Part 1[ | ]
Beginning of the battle
Navarreナバール | You're here, as expected. Nothing against you, but I've So now, you'll die. | …来たか。 お前たちに恨みはないが、 かわいそうだが… |
Stage Clear
Navarreナバール | You're strong, all right. It's a close You...or him? Heh. This is going to get interesting. | …やるな… ふっ…面白い。 |
Part 5[ | ]
Beginning of the battle
Tikiチキ | Ah! Are you the bad people that Why can't you just go away? I won't be able to hold back, and | あっ… やーっ、おねがい、来ないで! チキ、てかげんできないの。 |
Stage Clear
Tikiチキ | You beat me? Thanks to you, Even better—now I don't need | やられちゃった… もうむりやりたたかわなくても |
Annaアンナ | Well done, everyone. That's one Seems like the Emblian Empire | ふうっ、お疲れさま。 | ||
If only we could close the gateway to | 「紋章の異界」は以前も解放した。 | Alfonseアルフォンス | ||
Sharenaシャロン | You're probably asking yourself why | もちろん特務機関は、 | ||
Sharenaシャロン | The thing is, we do. Or at least we try—but there are I wish that we royals of Askr had | その上、エンブラ帝国軍は わたしたち王族が扉を閉める力さえ | ||
The royal powers to open and close I wonder, if Askr could close gates, | 両国の力はふたつでひとつ。 | Alfonseアルフォンス | ||
Legends suggest that might be so. | そうしたらエンブラ帝国軍は | Alfonseアルフォンス | ||
Sharenaシャロン | That'd be even worse. Then we'd | ううっ、それはそれで厄介です…! | ||
Veronica's war will continue until But for now, we are stuck, and Who knows what gateway Embla | 片方の国が両方の力を持てない以上、 …さて、この前の陽動を考えると、 | Annaアンナ |
Scenario | |||||
Book I | |||||
Chapter 4 ← |
Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 → |