General | Quotes | Misc | Heroic Ordeal |
Summoning[ | ]
H-hey! What's with this clothing?! I think you pulled the wrong rabbit out of your hat...
ひぃぃっ! な、なんですかこの格好は! あたしに何を期待してるんですか!? 着せる相手を間違えてますよ!
Castle[ | ]
There must be someone better suited to liven up the festival than me... Wait! Is this some kind of prank?!
お祭りを盛り上げるなら ベルよりも適任がいると思うのですが…。 はっ!? これはなにかの嫌がらせ?
Festivals are meant to be avoided and not joined. That's Bernie social etiquette!
祭りは参加するものではなく 引きこもって遠ざけるもの…。 それがベルの常識なんですうう!
I don't mind admiring flowers and the like...but I'd prefer to do it alone.
お花とかを愛でるのは 嫌いじゃないんですが… 一人で愛でるのが好きなんです。
"Wow, the world outside my room is so wonderful and vast!" exactly the sort of thing I wouldn't say. I'm going home!
部屋の外には、こんな素敵な世界が 広がっていたんですねえ…とか 言うと思いましたか? 帰ります!
If I can blend in somehow, maybe no one will find me... Oh no! This outfit is too bright for that to work!
気配を消せば誰にも 見つからないかもしれない…。 うう、衣装が派手すぎて無理いい!
Friend greeting[ | ]
Oh! I-I guess you found me? This is a gift I was asked to bring you from
ひっ! 見つかった!? こ、これ 【Friend】
さんから 預かって来た贈りものですうう!
Leveling up[ | ]
+[4,5] points[ | ]
I-I did my best, so that means I can be done now, right? Bernie is leaving, and at a hare's pace!
が、頑張ったからもういいですよね!? ベルは去ります、脱兎のごとくうう!
+[2,3] points[ | ]
It's just a festival, so...please don't take it too seriously, OK?
あ、あくまでお祭りですから。 本気にならないでくださいね。
+[0,1] points[ | ]
Oh no... I guess a rabbit's foot isn't that lucky after all...
ダメな兎は皮を剥がれて しまうのですか…つらい…。
Ally Growth[ | ]
Y-you're giving this to me? Spring festivals might not be as bad as I thought...
こ、これをベルに? もしかして春祭りって 楽しい催しなんですか? えへへ…。
5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]
J-just because it's spring doesn't mean that everyone is excited to go outside.
There are still animals that want to continue hibernating and people who want to stay in their rooms...
So, just go easy on Bernie, OK, Summoner? See you next winter...
Huh? What do you mean people want to see me in this outfit? Wait, they're gathering by my room? Now?!
Aaah! Why are s-s-so many people here?! Don't look at me, please! Don't...look... Ah...
は、春が来たからって みんなが喜んでお外に出る訳じゃ ありませんよ。
もっと冬眠したい動物や 部屋から出たくない人だって いるはずなんです…。
さん ベルをそっとしておいてください。 次の冬までごきげんよう…。
え? ベルの春祭りの格好を 見たいっていう人たちを連れてきた? もう部屋の前にいる?
ほえぇぇぇぇっ! 部屋の前に お、お、大勢の人が!? 見ないでください! 見ない…で…。
あ…。 …………。 ………………。
Attack[ | ]
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Damage[ | ]
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Special trigger[ | ]
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Spring has sprung! | |
Hopping to it! | |
I want to hibernate... | |
This bunny bites! |
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Defeat[ | ]
Audio | Transcription |
Not very festive... |
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Status page[ | ]
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
1 | |
This outfit was just to embarrass me, wasn't it? Augh, stupid! Can't believe I fell for it! I'm so HUMILIATED!
1 | |
*yelp* If you want me to go away, just say so! You don't have to push me around!
1 | |
I'd love to hibernate. No obligations, no people... Just me in my cave, safe and warm.
1 | |
My favorite part about this whole thing? Probably the candy...
4 | |
What? You think I'm...cute? Oh, no-no-no—you're not fooling me. You think I don't know a trick when I see one? I'm on to you!
4 | |
Spring makes me tired. All this outdoor stuff... Can we go back to winter?
5 | |
So, instead of Bernie-bear, how about...Bernie-bun? *chuckle*
5 |
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
1 | |
なんなんですかあ、この衣装は!? ふ、ふざけてるんですかああ!?
1 | |
ぎええっ!? やっぱり、場違いなあたしを追い出そうと…!?
1 | |
冬眠の何が悪いんです? 目覚める必要なんてないじゃないですか!
1 | |
4 | |
か、可愛い!? ななな何言ってるんですか! だまされませんよ!?
4 | |
5 | |
う、兎さんだぴょん! …なんて、ははは…やってみただけです……
5 |
Turn action[ | ]
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OK, OK! | |
What? | |
Do I have to? |
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Story appearances
― Bernadetta: Late Hibernator, Chasing a Tale/Story |