Part 1[ | ]
?????? | At last! The information I need is "Thus, the kingdom's royalty "The god had perished and yet "Generations of this family were "They were powerless to fight the "The wicked god has been known "Devourer of Royals... Ruin "But the god's true name has What?! The passage ends right To come all this way to possess The Dragon's Gate in this world, So there are those here who may But I must learn more about | …『かの国の王族は、 …『憑神は死してなお …『憑神の血が蠢く度、 …『【王喰らいの邪悪】 …『その神の名は』… …記述はここまでか。 この世界のヴァロール島には 我々の世界について 【隠者ブラミモンドの書】、 | ||
?????? | Urghhh... | ! | ||
?????? | I must hurry, not just for my sake, | 急がなければ… |
Beginning of the battle
Ravenレイヴァン | Now, it's time. | では、行くぞ。 | ||
No, Lord Raven! You mustn't | い、いけません、レイヴァンさま! | Luciusルセア | ||
Ravenレイヴァン | Shut up, Lucius. If I fight for them, That's the contract. And that's what | 黙れ、ルセア。 俺が奴のために戦えば、 お前はそこでおとなしくしてろ。 |
Stage Clear
Ravenレイヴァン | So now we have no choice but to But I can't fall here. I can't stop | 無様だな… だが、俺は死なん。 |
Part 2[ | ]
Beginning of the battle
Rebeccaレベッカ | Hi there! So I hate to break it to you, And the darn thing says we have That will make everything right | あっ、こんにちは! えっと、わたしたち、 でもあなたたちが力を示せば、 | ||
Silly girl! Never speak for me, My sword is my life. I long to cut We will fight, and I will win. It's as | 娘…無粋な話はよせ。 私は剣に生きる身。 強者を斬る。 | Karelカレル |
Stage Clear
Ninianニニアン | You have revealed the true measure I give you my thanks. Now I can If ever we meet again... And will we, | 力は示されました… ありがとうございます。 もしまたお会いできたら…その時は… |
Part 3[ | ]
Beginning of the battle
Jaffarジャファル | Nino...stay here. I will eliminate | …ニノ、お前はここにいろ。 | ||
But, Jaffar! Are these people really | 待って、ジャファル! | Ninoニノ | ||
Jaffarジャファル | If talk fails, we are as good as dead. I must keep you safe. I will | …話し合いが通じなければ お前を守るためにも… |
Stage Clear
Jaffarジャファル | You...don't intend to kill us? I live only to protect Nino. And You are sparing us....Nino... | …俺やニノを殺さないのか…? ……。俺はニノを守る… 俺も、ニノに守られていた… | ||
Jaffar! You're all right! Please, | ジャファル! また、二人で暮らせるんだよ! | Ninoニノ | ||
Jaffarジャファル | The two of us. Forever...and ever. You people...I am in your debt. Every moment Nino is with me is You have our thanks. | …そうだな。 お前たちには借りができた。 俺とニノが…どれだけの時間を だが、たとえその時間がわずかでも… |
Alfonseアルフォンス | That completes our mission. | これで任務は完了だね。 | ||
Wait, wait! Please, sir, you with the | あ、ちょっと待って。 | Ninoニノ | ||
Alfonseアルフォンス | Yes, but how do you know who | ? なぜ僕の名前を? | ||
I met a man recently...called He told me to give you this letter. | 前にね、ザカリアっていう人に頼まれたの。 | Ninoニノ | ||
Alfonseアルフォンス | A letter—from Zacharias?! Please, Th-thank you. | ザカリアが!? | ||
Oh, you're welcome. Glad to get | 良かった、ちゃんと渡せて。 | Ninoニノ | ||
Sharenaシャロン | Come on! What does it say?! | お兄様、お兄様! | ||
Patience, Sharena. Here now, "Alfonse, you must be worried "I stumbled upon a secret about the "I needed to see whether it was true "Veronica is not our enemy. The | 今、開けてみるよ。 『アルフォンス、心配かけてすまない。 『俺たちが倒すべき敵はヴェロニカじゃない。 | Alfonseアルフォンス | ||
Sharenaシャロン | Who? Bruno? I've never heard of | ブルーノ…? | ||
The royal family of Embla is a web But I think I've heard about a Bruno | エンブラの皇族関係は複雑怪奇、 民たちも誰も顔を見たことがない皇子がいる、 | Annaアンナ | ||
Alfonseアルフォンス | So Zacharias is trying to find out | ザカリアは、 | ||
It seems so. He does have the skills Of all of us, he'd be the best at I'm his commander, after all, so he But knowing Zacharias, I have to | 確かに、ザカリアは機関の密偵として でも、隊長の私にまで秘密で | Annaアンナ | ||
Alfonseアルフォンス | Who knows what's happened to him? Though how then did he get us this | あるいは、今は敵の捕虜にされ、 | ||
It's just good to know he's alive. | でも、とにかく | Sharenaシャロン | ||
Alfonseアルフォンス | I only hope that he'll make his way This letter at least is something to | …そうだね。ザカリアが戻ってきたら、 |
Scenario | |||||
Paralogue 2 ← |
Paralogue 3 | Paralogue 4 → |
Scenario | |||||
Book I | |||||
Interlude 1 ← |
Interlude 2 | Chapter 10 → Interlude 3 → |