Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Event Book VII Begins Celebration
Book VII Begins Celebration!

Book VII has begun! To commemorate the occasion, we're holding a Book VII Begins Celebration!

Mythic Hero Seiðr: Goddess of Hope will join your barracks if you clear the beginning of Book VII. Team up with her to take back the world from the time-altering powers of Gullveig, the Golden Seer!

Plus, you can earn two copies of 5★ New Hero Kiragi: Upbeat Archer by clearing Book VII Begins quests.

What's more, you can get rewards such as 140 of 4 types of Dragonflowers from the Log-In bonus. Some Aether Raids structures are also available for a limited time.

News Anna Reaction Ok
We've arrived in a world far into the future... Let's stay focused and proceed with caution!

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To commemorate the beginning of Book VII, we're holding a Book VII Begins Celebration!

■ Book VII Begins Log-In Bonus

Active: to

There will be a Log-In Bonus from which you can get 140 of 4 types of Dragonflowers, 700 Divine Codes (Part 3), and 700 Heroic Grails!

・ The Log-In Bonus can be obtained for up to 10 days during the active period.
・ For an explanation of how each of these in-game items are used, please refer to the About Items section at the end of this notification.

Book VII Begins Quests

Active: to

Quests that can be completed by clearing the story maps of Book VII, as well as other quests, will be available. You can even clear specific maps under certain conditions to earn two copies of the 5★ New Hero Kiragi: Upbeat Archer!

Hero banner Kiragi Upbeat Archer
Tap to see details News icon tap
To see an illustrated page introducing this Hero, tap here.

Takumi's son. Easygoing and friendly, he always
looks for the silver lining. Appears in Fire
Emblem Fates.

Skills learnable at 5★:

News icon new skillIcon Skill WeaponUnbound Bow+
Mt: 12 Range: 2
Effective against flying foes. If unit is not
adjacent to an ally, inflicts Spd/Def-5 on foe
and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from
skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.

Icon Skill SpecialLuna
Cooldown: 3
Treats foe’s Def/Res as if reduced by 50% during
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Swift Sparrow 2Swift Sparrow 2
If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd+4 during
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Drive Spd 2Drive Spd 2
Grants Spd+3 to allies within 2 spaces during

"Tell me right away if you find yourself in trouble. I've got keen eyes so I can help out no matter where I am!"

Clear quests to earn 3 Orbs, 70 of 4 types of Dragonflowers, 700 Divine Codes (Part 3), and more!

Note: Kiragi: Upbeat Archer will be summonable as a 3★ or 4★ Hero in a Legendary Hero summoning event to be held this month.

News emote Alfonse grinning
It seems like you'll be able to obtain quite a few Dragonflowers from the Log-In Bonus and quest rewards, eh?

Aether Raids Quests and Book VII Aether Raids Structures will be added

Active: to

There will be Quests from which you can earn 700 Aether Stones and Frosty Aether Stones. Use Frosty Aether Stones to build special Structures, such as the Icon of Light, Light-Realm Flora, and Serpent's Curse.

Limited structures can even be placed in the Aether Resort!

・ The Icon of Light, Light-Realm Flora, and Serpent's Curse can be placed in the Aether Resort once they have been built in Aether Raids.
・ When the event is over, all remaining Frosty Aether Stones will be lost.

〇 About Aether Raids

・ Aether Raids
Aether Raids are battles that take place between your team and rival teams in which you place structures and your team on a map, then attack or defend to increase Lift. Aim for a high Tier and earn lots of rewards!

・ Aether Resort
You can place structures, such as Hot Springs and Accessory Shops, as you like in the Aether Resort. In the Aether Resort, you can see another side to your Heroes that you don't always get to see. Save up R&R Affinity and spruce your Aether Resort up with structures!

■ Book VII Castle Design

To celebrate the start of Book VII, we're sending all players a new Castle design called Luminous Castle!

You can change your design by selecting Shop → Upgrade Castle → Change Design. Be sure to give the new design a try!

News emote Sharena happy
This stunningly beautiful castle fills me with a sort of nervous excitement!

■ Double EXP & SP Events

Active: to

Earn double EXP and SP from battle while these events are active! Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to strengthen your Heroes in preparation for the coming battle.

News emote Feh happy 2
Let's change the future, together with Seiðr!

About Items
Dragonflower IDragonflower

Used to boost the stats of your Heroes. Can only be used on Heroes of the corresponding movement type (red for infantry, green for armored, yellow for cavalry, and blue for flying).
Divine CodeDivine Code
Exchanged for Combat Manuals that can be used to merge your Heroes or inherit skills.
Heroic GrailHeroic Grail
Used to summon certain Heroes. Tap Allies, then Use Heroic Grails to see which Heroes can be summoned.
Aether StoneAether Stone
Used to create or enhance Aether Raid structures.

To see your in-game inventory of items, tap Misc., then Inventory.

