Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Bound Hero Battles are Special Maps which are similar to Grand Hero Battles, where the player must defeat all the enemies without losing any allies. Unlike Grand Hero Battles, these reward the player with Orb Orbs instead of Heroes.

Bound Hero Battle maps[ | ]

MapRewardsDescriptionAvailabilitySummoning event
Banner T0013
Empty Space GHB
A & C: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is the newest Fire Emblem title in the series. Now Heroes from that game are appearing in battle in Special Maps for a Bound Hero Battle with Alm & Celica!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Clair Highborn Flier Face FC Genny Endearing Ally Face FC Lukas Sharp Soldier Face FC
Focus: Alm and Celica's Battle
Banner T0015
Empty Space GHB
C & L: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
The teacher-student pair from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade is ready for battle! You can find these two powerful mages in Special Maps. It's time for a Bound Hero Battle with Cecilia & Lilina!First availability:
Last availability:
2 intermediary appearance
Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC Lilina Delightful Noble Face FC Roy Young Lion Face FC
Focus: Cecilia and Lilina's Battle
Banner T0016
Empty Space GHB
E & E: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
The two main characters from The Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game are ready for battle! You can find them in Special Maps. It's time for a Bound Hero Battle with Ephraim and Eirika!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Eirika Restoration Lady Face FC Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC Seth Silver Knight Face FC
Focus: Ephraim and Eirika's Battle
Banner T0017
Empty Space GHB
N & H: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Heroes from the Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade game are coming to Special Maps for a Bound Hero Battle with Ninian and Hawkeye!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Eliwood Knight of Lycia Face FC Hawkeye Desert Guardian Face FC Ninian Oracle of Destiny Face FC
Focus: Ninian & Hawkeye's Battle
Banner T0018
Empty Space GHB
M & M: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Sister princesses of Macedon from the Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem game appear in battle in Special Maps—it's Bound Hero Battle: Minerva & Maria!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Maria Minervas Sister Face FC Minerva Red Dragoon Face FC Palla Eldest Whitewing Face FC
Focus: Minerva & Maria's Battle
Banner T0020
Empty Space GHB
T & H: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
These siblings from the Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright game are now in Special Maps—it's Bound Hero Battle: Takumi & Hinoka!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Hinoka Warrior Princess Face FC Sakura Loving Priestess Face FC Takumi Wild Card Face FC
Focus: Takumi & Hinoka's Battle
Banner T0021
Empty Space GHB
A & T: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Tana: Winged Princess and Amelia: Rose of the War from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones are appearing in battle in Special Maps for a Bound Hero Battle with Amelia & Tana!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Amelia Rose of the War Face FC Eirika Restoration Lady Face FC Tana Winged Princess Face FC
Focus: Tana & Amelia's Battle
Banner T0022
Empty Space GHB
R & L: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Liege and retainer from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, Raven: Peerless Fighter and Lucius: The Light are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Raven & Lucius!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Lucius The Light Face FC Priscilla Delicate Princess Face FC Raven Peerless Fighter Face FC
Focus: Raven & Lucius's Battle
Banner T0025
Empty Space GHB
C & A: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Corrin: Fateful Prince and Azura: Lady of the Lake from the Fire Emblem Fates game are here for Bound Hero Battle: Corrin & Azura!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Azura Lady of the Lake Face FC Corrin Fateful Prince Face FC Kagero Honorable Ninja Face FC
Focus: Corrin & Azura's Battle
Banner T0027
Empty Space GHB
C & L: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
The prince and princess of Ylisse Chrom: Exalted Prince and Lissa: Sprightly Cleric are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Chrom and LissaFirst availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Chrom Exalted Prince Face FC Lissa Sprightly Cleric Face FC Robin High Deliverer Face FC
Focus: Chrom & Lissa's Battle
Banner T0028
Empty Space GHB
T & N: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Here come two Manaketes from the Fire Emblem Awakening game, Tiki: Naga's Voice and Nowi: Eternal Youth. They're in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Tiki & Nowi.First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Nowi Eternal Youth Face FC Robin Fell Reincarnation Face FC Tiki Nagas Voice Face FC
Focus: Tiki & Nowi's Battle
Banner T0032
Empty Space GHB
S & J: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
Siblings from different fathers, Seliph: Heir of Light and Julia: Naga's Blood, are in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Seliph & Julia!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Deirdre Lady of the Forest Face FC Julia Nagas Blood Face FC Seliph Heir of Light Face FC
Focus: Seliph and Julia's Battle
Banner T0034
Empty Space GHB
M & H: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade game, Hector: General of Ostia and Matthew: Faithful Spy are in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Hector & Matthew!First availability:
Last availability:
2 intermediary appearance
Hector General of Ostia Face FC Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC Serra Outspoken Cleric Face FC
Focus: Hector & Matthew's Battle
Banner T0035
Empty Space GHB
L & E: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Fates game, Leo: Sorcerous Prince and Elise: Budding Flower are in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Leo & Elise!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Camilla Bewitching Beauty Face FC Elise Budding Flower Face FC Leo Sorcerous Prince Face FC
Focus: Leo & Elise's Battle
Banner T0037
Empty Space GHB
M & S: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn game, Micaiah: Priestess of Dawn and her protector, Sothe: Zephyr, are in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Micaiah & Sothe!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Micaiah Priestess of Dawn Face FC Sanaki Begnions Apostle Face FC Sothe Zephyr Face FC
Focus: Micaiah & Sothe's Battle
Banner T0040
Empty Space GHB
R & I: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 game, Ishtar: Thunder Goddess and Reinhardt: Thunder's Sword are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Ishtar & Reinhardt!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Ishtar Thunder Goddess Face FC Reinhardt Thunders Fist Face FC Reinhardt Thunders Sword Face FC
Focus: Ishtar & Reinhardt
Banner T0041
Empty Space GHB
E & M: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game, Ephraim: Restoration Lord and Myrrh: Great Dragon are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Ephraim & Myrrh!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Eirika Anamnesis Lady Face FC Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC Myrrh Great Dragon Face FC
Focus: Ephraim and Myrrh's Battle
Banner T0043
Empty Space GHB
C & K: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Fates game, Corrin: Fateful Prince and Kana: Dragon Princess are in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Corrin & Kana!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Corrin Fateful Prince Face FC Kana Dragon Princess Face FC Silas Loyal Knight Face FC
Focus: Corrin & Kana's Battle
Banner T0045
Empty Space GHB
I & S: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance game, Ike: Young Mercenary and Soren: Shrewd Strategist are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Ike & Soren!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Elincia Lost Princess Face FC Ike Young Mercenary Face FC Soren Shrewd Strategist Face FC
Focus: Ike & Soren's Battle
Banner T0046
Empty Space GHB
K & C: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game, Klein: Silver Nobleman and Clarine: Refined Noble are in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Klein & Clarine!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Clarine Refined Noble Face FC Klein Silver Nobleman Face FC Roy Young Lion Face FC
Focus: Klein & Clarine's Battle
Banner T0048
Empty Space GHB
E & N: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance game, Elincia: Lost Princess and Nephenee: Fierce Halberdier are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Elincia & Nephenee!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Elincia Lost Princess Face FC Ike Brave Mercenary Face FC Nephenee Fierce Halberdier Face FC
Focus: Elincia and Nephenee's Battle
Banner T0049
Empty Space GHB
C & V: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Awakening game, Cherche: Wyvern Friend and Virion: Elite Archer are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Cherche & Virion!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Cherche Wyvern Friend Face FC Tiki Nagas Voice Face FC Virion Elite Archer Face FC
Focus: Cherche & Virion's Battle
Banner T0052
Empty Space GHB
B & F: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game, Bartre: Fearless Warrior and Fir: Sword Student are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Bartre & Fir!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC Fir Sword Student Face FC Karla Sword Vassal Face FC
Focus: Bartre and Fir's Battle
Banner T0054
Empty Space GHB
T & M: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance game, Titania: Mighty Mercenary and Mist: Helpful Sister are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Titania & Mist!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Ike Young Mercenary Face FC Mist Helpful Sister Face FC Titania Mighty Mercenary Face FC
Focus: Titania and Mist's Battle
Banner T0056
Empty Space GHB
L & N: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 game, Leif: Prince of Leonster and Nanna: Nordion Princess are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Leif & Nanna!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Lachesis Lionhearts Sister Face FC Leif Prince of Leonster Face FC Nanna Nordion Princess Face FC
Focus: Leif and Nanna's Battle
Banner T0058
Empty Space GHB
M & C: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem game, Marth: Altean Prince and Caeda: Talys's Heart are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Marth & Caeda!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Caeda Talyss Heart Face FC Catria Middle Whitewing Face FC Marth Altean Prince Face FC
Focus: Marth and Caeda's Battle
Banner T0059
Empty Space GHB
M & M: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Awakening game, Morgan: Lad from Afar and Morgan: Lass from Afar are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Morgan & Morgan!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Morgan Lad from Afar Face FC Morgan Lass from Afar Face FC Robin High Deliverer Face FC
Bound Hero Battle
Banner T0062
Empty Space GHB
J & G: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem game, Jeorge: Perfect Shot and Gordin: Altean Archer are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Jeorge & Gordin!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Gordin Altean Archer Face FC Hardin Dark Emperor Face FC Jeorge Perfect Shot Face FC
Focus: Jeorge & Gordin's Battle
Banner T0063
Empty Space GHB
T & C: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn game, Tibarn: Lord of the Air and Caineghis: Gallia's Lion King are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Tibarn & Caineghis!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC Reyson White Prince Face FC Tibarn Lord of the Air Face FC
Focus: Tibarn & Caineghis's Battle
Banner T0066
Empty Space GHB
A & F: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game, Alm: Hero of Prophecy and Faye: Devoted Heart are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Alm & FayeFirst availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Alm Hero of Prophecy Face FC Celica Warrior Priestess Face FC Faye Devoted Heart Face FC
Focus: Alm and Faye's Battle
Banner T0068
Empty Space GHB
I & E: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game, Innes: Regal Strategician and Eirika: Restoration Lady are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Innes & Eirika!First availability:
Last availability:
1 intermediary appearance
Eirika Restoration Lady Face FC Ephraim Sacred Twin Lord Face FC Innes Regal Strategician Face FC
Focus: Eirika and Innes's Battle
Banner T0070
Empty Space GHB
F & I: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game, Fae: Divine Dragon and Idunn: Dark Priestess are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Fae & Idunn –
Fae Divine Dragon Face FC Idunn Dark Priestess Face FC Roy Young Lion Face FC
Focus: Fae and Idunn's Battle
Banner T0072
Empty Space GHB
S & L: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War game, Sigurd: Holy Knight and Lewyn: Guiding Breeze are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Sigurd & Lewyn! –
Lewyn Guiding Breeze Face FC Sigurd Holy Knight Face FC Silvia Traveling Dancer Face FC
Focus: Sigurd & Lewyn's Battle
Banner T0073
Empty Space GHB
L & F: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade game, close friends Lyn: Lady of the Plains and Florina: Lovely Flier are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Lyn & Florina! –
Florina Lovely Flier Face FC Hector General of Ostia Face FC Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC
Focus: Lyn & Florina's Battle
Banner T0076
Empty Space GHB
E & D: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game, Edelgard: The Future and Dimitri: The Protector are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Edelgard & Dimitri! –
Claude The Schemer Face FC Dimitri The Protector Face FC Edelgard The Future Face FC
Focus: Edelgard & Dimitri's Battle
Banner T0078
Empty Space GHB
R & S: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Fates games, Ryoma: Peerless Samurai and Sakura: Loving Priestess are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Ryoma & Sakura –
Hinoka Warrior Princess Face FC Ryoma Peerless Samurai Face FC Sakura Loving Priestess Face FC
Focus: Ryoma and Sakura's Battle
Banner T0080
Empty Space GHB
R & C: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates games, Robin: Fell Reincarnation and Corrin: Wailing Soul are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Robin & Corrin! –
Celica Imprisoned Soul Face FC Corrin Wailing Soul Face FC Robin Fell Reincarnation Face FC
Focus: Robin & Corrin's Battle
Banner T0082
Empty Space GHB
S & S: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Awakening game, Stahl: Viridian Knight and Sully: Crimson Knight are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Stahl & Sully! –
Frederick Polite Knight Face FC Stahl Viridian Knight Face FC Sully Crimson Knight Face FC
Focus: Stahl & Sully
Banner T0084
Empty Space GHB
T & N: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem game, Tiki: Dragon Scion and Nagi: Dragon Avatar are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Tiki & Nagi! –
Nagi Dragon Avatar Face FC Tiki Dragon Scion Face FC Tiki Nagas Voice Face FC
Focus: Tiki & Nagi's Battle
Banner T0085
Empty Space GHB
F & P: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game, Forsyth: Loyal Lieutenant and Python: Apathetic Archer are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Forsyth & Python! –
Forsyth Loyal Lieutenant Face FC Lukas Sharp Soldier Face FC Python Apathetic Archer Face FC
Focus: Forsyth & Python's Battle
Banner T0088
Empty Space GHB
R & L: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn game, Ranulf: Friend of Nations and Lethe: Gallia's Valkyrie are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Ranulf & Lethe! –
Lethe Gallias Valkyrie Face FC Mordecai Kindhearted Tiger Face FC Ranulf Friend of Nations Face FC
Focus: Ranulf and Lethe's Battle
Banner T0090
Empty Space GHB
H & B: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game, Hubert: Sinister Servant and Bernadetta: Eternal Loner are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Hubert & Bernadetta! –
Bernadetta Eternal Loner Face FC Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC Petra Princess of Brigid Face FC
Focus: Hubert & Bernadetta
Banner T0092
Empty Space GHB
L & R: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game, Lugh: Anima Child and Raigh: Dark Child are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Lugh & Raigh! –
Chad Lycian Wildcat Face FC Lugh Anima Child Face FC Raigh Dark Child Face FC
Focus: Lugh and Raigh's Battle
Banner T0094
Empty Space GHB
L & E: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game, Lyon: Demon King and Eirika: Anamnesis Lady are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Lyon & Eirika! –
Eirika Anamnesis Lady Face FC Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC Lyon Demon King Face FC
Focus: Lyon & Eirika's Battle
Banner T0096
Empty Space GHB
T & O: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 game, Tanya: Dagdar's Kid and Osian: Scolded Soldier are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Tanya & Osian! –
Mareeta Sword of Stars Face FC Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC Tanya Dagdars Kid Face FC
Focus: Tanya and Osian's Battle
Banner T0098
Empty Space GHB
V & L: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Heroes game, Veronica: Brave Princess and Loki: The Trickster are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Veronica & Loki! –
Loki The Trickster Face FC Surtr Ruler of Flame Face FC Veronica Brave Princess Face FC
Focus: Veronica & Loki's Battle
Banner T0100
Empty Space GHB
S & D: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War game, Seliph: Heir of Light and Deirdre: Lady of the Forest are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Seliph & Deirdre! –
Deirdre Lady of the Forest Face FC Seliph Heir of Light Face FC Sigurd Holy Knight Face FC
Focus: Seliph & Deirdre's Battle
Banner T0102
Empty Space GHB
S & C: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game, Shamir: Archer Apart and Catherine: Thunder Knight are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Shamir & Catherine! –
Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC Flayn Playing Innocent Face FC Shamir Archer Apart Face FC
Focus: Shamir & Catherine
Banner T0104
Empty Space GHB
L & M: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade game, Leila: Rose amid Fangs and Matthew: Faithful Spy are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Leila & Matthew! –
Hector General of Ostia Face FC Leila Rose amid Fangs Face FC Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC
Focus: Leila & Matthew's Battle
Banner T0106
Empty Space GHB
I & J: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War games, Ike: Zeal Unleashed and Julia: Heart Usurped are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Ike & Julia! –
Ike Zeal Unleashed Face FC Julia Heart Usurped Face FC Lyon Demon King Face FC
Focus: Ike & Julia's Battle
Banner T0108
Empty Space GHB
M & B: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game, Mae: Bundle of Energy and Boey: Skillful Survivor are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Mae & Boey! –
Boey Skillful Survivor Face FC Genny Endearing Ally Face FC Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC
Focus: Mae & Boey's Battle
Banner T0109
Empty Space GHB
F & F: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Fates games, Felicia: Maid Mayhem and Flora: Cold as Ice are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Felicia & Flora –
Felicia Maid Mayhem Face FC Flora Cold as Ice Face FC Jakob Devoted Servant Face FC
Focus: Felicia & Flora's Battle
Banner T0111
Empty Space GHB
Y & H: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Heroes game, Ylgr: Fresh Snowfall and Helbindi: Savage Scourge are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Ylgr & Helbindi! –
Helbindi Savage Scourge Face FC Laevatein Searing Steel Face FC Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC
Focus: Ylgr & Helbindi's Battle
Banner T0114
Empty Space GHB
M & A: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game, Mercedes: Kindly Devotee and Annette: Overachiever are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Mercedes & Annette! –
Annette Overachiever Face FC Ingrid Galateas Heir Face FC Mercedes Kindly Devotee Face FC
Focus: Mercedes & Annette
Banner T0116
Empty Space GHB
P & C: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem game, Palla: Eldest Whitewing and Catria: Middle Whitewing are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Palla & Catria! –
Catria Middle Whitewing Face FC Est Junior Whitewing Face FC Palla Eldest Whitewing Face FC
Focus: Palla and Catria's Battle
Banner T0118
Empty Space GHB
S & G: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance game, Shinon: Scathing Archer and Gatrie: Armored Amour are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Shinon & Gatrie! –
Gatrie Armored Amour Face FC Oscar Agile Horseman Face FC Shinon Scathing Archer Face FC
Focus: Shinon & Gatrie's Battle
Banner T0120
Empty Space GHB
N & N: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Awakening game, Nowi: Eternal Youth and Nah: Little Miss are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Nowi & Nah! –
Kjelle Fair Fighter Face FC Nah Little Miss Face FC Nowi Eternal Youth Face FC
Focus: Nowi & Nah's Battle
Banner T0122
Empty Space GHB
T & E: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game, Tethys: Beloved Dancer and Ewan: Eager Student are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Tethys & Ewan! –
Ewan Eager Student Face FC Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC Tethys Beloved Dancer Face FC
Focus: Tethys & Ewan's Battle
Banner T0124
Empty Space GHB
G & M: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game, Guinivere: Princess of Bern and Melady: Crimson Rider are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Guinivere & Melady! –
Guinivere Princess of Bern Face FC Idunn Dark Priestess Face FC Melady Crimson Rider Face FC
Focus: Guinivere & Melady
Banner T0126
Empty Space GHB
L & A: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 games, Leif: Prince of Leonster and Altena: Luminous Rider are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Leif & Altena! –
Altena Luminous Rider Face FC Leif Prince of Leonster Face FC Quan Luminous Lancer Face FC
Focus: Leif & Altena's Battle
Banner T0128
Empty Space GHB
S & E: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War game, Silvia: Traveling Dancer and Erinys: Earnest Knight are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Silvia & Erinys! –
Erinys Earnest Knight Face FC Lewyn Guiding Breeze Face FC Silvia Traveling Dancer Face FC
Focus: Silvia & Erinys's Battle
Banner T0130
Empty Space GHB
M & M: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Awakening game, Morgan: Fated Darkness and Morgan: Devoted Darkness are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Morgan & Morgan! –
Edelgard Hegemon Husk Face FC Morgan Devoted Darkness Face FC Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC
Focus: Morgan & Morgan's Battle
Banner T0132
Empty Space GHB
J & N: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade game, Jaffar: Angel of Death and Nino: Pale Flower are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Jaffar & Nino! –
Jaffar Angel of Death Face FC Legault The Hurricane Face FC Nino Pale Flower Face FC
Focus: Jaffar & Nino's Battle
Banner T0134
Empty Space GHB
L & D: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game, Luthier: Odd Wayfarer and Delthea: Free Spirit are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Luthier & Delthea! –
Delthea Free Spirit Face FC Luthier Odd Wayfarer Face FC Sonya Vengeful Mage Face FC
Focus: Luthier & Delthea's Battle
Banner T0136
Empty Space GHB
S & M: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Heroes game, Surtr: Ruler of Flame and Múspell: Flame God are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Surtr & Múspell! –
Laegjarn Sheathed Steel Face FC Muspell Flame God Face FC Surtr Ruler of Flame Face FC
Focus: Surtr & Múspell's Battle
Banner T0138
Empty Space GHB
H & C: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game, Hapi: Drawn-Out Sigh and Constance: Fallen Noble are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Hapi & Constance! –
Constance Fallen Noble Face FC Hapi Drawn-Out Sigh Face FC Yuri Ashen Valiant Face FC
Focus: Hapi & Constance's Battle
Banner T0140
Empty Space GHB
F & B: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Awakening game, Flavia: Feroxi East-Khan and Basilio: Feroxi West-Khan are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Flavia & Basilio! –
Basilio Feroxi West-Khan Face FC Flavia Feroxi East-Khan Face FC Priam Radiant Hero Face FC
Focus: Flavia and Basilio's Battle
Banner T0142
Empty Space GHB
C & A: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem game, Cain: The Bull and Abel: The Panther are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Cain & Abel! –
Abel The Panther Face FC Cain The Bull Face FC Jagen Veteran Knight Face FC
Focus: Cain & Abel's Battle
Banner T0144
Empty Space GHB
K & S: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Fates games, Kaden: Kitsune Braggart and Selkie: Free Spirit are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Kaden & Selkie! –
Kaden Kitsune Braggart Face FC Selkie Free Spirit Face FC Velouria Wolf Cub Face FC
Focus: Kaden & Selkie's Battle
Banner T0146
Empty Space GHB
L & A: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 game, Leif: Prince of Leonster and August: Astute Tactician are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Leif & August! –
August Astute Tactician Face FC Leif Prince of Leonster Face FC Lewyn Guiding Breeze Face FC
Focus: Leif & August's Battle
Banner T0148
Empty Space GHB
T & N: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn game, Tibarn: Lord of the Air and Nailah: Unflinching Eye are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Tibarn & Nailah! –
Leanne Forests Song Face FC Nailah Unflinching Eye Face FC Tibarn Lord of the Air Face FC
Focus: Tibarn & Nailah's Battle
Banner T0150
Empty Space GHB
C & N: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game, Colm: Capable Thief and Neimi: Tearful Archer are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Colm & Neimi! –
Colm Capable Thief Face FC Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC Rennac Rich Merchant Face FC
Focus: Colm & Neimi's Battle
Banner T0152
Empty Space GHB
M & E: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes and Fire Emblem: Three Houses games, Monica: Favored Vassal and Edelgard: The Future are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Monica & Edelgard –
Edelgard The Future Face FC Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC Monica Favored Vassal Face FC
Focus: Monica & Edelgard's Battle
Banner T0154
Empty Space GHB
T & N: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem and Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade games, Tiki: Dragon Scion and Ninian: Oracle of Destiny are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Tiki & Ninian! –
Nils Bright Bard Face FC Ninian Oracle of Destiny Face FC Tiki Dragon Scion Face FC
Focus: Tiki & Ninian's Battle
Banner T0156
Empty Space GHB
E & L: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game, Echidna: Unyielding Idealist and Larum: Sprightly Dancer are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Echidna & Larum! – Echidna Unyielding Idealist Face FC Larum Sprightly Dancer Face FC Perceval Knightly Ideal Face FC
Focus: Echidna & Larum's Battle
Banner T0158
Empty Space GHB
A & C: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Engage game, Alear: Dragon Child and Céline: Joyous Royal are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Alear & Céline! –
Alear Dragon Child Face FC Celine Joyous Royal Face FC Chloe Fairy-Tale Flier Face FC
Focus: Alear & Céline's Battle
Banner T0160
Empty Space GHB
F & N: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Heroes game, Fjorm: Ice Ascendant and Nifl: God of Ice are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Fjorm & Nifl! –
Fjorm Ice Ascendant Face FC Nifl God of Ice Face FC Ylgr Fresh Snowfall Face FC
Focus: Fjorm & Nifl's Battle
Banner T0162
Empty Space GHB
A & T: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War game, Arthur: Furious Mage and Tine: Rumbling Thunder are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Arthur & Tine! –
Arthur Furious Mage Face FC Scathach Astras Wake Face FC Tine Rumbling Thunder Face FC
Focus: Arthur & Tine's Battle
Banner T0164
Empty Space GHB
C & E: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game, Catria: Mild Middle Sister and Est: Sweet Baby Sis are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Catria & Est! –
Catria Mild Middle Sister Face FC Est Sweet Baby Sis Face FC Palla Kind Eldest Sister Face FC
Focus: Catria & Est's Battle
Banner T0166
Empty Space GHB
S & K: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade game, Sain: Green Lance and Kent: Crimson Shield are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Sain & Kent! –
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC Sain Green Lance Face FC
Focus: Sain & Kent's Battle
Banner T0168
Empty Space GHB
L & R: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Awakening game, Lucina: Future Witness and Robin: High Deliverer are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Lucina & Robin! –
Chrom Exalted Prince Face FC Lucina Future Witness Face FC Robin High Deliverer Face FC
Focus: Lucina and Robin's Battle
Banner T0170
Empty Space GHB
C & A: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 games, Ced: Hero on the Wind and Asbel: Windswept Youth are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Ced & Asbel! –
Asbel Windswept Youth Face FC Ced Hero on the Wind Face FC Leif Prince of Leonster Face FC
Focus: Ced & Asbel's Battle
Banner T0172
Empty Space GHB
L & C: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Engage game, Lapis: Mighty Flower and Citrinne: Caring Noble are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Lapis & Citrinne! –
Alcryst Tender Archer Face FC Citrinne Caring Noble Face FC Lapis Mighty Flower Face FC
Focus: Lapis & Citrinne's Battle
Banner T0174
Empty Space GHB
M & E: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem game, Merric: Wind Mage and Elice: Altean Princess are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Merric & Elice! – Elice Altean Princess Face FC Marth Altean Prince Face FC Merric Wind Mage Face FC
Focus: Merric & Elice's Battle
Banner T0176
Empty Space GHB
K & M: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem Fates games, Kaze: Easygoing Ninja and Midori: Reliable Chemist are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Kaze & Midori! – Kaze Easygoing Ninja Face FC Midori Reliable Chemist Face FC Saizo Angry Ninja Face FC
Focus: Kaze & Midori's Battle
Banner T0178
Empty Space GHB
R & B: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
From the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game, Rhea: Loving Matriarch and Byleth: Proven Professor are waiting in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Rhea & Byleth! – Byleth Proven Professor Face FC Byleth Tested Professor Face FC Rhea Loving Matriarch Face FC
Focus: Rhea & Byleth's Battle
Banner T0180
Empty Space GHB
L & G: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
 – Bastian Crimeas Keystone Face FC Geoffrey Realms Protector Face FC Lucia Tireless Advisor Face FC
Focus: Lucia & Geoffrey's Battle
Banner T0182
Empty Space GHB
R & E: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
 – Amelia Rose of the War Face FC Ewan Eager Student Face FC Ross His Fathers Son Face FC
Focus: Ross & Ewan's Battle
Banner T0184
Empty Space GHB
Y & E: Bound Hero Battle
Orb 2 (Hard)
Orb 3 (Lunatic)
Orb 4 (Infernal)
 – Eir Life Ascendant Face FC Lif Arcane Blade Face FC Ymir Life-Mother Face FC
Focus: Ymir and Eir's Battle

Generic Units' Stats[ | ]

The generic units share the same stats with those in Grand Hero Battle maps. For more information see the related article linked above.

Revivals[ | ]

After some time, past Bound Hero Battle Maps are brought back to give the players another chance to complete them. If you have already completed a map during its initial release no new rewards will be granted, however, there are special quests which reward Orb Orbs.

Promotional Art[ | ]

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
English (US) Bound Hero Battle
Japanese 絆英雄戦
German Treue-Heldenkampf
Spanish (Europe) Batalla de vínculos
Spanish (Latin America) Batalla de vínculos
French Héros liés
Italian Battaglia legame
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 羈絆英雄戰
Portuguese Bound Hero Battle