I am Princess Caeda of Talys. I'm also a pegasus knight, though perhaps an unconventional one.
わたしはタリスの王女シーダ。 あっ、こう見えても 天馬騎士でもあるのよ。
Castle[ | ]
Ah, good day to you! Perchance, have you seen Prince Marth anywhere?
あっ、こんにちは。 マルス様を見かけなかった?
Though I am a princess, my home, Talys, is but an island kingdom. So my standing isn't all that grand.
いちおう王女ではあるけど、 タリスは小さな島国だから… そんな大層なものじゃないわ。
You always seem so busy—please let me know if there's any way I can be of assistance.
いつも忙しくて大変そう… わたしがお手伝いできることがあったら なんでも言ってね?
We may have so many enemies today, but I'm sure that given half a chance? They'll become allies.
今は敵側にいる人たちとも、 いつかきっと仲良くなれるわ。 そうなったらとても幸せだと思わない?
I've just finished making a stew. Would you like to try some while it's hot?
ふふっ、お料理はけっこう得意なの。 あったかいシチュー、 良かったら一口いかが?
Friend greeting[ | ]
Do you know who speaks very well of you—and bid me to greet you? It was 【Friend】!
【Friend】から あなたに挨拶を頼まれたの。 あなたは大切な友達だから、って。
Leveling up[ | ]
+[4,5] points[ | ]
I can feel myself growing stronger!
わたしだって… これくらい強くなれるんだから!
+[2,3] points[ | ]
Ah! I can now be of greater assistance.
これで、もっと お役に立てるかしら?
+[0,1] points[ | ]
I'm sorry. It seems I'm not performing well today...
ごめんなさい。 今日は調子が良くないみたい…
Ally Growth[ | ]
I will use this new power to help everyone.
この新しい力… きっと役立ててみせるわ。
5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]
Your strength has always impressed me. I've always felt weak, needing protection from others. I was envious of your strength, but I think I've got it figured out now... Your strength comes from your belief in your allies. My "weakness" could be your strength. I would like to stay with you longer and learn more from you and your strength, if that's OK. Heehee! I appreciate it. I look forward to observing you right up close...