Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Ashe Ubert. I am studying to become a knight—a virtuous and gallant one!

僕はアッシュ=デュラン。 一人前の騎士を目指し、修行しています。 高潔で誇り高い、立派な騎士になるんです。

Castle[ | ]

There are certain things you have to know if you want to command troops.

ただ武術の腕を磨いただけじゃ、 軍の指揮官にはなれないんだろうなあ。

I'm Lonato's adopted son. He raised me as though I were his own blood. That takes a certain kindness.

ロナート様は、僕を実の息子のように 育ててくれた、とても優しいお方です。 それなのに……

My dad used to own a restaurant. I helped out a lot around the kitchen, even as a little kid.

僕の実の親は、酒場をやっていて… 小料理の用意とか、よく手伝ったものです。

I see Kyphon as the ideal knight. He can overcome any hardship.
His devotion and loyalty did enable his best friend, Loog, to become king, after all.

親友ルーグを王と定めて忠義を尽くし、 どんな困難をも乗り越える戦士キーフォン… 僕の理想の騎士の姿です。

I have a lot of experience in the kitchen. I can make just about anything.

昔から、料理は得意なんですよ。 だいたいのものは作れるつもりです。

Friend greeting[ | ]

I'm Ashe Ubert! I have arrived with tokens of friendship from 【Friend】.

アッシュ=デュランです! 【Friend】城から 友好の使者として参りました!

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Tacticians can grasp the battlefield in an instant and provide a clear course of action. I think they're amazing!

戦場を瞬時に把握し、 的確な指示で敵を追い詰める…… 軍師って凄いものですね、尊敬します!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Mastering this can only make me stronger. And so, I will keep trying even harder!

この道を究めて、強くなる! もっと頑張ります!

+[0,1] points[ | ]

A Crest is a gift. If I had one, I would have used it to make sure my siblings never lived in poverty.

もし僕に紋章があったら…… 弟たちに貧しい思いをさせることも なかったのかなあ……

Ally Growth[ | ]

I'm eager to learn so much more.


5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I used to be a thief who stole because I was poor and starving.
Even though I did it to feed my brother and sister, I know it was wrong.
Lonato saved me from that life... He took me in, and I got to go to school and not worry about how I would eat.
But I understand that such a blessing is rare. Most commoners experience one hardship after another.
My reason for becoming a knight isn't so that I can atone... It's so that I can save others who are struggling.
I will use my work in Askr as proof of my training. Every ounce of my being will go into my assignments here!

下町で暮らしていた頃の僕は、貧乏で。 食うに困って、 盗みを働くこともありました。
妹や弟を食べさせるためとはいえ、 生き方を間違えてしまったと思っています。
だけど、ロナート様に救っていただいて… 食事に事欠く心配はなくなり、 学校にも行かせてもらって……
でもこんな幸運に恵まれることは ごく限られている例だと、わかってます。 多くの庶民は、つらいことばかりです。
だからこそ、罪滅ぼしとは言いませんが 立派な騎士になって、誰かの 助けになりたいと思っていたんです。
アスク王国での課題は、 今までの訓練の成果を見せる いい機会ですよね、全力で頑張ります!

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Damage[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
In the name of justice!
I can't lose!
I've got you!
I will end this now!
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'm not...cut out for this.
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
- ★
Hi, there! I'm Ashe. Great to meet you. ★
Did you, ah...need something? ★
I'm going to be a proud knight—virtuous and gallant! ★
When I'm not sure what to do, I ask myself how Lonato would behave in my place. ★
Are there any chivalric tales in the castle library? If so, I'd love to read them. ★
I'm not proud of it, but I did what I had to do to feed my younger siblings when we were kids. ★
I'm sure there's more I could be doing for you. If there's anything you need, let me know. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ふふっ ★
初めまして! 僕はアッシュ、よろしくお願いします。 ★
わあっ!? な、何か用ですか? ★
僕は高潔で誇り高い、立派な騎士を目指しているんです。 ★
ロナート様はすごいんです。僕、あの方みたいになりたいんです。 ★
この城にも騎士道物語の本はありますか? ぜひ読みたいです。 ★
僕は妹や弟を養うために、悪いこともたくさんしました… ★
もっともっと頼ってください。あなたの役に立ちたいんです、僕。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'm with you!
I knew it.
Victory will be ours!
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Ashe: Chivalric Amends has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Oh, I was just thinking that’s unusual,
but you look quite serious.

Ashe: Chivalric Amends,
Hint of Potential/Story