Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Ced: Sage of the Wind - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

I’ve heard a lot from the Heroes of
Jugdral about the Hero on the Wind.

They say you inherited the legendary
Forseti tome, and that you’re a great
leader. We’re grateful to have you.

The praise for me is overblown. I am
young and inexperienced, truth
be told.

Speaking of great leaders, though...
Has Prince Leif made his way here
as well?

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

He has indeed joined us.

Excellent. If there is anyone worthy
of the title of Hero, it is him.

For my part, I only ended up fighting
for the right cause by circumstance.

I left my homeland of Silesse to
search for my father. I had no
heroic aspirations.

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

And yet you wield the powerful wind
magic of a crusader of old.

Not only that, but you’ve used that
power to protect people. You risked
your life fighting for them.

I can see why some might call you
the second coming of the crusader
who bore your name.

Ced: Sage of the Wind - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Hey, Alfonse, look over there. That’s
Ced, isn’t it?

Yes, it is. And he appears to be
surrounded by a group of children
from the castle town.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face Smile

Oh, he’s reading to them! Aw, that’s
so sweet. Do you think he does this
kind of thing just for fun?

That will be all for today. We can pick
up here next time.

Until then, I hope you will be on your
best behavior. No surprise detours on
the way home this time, all right?

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Wow, look at the way they listen to
him. He’s really earned their trust.

Oh, he’s coming this way. I think he
caught us watching him. Hi, Ced!

Princess Sharena, Prince Alfonse.
Patrolling the castle town today?

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Yep! We stopped to watch you for a
bit. What book were you reading with
the children?

An Askran folklore text I bought to
study this country’s history. It seems
the children were keen to learn it too.

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

They were clearly delighted to listen
to you! Have you been reading to
these children often?

It has become something of a habit
for me, yes. I teach them what I can,
including a bit of simple magic.

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face Cool

That’s amazing! You really are
dedicated to these children,
aren’t you?

We are fighting for the future of Askr,
and these children are the ones who
will live that future.

We may be in continual conflict now,
but peace is on the horizon. I believe
we should be prepared for it.

That is why I am teaching them these
skills—so they can thrive in the peace
we build for them.

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Smile

It’s quite conscientious of you, to put
so much thought and hope toward
the future of Askr in your spare time.

I think it’s amazing—and inspiring!
Now I want to help too!

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Ced: Sage of the Wind - A

Background image: EvBg_001_BraveLibrary
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

Interesting... That is potentially quite
a useful technique...

Oh! Hi, Ced! How are you finding the
castle library?

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

Enlightening. History, tactics, magical
theory...there is a great deal of new
material for me to study.

I am grateful to have access to such
a treasure trove of knowledge.

I’m so glad to hear that!

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Smile
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

The theories in this book will prove
useful in the next task I am assigned
to. This one, for instance...

You know what I really admire about
you, Ced?

Despite your reputation as a great
Hero, you don’t rest on your laurels.
You’re always trying to be better.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC

If that is true, then I attribute it to
Prince Leif.

Despite his youth, he demonstrated
an incredible capacity for growth
even in the midst of an awful war.

Well, I think you’re both amazing...

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Ced: Sage of the Wind - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Leif Prince of Leonster Face FC

Prince Ced said that? I am humbled.
Truthfully, I think I may be unworthy
of the honor.

I have a lot to learn before I can ever
measure up to him.

Is that so?

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Leif Prince of Leonster Face FC

I only managed to persevere because
I had so many steadfast companions
by my side.

Alone, I would not have been much
of an influence on the battlefield—
to say nothing of the war at large.

But thanks to my allies, I was able
to overcome what would have been
impossible odds without them.

I understand completely.

It’s the same for me. I would be lost
without Sharena, Commander Anna,
and 【Summoner】.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Leif Prince of Leonster Face FC

If you ask me, people like Prince Ced
are the true heroes.

He possesses the blood of a crusader
and a divine weapon, and yet he is
not consumed by his own power.

He constantly strives to be a better
servant to the people. That is what
makes him worthy of his namesake.

I truly believe he is the next coming
of the crusader Ced. He will be a
legend someday.

Prince Alfonse. Prince Leif. May I ask
what topic of conversation has you
so invested?

Ced Sage of the Wind Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Perfect timing, Prince Ced. We were
just discussing how grateful we are to
have such wonderful allies.

You and Prince Leif are exactly the
kind of Hero Askr needs. Having you
here is incredibly reassuring to me.

I hope you’ll continue to support the
Order of Heroes moving forward.

← Ced Fee →
Carrying the Torch
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
