General | Quotes | Misc | Heroic Ordeal |
Summoning[ | ]
I'm Benny, a border guard from Nohr. I hope you aren't scared of me, because I'd like to make friends.
…ブノワだ。 暗夜王国の国境警備兵… 怖がらずに、仲良くしてほしい…
Castle[ | ]
Isn't it kind of scary never knowing what may come through that summoning gate?
Huh? I've been the scariest thing to come through so far?
召喚は何が出るかわからなくて、 怖いと思わないのか…? なに、俺が出た時が一番怖かった…?
I was a border guard before coming here. And before that, I lived in a farming village.
Goes to show, you never know where your life will take you next until you're there.
ここに来る前は、国境を守っていた… その前は農村で暮らしていたが… 人生は何が起こるかわからないな…
You can't fight, but you aren't afraid of battle. You've got a strong spirit.
お前は戦えないのに… 戦場を恐れないのだな。 とても、強い心を持っていると思う…
I've made friends with the animals living nearby. Maybe you'd like to... take a walk with me and meet them?
動物たちと友達になってきた… 【Summoner】
も一度… 彼らに会いに森に行ってみないか…
I made some more charms. Enough for everyone. I want to make sure everyone makes it home safely.
お守りを作っていた… 俺の分だけではなく、皆の分も… 全員無事で、戻ってこられるように…
Friend greeting[ | ]
Thanks for coming to greet me. I have a message for the summoner on behalf of
声をかけてくれて礼を言う… 【Friend】
の挨拶を、 ここの召喚師に届けに来たんだ…
Leveling up[ | ]
+[4,5] points[ | ]
Is it OK for me to get this much stronger?
ものすごく強くなったが 大丈夫なのか…?
+[2,3] points[ | ]
This is nice.
+[0,1] points[ | ]
Maybe it's time I made myself a new good-luck charm.
Ally Growth[ | ]
Thank you. The stronger I get, the better I can protect everyone.
感謝する… 強くなればまた、皆を守れる…
5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]
Oh, it's you. You always take the time to talk to me... You aren't scared of me like the others.
I know I have "one of those faces." It's led to all sorts of rumors spreading about me back home.
People claim that I once tossed a man so high into the sky, he never came back down.
And just the other day, I overheard someone say my battle cry could shut the gateways for good.
Commander Anna even paid me a visit to remind me to save it for the battlefield!
But the truth is, I don't have that sort of power. The sort of power I do have is that to protect my friends.
And it's all thanks to you and the time we spent together. Thanks for being brave,【Summoner】
か。 お前はいつも俺に話しかけてくれるな。 俺のこと、怖くはないのか…?
俺はこの顔だし…体格もいい方だ。 祖国では「怒らせると国が滅びる」とか 沢山の噂を作ってしまった…
ここに来てからも「雄叫びを上げると 異界への扉が勢いよくすべて閉まる」 という噂が立てられてしまってな…
アンナ隊長まで確かめに来たことがある… もちろん、俺にそんな力はない。 だが、仲間たちを守る力はある…
が俺のこと… 気にかけてくれた分だけ強くなれたからな。 怖がらず接してくれて、ありがとう…
Attack[ | ]
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Damage[ | ]
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Argh... |
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Special trigger[ | ]
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Here goes nothing. | |
You don't scare me. | |
Don't you come near me. | |
Sorry about this. |
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Defeat[ | ]
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Stay safe...everybody... |
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Status page[ | ]
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
1 | |
I brought a lot of good-luck charms with me.
1 | |
When I was summoned, I thought I was headed to the other side...
1 | |
Who...who's there? Oh. It's just you. You scared me.
1 | |
I like animals. They aren't scared of me.
4 | |
You aren't hurt, are you? I always worry about my friends.
4 | |
All of the Heroes are so brave. I need to find my courage.
5 | |
If you ever find yourself in danger, just hide behind me. This is sturdy armor.
5 |
Audio | Transcription | Rarity |
1 | |
1 | |
1 | |
ひっ、なんだ!? ああ、お前か…驚いてしまったぞ…
1 | |
4 | |
4 | |
5 | |
危ないと思ったらいつでも、俺の後ろに隠れるといい… この鎧はとても頑丈だからな…
5 |
Turn action[ | ]
Audio | Transcription |
Hmm... | |
I'll protect you. | |
It's OK. |
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Story appearances
― Benny: Sensitive Soul, Dawning Reality/Benny: Sensitive Soul |