Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I am Azura, princess of Nohr. I hope you'll be nice to me. Please...

私は…アクア。暗夜王国の王女。 あなたは… 私をいじめたりしない…?

Castle[ | ]

Why did you call for me? Nobody ever wants to see me.
Maybe I'm dreaming...

ここは…夢の世界なの? どうして私を呼んだの… 誰にも必要とされていないのに…

You don't have to be nice to me. I know how to take care of myself. Nobody else will...

同情なんていらないわ。 私はいままで、ひとりで生きてきた。 そして…これからも。

We can't change things. Can we? I don't think so. Do you?

世界は結局、なるようにしかならない。 【Summoner】も そう思ってるんじゃないの?

You want to hear me sing? That's... But... There are much better singers than me.

私の歌を聞きたいの…? 物好きな人。私よりもうまい人は たくさんいるのに…

I can't trust anybody. Maybe in a dream I could. That's the one place... where nobody hurts me.

私が心を許せるのは夢の中だけ。 夢の中の人たちは 誰も私を傷つけないから…

Friend greeting[ | ]

I was asked to come greet you by 【Friend】. Are you mean, or are you nice?

【Friend】から 挨拶に行くように頼まれて… あなたは、私をいじめない?

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

God may be capricious, but for today...I'm happy.

神様の気まぐれかしら。 …でも、うれしい…

+[2,3] points[ | ]

I can feel the power inside me...


+[0,1] points[ | ] what I expected.


Ally Growth[ | ]

Why are you being so nice to me?

どうしてあなたは… 私にこんなに優しくしてくれるの?

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I felt trapped, trapped in a world where I hated everything.
I hated it so much that I wanted it to just go away...all of it.
But there are a few people I can trust...and so many voices calling to me in my dreams.
There are people like you—you're nice to me. You're very gentle, and you even pat me on the head.
Maybe...maybe I should spend a little longer here.
I don't know what's going to happen next...
But if I'm with you, maybe things will be OK. I feel like I can keep going.

私を取り囲む、世界の すべてが…嫌いだった。
いっそ、ぜんぶ消えて なくなってしまえばいいと 思ったことも…あったわ。
だけど、世界にいるのは敵だけじゃない。 夢の中から語りかけてくる いくつもの優しい声…
そして【Summoner】 あなたのように…優しい手で 私の頭を撫でてくれる人もいる。
だから…もう少しだけ 私はこの世界に 向き合ってみようと思うの…
この先になにがあるのかは わからないけど…あなたと一緒なら 歩いていける気が…するから。

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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I can do it!
Leave me alone!
Be quiet!
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Defeat[ | ]

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Don't want to die...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Um... ★
Please, stand tall. ★
You're a grown-up, aren't you? ★
Everybody's always picking on me... But you don't. ★
Patting me on the head does not make me happy. Don't treat me like a child! ★
I thought that things would never change… But you've shown me that they can. ★
I never had a home... Until I came here. ★
I'll stay here with you for a bit longer... If you want me to... ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
えっと… ★
さあ、立って ★
大人でしょう ★
あなたは…他の大人みたいに、私をいじめたりしないのね… ★
きゃっ…頭を撫でられても嬉しくないわ。子供扱いしないで… ★
未来(あす)なんて…あっても仕方ない…そう思ってたのに… ★
私の居場所は…どこにもなかった…でも、ここは… ★
あなたが望むなら…もう少しだけ、ここにいてあげる… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
What's next?
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Azura: Young Songstress has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Go? Go where?

Azura: Young Songstress,
Before We Met.../Story