Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Ninian: Frozen Heart - C

Background image: EvBg_Vortex
Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

So many mistakes...

I should never have approached the
Dragon’s Gate...

Never entered the human world...

The more involved I become in their
affairs, the more lives are put at risk.

Lady Lyndis. Lord Eliwood.

The kind people who offered me
their friendship...

What did they get in return?

My presence only causes conflict.

Lord Eliwood might still have a father
if not for me.

I have done so many things that
cannot be undone... No matter how
many tears I shed.

If only my power did not exist...

I just want to disappear...

To sink into an abyss so deep and
cold that even Ninis cannot reach me.


Hear me, Ninian!

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

That voice... Who calls to me?

Heed my words...

You are this world...

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

No... No, I am never going anywhere.
Never again...

I would only cause more conflict.
More sorrow...

Just reach out your hand...

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

I can’t!

I don’t want to hurt anyone... Please,
leave me be...

Ninian: Frozen Heart - B

Background image: EvBg_Vortex
Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

I cannot stay here... I will only cause
more misfortune. More strife...

Ninian. Ninian!

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

I’m sure I know that voice,'s
different. Nils? Nils, is that you?

So you can hear me! Well, listen up.
I’ve got something to say.

We are different from humans. You’re
right about that.

Nils Bright Bard Face FC
Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

Yes. And that is why becoming
involved with them...

It’s not a mistake. Different doesn’t
have to mean we’re bad.

Life takes on so many forms. All of
us are different from each other.

That doesn’t make any of us evil.
Least of all you.

Nils Bright Bard Face FC
Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

But they covet our strength, and that
has caused so much bloodshed...

I only have the power to create that
sorrow. I can do nothing to heal it.

So instead of spreading it further, I...

I would really rather...disappear.
Forget everything...

Ninian! You can’t just turn your back
on life! On the living!

We didn’t only bring them sorrow.
We brought them so much more!

Think. Remember how much good
the humans have done for us.

Well, we’ve done as much for them.
And we can do more!

Nils Bright Bard Face FC
Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC


Ninian: Frozen Heart - A

Background image: EvBg_Vortex
Nils Bright Bard Face FC

You can’t just forget everything and
pretend it didn’t happen, Ninian.

What about Lady Lyn, and Lord
Eliwood? Do you want to forget
that they ever existed?

No... I do not want to forget them.

But the violence, the sorrow... If I
must give up my memories to prevent
it all, then...

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC
Nils Bright Bard Face FC

Snap out of it, Ninian! This isn’t who
you are! You’re losing yourself!

I need to disappear... To sink into
the deepest darkness...

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

Listen to me. You must not give up.

That voice... It sounds own.
Where is it coming from?

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

The future has not been decided.

If you keep moving forward, if you
refuse to yield, you can step out of
this darkness and into the light.

Are Another Ninian?

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

Answer the one who is calling to you.

There is a bright future waiting,
I promise. You need only seize it.

No... This darkness is inescapable...

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC
Nils Bright Bard Face FC

You can escape, Ninian! Don’t let
Nergal’s tricks fool you!

There is a bright future waiting for
you. The people you love are waiting
for you.

Answer the call. Take my hand...

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

I... Ah...

This light... This warm, gentle light...
It feels as though it is enveloping
my entire being...

Ninian: Frozen Heart - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Nils Bright Bard Face FC

Come back to us, Ninian. It’s going
to be all right!

Nils... I...

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC
Nils Bright Bard Face FC

You’ve been summoned away from
Elibe, to another world. Welcome to
the Kingdom of Askr.


Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

Glad to see you’re finally with us.
I’m Anna, Commander of the Order
of Heroes here in Askr.

Our world is up against a whole
handful of threats at the moment,
as it happens.

So, to protect our people, we
summon Heroes from other worlds
to help us out.

There are lots of good people here,
Ninian. And they could use your help.

Nils Bright Bard Face FC
Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC


Not quite back to your old self yet,
I see.

Nils Bright Bard Face FC
Ninian Bright-Eyed Bride Face FC

Worry not. This journey will be what
saves her too.

There...truly is another of me...

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC
Ninian Bright-Eyed Bride Face FC

I am so glad that you finally answered
【Summoner】’s call.

It was your voice that found me in
that darkness...

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC
Ninian Bright-Eyed Bride Face FC

I was praying for you. Your sorrow
was so could say it
reached across worlds to find me.


Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC
Ninian Bright-Eyed Bride Face FC

The truth is, I was once in your
position. I too lost the light.

But I was able to return to myself,
in no small part thanks to all of the
wonderful people here in Askr.

A whole new future has been made
available to me.

A new future...

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC
Nils Bright Bard Face FC

Yes. And now that you are here,
you can have that as well.

I believe that is why the summoner
called to us.

Eliwood, Lyn, Hector—everybody’s
here. They’re been waiting for you.

Anna Commander Face FC
Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC

Lord Eliwood...and all the others?
All of them are here?

I do not know if I should see them...
I do not know if I...

Of course you should. There’s no
need for you to hide away in the
dark any longer.

Nils Bright Bard Face FC
Ninian Bright-Eyed Bride Face FC

You did not come to this world
to spread sorrow.

Join the people who are precious
to you. Find a new future, together
with them.

I cannot simply...ignore the pain
I have already caused, but...

Perhaps there will come a time when
I can truly be free of this darkness.

Ninian Frozen Heart Face FC
← Rath Nils →
Beyond Control
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
