Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Bulwark[1] is a status effect that prevents Icon Type SwordIcon Type LanceIcon Type AxeIcon Type DragonstoneIcon Type Beast Close ranged foes from moving through spaces adjacent to unit, and prevents Icon Type BowIcon Type DaggerIcon Type MagicIcon Type Staff Ranged foes from moving through spaces within 2 spaces of unit. For sources of this status effect, see the category page Sources of Bulwark.

Skill Interaction[ | ]

Main article: Skill interaction
  • Bulwark affects Status Effect Charge Charge, regular movement, and non-warping Canto effects; warping is unaffected.
    • A unit can warp to a space regardless of whether a path that is not blocked by Bulwark exists between the unit and the destination.
    • A unit can warp to a space adjacent to a foe with Bulwark active.
    • Bulwark only prevents movement through affected spaces.
  • Bulwark does not affect foes with a Pass effect or sources of unit movement.
    • If Skilliconassist Smite could move an ally 2 spaces away, it always does so regardless of whether a foe with Bulwark is adjacent to the space in the middle.
    • A unit can attack a foe with Bulwark and then leave the space with Hit and Run Hit and Run, Close Call 4 Close Call 4, or a Canto effect.
When a unit has this status effect, an icon is shown on their sprite on the map.
Icon Type Example Source Description Sound Effect
Status Effect Bulwark Positive Goldmary Coy Beach Divas Face FC Goldmary: Coy Beach Divas
Icon Class Red Sword Fellowship Blade
Foes with Range = 1 cannot move through spaces adjacent to unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills).

Foes with Range = 2 cannot move through spaces within 2 spaces of unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills).

Sources of Bulwark[ | ]

List of Weapons

List of Unrefined Weapons

Weapon Description
Fellowship Blade
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of player phase or enemy phase, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Def/Res+6,【Bulwark】, and【Null Panic】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def = 20% of unit's Def at start of combat + 6, unit deals +X damage (X = highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from foe's attacks by 50% of X (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).

Foes with Range = 1 cannot move through spaces adjacent to unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills).

Foes with Range = 2 cannot move through spaces within 2 spaces of unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills).

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)

List of Refined Weapons

None, currently.

List of Skill Refined Weapons

None, currently.

List of Assists

None, currently.

List of Specials

None, currently.

List of Passives

List of A Passives

None, currently.

List of B Passives

None, currently.

List of C Passives

None, currently.

List of Attuned Skills

None, currently.

List of Sacred Seals

None, currently.

List of Emblem Effects

None, currently.

List of Captain Skills

None, currently.

List of Duo Skills

None, currently.

List of Harmonized Skills

Owners Harmonized Skill
Goldmary Coy Beach Divas Face FC
Goldmary: Coy Beach Divas
Grants Def/Res+6,【Resonance: Shields】, 【Bonus Doubler】, and【Bulwark】to unit and allies from the same titles as unit for 1 turn.

【Resonance: Shields】
Grants Def/Res+4 during combat and the following effect for 1 turn: "During unit's first combat in player phase or enemy phase, foe cannot make a follow-up attack."

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Foes with Range = 1 cannot move through spaces adjacent to unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills).

Foes with Range = 2 cannot move through spaces within 2 spaces of unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills).

List of Items

None, currently.

List of Structures

None, currently.

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 防壁
German Wall
Spanish (Europe) Muro
Spanish (Latin America) Muro
French Muraille
Italian Barricata
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 防護屏障
Portuguese Muralha

References[ | ]
