Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Bartre—warrior type, if you can't tell. Bwaaah! Yaahhh! How'd that sound? Burly nuff for you?

戦士バアトルとは わしのことよ! わはは、我が力とくと見るがいい!

Castle[ | ]

Gahaha! Glad to take you under my wing if ya want. Think of me as your father, all right?

ガハハッ! わしのことを父だと思っても 良いのだぞ!

Fir? Where are you, Daughter?

フィル! フィルー! フィルーーーーーー! 我が娘よーーーーー!

Listen up—lesson on battles... Offense! Attack! Bwaaah! Lesson's over.

よいか! 戦いとはすなわち攻撃! これあるのみ!

What? Need me? I'm your guy. Big lug, for lugging stuff.

ぬっ!? わしに用か!? 力仕事なら任せておけ!

Who needs a weapon with these trained-up muscles? Bwaaah! Yaahhh!

おのれの肉体を鍛えるのだ! 武器など不要! この肉体こそが最大の武器!

Friend greeting[ | ]

Oho! You! No doubt about it. You're 【Summoner】. Good to meet you.

おお! おぬしが【Summoner】か! よろしく頼むぞ!

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

True power, right here. Bwaaah! Yaahhh!

驚くが良い! これがわしの真の力だ!!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Mm-hmm! More of the good stuff, right there.

うむ! わしはさらなる力を得た!

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Wha—?! But that's only—? Sheesh.

なぬっ…? いや、わしは信じぬぞ…?

Ally Growth[ | ]

Aim high—then higher! That's the true way of the warrior!

これがまことの戦士の道! ひたすら高みを目指すのみ!

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

So, I've gotten the sense that you think I should be paying more attention in battle.
What, not just go in swinging? That's what you should be doing—swinging ALL the time!
Bwaaah! Yaahhh! All you need is lefty and righty. We all got 'em, so why not USE 'em?
No use complicating battle with all that fancy stuff. At least, not for me.
Now, are we all good here? Ha! Of course we are, friend!

なぬ? 戦いのとき、もう少し周りを見て 行動すべき…だと?
馬鹿者が!! そんなものは気にせずともよい!
全てを叩き潰す力…! それさえあれば、なにも要らぬ! 戦いはそれがすべてなのだ!
そう、小細工など不要だ! このわしのようにな!
わはは、そうだそうだ! 分かればいいのだ!

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
You fool!
Taking me on?!
I'll break your bones!
Muscle up!
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Not here...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Bwahaha! ★
What, my turn? It's my turn, right? ★
Check out these arms! Bwaaah! Yaaah! ★
Ready to train? Then punch me hard, right in the gut. ★
You worried about something? C'mon, out with it. ★
Say no more. That look in your eyes says it all. You're a fighter. ★
A true warrior needs only his muscles—nothing else! ★
I'll take care of you. Like a father, I will! ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
わはは! ★
わしの出番か? わしの出番だな! ★
見よ! このわしの肉体を! ★
訓練だな? ではわしを殴ってみよ! ★
悩み事か? わしが受け止めてやろう! ★
みなまで言うな、目を見ればわかる。 ★
己の肉体で勝負してこそまことの戦士! ★
わしを父と思ってなんでも話せ、わが子よ! ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Got it.
All right!
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Bartre: Fearless Warrior has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

I like to think I’m pretty good at
spotting potential CHOP material.

You, however, have surpassed even
my loftiest expectations in no time at
all! Gahaha!

Bartre: Fearless Warrior,
Heart and Soul/Atlas: Forest Muscle