of all
who stand against tyranny.

Febail Mercenary Waif Face FC
Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC

Then is seems we are in good hands!
I have full and complete confidence
in your abilities, Prince Ced.

Carrying the Torch - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Febail Mercenary Waif Face FC

See that? Dust rising in the distance
beyond the hill. They are moving.

Our preparations are thorough and
complete. I believe we’ve accounted
for every possible permutation.

Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC
Patty Youthful Thief Face FC

The villagers are ready and raring to
go! They’re excited to work with the
incredible Hero on the Wind.

I hope you did not make too much of
that title. Such high expectations will
only lead to disappointment.

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC
Febail Mercenary Waif Face FC

What makes you say that?

In truth, I could have saved a great
many more lives than I did...had I not
been such a coward.

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC
Patty Youthful Thief Face FC

Hey! Now’s not the time for this kind
of self-doubt! Everyone in the village
is counting on the Hero on the Wind!

She is correct. Whatever reservations
you may have, I hope you can put
them aside for the people’s sake.

To these folk, in this dire situation,
even the thinnest ray of hope will
shine brighter than any beacon.

Be the Hero on the Wind, Prince Ced.
If only for a little while.

Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

I understand. Even if that title is far
better suited to the crusader of
legend who bore my name...

I will carry the burden of it for as long
as I must to save this village.

Carrying the Torch - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Febail Mercenary Waif Face FC

The enemy is here! Remember your
orders, everyone, and we will get
through this together!

Unequivocally! I shall demonstrate
the resolve that Lord Askr and I
share to defend the innocent!

Ash Retainer to Askr Face Anger
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

I am Ced, the Hero on the Wind!
The mighty gale I wield shall blast
through all who dare oppose me!

Ha! It’s working! Look at them—
they’re scared stiff!

Patty Youthful Thief Face FC
Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC

They know now whom they stand
against in battle. The Hero on the
Wind commands great respect.

And now they will also feel the sting
of the holy bow Yewfelle!

Febail Mercenary Waif Face FC
Patty Youthful Thief Face FC

Careful, Febail! Remember they still
outnumber us!

Steady! Fee’s reinforcements will be
here soon. We need only hold this
position until they arrive!

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC
Patty Youthful Thief Face FC

Speaking of, take a look up there!
To the east!

Hail and well met! I hope I did not
keep you waiting overlong.

I had to fly without a moment’s rest,
but I brought you some aid, courtesy
of the Order of Heroes.

Fee Aspiring Knight Face FC
Seliph Heir of Light Face FC

My friends! Well done holding on
until now.

You are alone no longer—we are
here to help!

Leif Prince of Leonster Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

Just a little more, then. Keep your
guard up, everyone! This will all
be over soon!

Looks like you led the defense and
took not a single casualty. I’d expect
nothing less from the great hero Ced.

Leif Prince of Leonster Face FC
Seliph Heir of Light Face FC

His leadership was instrumental, but
let’s not forget the contributions of
Febail, Patty, and Ash. Well done, all.

A compliment from Lord Seliph
makes it all worth it, don’t you
think, Febail?

Patty Youthful Thief Face FC
Seliph Heir of Light Face FC

We should also thank Fee. Without
her tireless flying, we would never
have arrived as quickly as we did.

I knew everyone here was counting
on me. I could not let them down.

Fee Aspiring Knight Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

They say the crusaders of legend
prevailed against impossible odds
because they never abandoned hope.

We have achieved the same here
alongside these villagers.

The heroes who saved Jugdral from
darkness would no doubt see their
determination reflected in us today.

Let us carry their legacy forward as
we continue to support the Order of
Heroes through their own adversity.

Turn of Fate
Carrying the Torch Guiding Vision
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
