Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

Um, hi. I'm Bernadetta. It's cold out, so I'll just be in my... Huh? Festival? What did I do to deserve this?!

あ、あたしはベルナデッタです。 こんな寒い日は部屋で引き籠って… ええっ、祭りのお手伝いですかぁぁぁ!?

Castle[ | ]

Aaah—I just came to give out gifts! Nothing suspicious here! Sorry!

ひぃっ! 怪しい者じゃありません! あたしはただ、プレゼントを 配りに来ただけですぅぅぅぅ!

I was born on the twelfth of the Ethereal Moon, right in the middle of winter. Still hate the cold, though...

い、一応ベルは冬の生まれで 誕生日は星辰の節の12日です。 別に寒さに強いわけではないですよ。

I don't know why everyone's asking me what I want now. I've been saying for ages I just want to be left alone!

ベルが一番欲しいプレゼントですか? それはもちろん、誰にも邪魔されず 引き籠もれる部屋、ですね!

Did you say burn a candle...or Bernie candle?! Aaah! Please don't make a candle out of meeee!

うえ!? せ、聖夜にベルを鳴らすって あたしを泣かすってことですか? ひ、ひぃぃぃっ! やめてくださいぃぃ!

Ugh, why'd you have to wear such bright colors, Bernie?! Nobody wants to see you stand out like this. Stupid!

こ、こんな派手な服 あたしには似合いませんよおぉぉ。 一体どうしてこんな辱めを…

Friend greeting[ | ]

Um...hi. I brought you a winter festival gift from 【Friend】. Can I go now?

【Friend】さんから 冬の祭りの…贈り物を預かってきました。 ご用がなければ、ベルはこれで…

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Is it over? It's over, right? We're all finished here? Can I go?

もうあたしは十分ですよね? やりきりましたよね?

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Home feels so far away. I miss my room...

帰りたい… 自分のお部屋に帰りたい…

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Aaah! Careful! Last time someone snuck up on me like that, I fainted standing up!

はっ!? …ショックで 立ったまま気絶しちゃってました。

Ally Growth[ | ]

You have a gift? For me? R-really? this a trick?

あたしにもプレゼントですか…? も、もらってもいいんですか?

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

If nothing else, this festival's shown me different people enjoy holidays differently, 【Summoner】.
Some folks want big, loud gatherings. I get it, sort of, but that's...definitely not me.
Even so, I think it did me good to come out a little. I'm kind of amazed I didn't completely hate it, honestly.
So...I feel like I should thank you. Because without you, I wouldn't have even tried.
However it might turn out, it's no good for me to decide I'd hate something before giving it a chance.
Wait, what? There are MORE of these festivals?! No way, forget it! One was enough! Count me ooouuut!

【Summoner】さん… えっとですね。人には向き不向きが あると思うんです!
みんなで騒ぐお祭りが好きな人もいれば 部屋で一人静かに過ごしたい人もいる。 …あたしは断っ然、後者です!
で、でも…今回、冬のお祭りに 参加させてもらって…す、少しだけ お祭りの楽しさが実感できました…!
なんでも最初から自分には向いてない 無理だからって決めつけるのは よくない事なのかもしれないと…
そのことを気づかせてくれて 【Summoner】さんには 感謝しなくちゃいけないかも…なんて
え? お祭りはまだほかにもある? ベルも参加してくれないか? こここ、これ以上は限界ですぅぅ!

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
A grim.
You want this. Right!?
So hungry...
It's so cold!
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Why did I leave my room?
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
*nervous laughter* ★
Festivals would be perfect...if there weren't other people around. ★
Aaaah! I mean, um... It'll take more than that to s-sneak up on me! ★
Snow is so nice. I want to build a snowy cave and shut myself inside. ★
My perfect gift would be a room just for me...with a lock. A big lock. ★
Don't look! You'll spoil the present I'm making for you... ★
♪Hm hm-hm...♪ Aah! How long have you been standing there?! ★
I feel comfortable around you. *yawn* It's making me sleepy... ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ぬふふふ… ★
お祭り、楽しいですねえ。これで人がいなければ最高なんですけど。 ★
ひぇっ…ここここのベルを驚かそうだなんて、100年早いですよ! ★
雪、いいですよね。雪洞(せつどう)作って引き籠もりたい… ★
贈り物、引き籠もれる道具がいいなあ…大きな錠前とか… ★
見ちゃダメええ! あ、あなたに贈る刺繍を縫ってるんですからあ! ★
ふんふんふー……ぎえええっ!? いつからそこに!? ★
一緒にいるとあったかくて…何だか眠くなってきますね…(眠そうに) ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
A-all right!
♪Hm-hm... Festival!♪
I can do it...maybe.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Bernadetta: Frosty Shut-In has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

I just want to go back to my room!
Is that so much to ask...

Bernadetta: Frosty Shut-In,
If Only for a Night/Story