Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Event Ascended Hero Celebration
Ascended Hero Celebration

To celebrate the arrival of the first Ascended Hero, Fjorm: Ice Ascendant, we're holding a series of celebratory events!

Clear quests to make two copies of 5★ New Hero Vyland: Coyote's Justice your ally! Also, 12 Skill Focus Summoning Events and 12 Grand Hero Battle Revivals will be held, changing each day.

There are all sorts of other rewards available in these events as well, so be sure to give them a try!

News emote Sharena happy
Fjorm is an Ascended Hero now... I can't wait to become friends with her all over again!

Tap More for additional information about these events.

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To celebrate the appearance of the first Ascended Hero, we're holding a series of Celebratory Events!

For details on Ascended Heroes, please see the notification titled Video Supplement: About Ascended Heroes.

■ Ascended Heroes Celebratory Quests
Active: to

Quests are available in celebration of the arrival of Ascended Heroes! Complete these quests by clearing maps with Heroes of certain movement types to make two copies of 5★ New Hero Vyland: Coyote's Justice your ally!

Hero banner Vyland Coyotes Justice
To see an illustrated page introducing this Hero, tap here.

Member of the Coyote's Men of Aurelis. To him,
Wolf, Sedgar, and Roshea are considered to be
nothing less than brothers. Appears in Fire
Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.

Skills learnable at 5★:

News icon new skillIcon Skill WeaponUnbound Axe+
Mt: 14 Range: 1
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, inflicts
Atk/Def-5 on foe during combat and
neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from
skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.

Icon Skill AssistSmite
Range: 1
Pushes target ally 2 spaces away.
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Atk Def Push 3Atk/Def Push 3
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100%,
grants Atk/Def+5, but if unit attacked, deals
1 damage to unit after combat.

Atk Def Link 3Atk/Def Link 3
If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition,
Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or targets
unit, grants Atk/Def+6 to unit and target ally
or unit and targeting ally for 1 turn.
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

"I am Vyland, of the knights of Aurelis. I am good at leading the charge, so do not hesitate to ask anything of me."

You can also earn 3 Orbs, 300 of four types of Dragonflowers, and more by clearing quests!

・ Vyland: Coyote's Justice will appear as a 4★ and 3★ Hero beginning with a Special Heroes summoning event scheduled for next month.
・ For an explanation of how each of these in-game items are used, please refer to the About Items section at the end of this notification.

■ Ascended Arrival Log-In Bonus
Active: to

A Log-In Bonus is available from which you can get 60 of four types of Dragonflowers, 10 Trait Fruit, and 30 Heroic Grails!

Note: These Log-In Bonuses can be collected for up to 10 days during the event period above.

■ Daily Summoning Focus!

Active: to

Twelve summoning events that were held last year featuring Heroes with certain skills are back as daily summoning event revivals! Be sure to summon from each of these summoning events for a total of 12 free summons! Check them out and try summoning for any skills or Heroes that might help round out your teams!

Note: You can see the focus Heroes for each event by tapping on the summoning event title.

・ Starts . Odd Wave
・ Starts . Bond
・ Starts . Vengeful Fighter
・ Starts . Form
・ Starts . Moonbow
・ Starts . Rouse
・ Starts . Ruse
・ Starts . Rally+
・ Starts . Special Spiral
・ Starts . Tactic
・ Starts . Spurn or Repel
・ Starts . Chill

■ Grand Hero Party Battles and Quests

Active: to

Twelve Grand Hero Battles that have been held in the past are available as daily Grand Hero Battle Revivals. Quests are also available that task you with defeating the Grand Heroes using Heroes with particular movement types.

You can make these 12 Grand Heroes your allies by clearing quests even if you completed them the first time around, so be sure to challenge them even if you have already!

Time Battle
Starts Grand Hero Battle - Cormag: Aloof Lanceman
Starts Grand Hero Battle - Kempf: Conniving General
Starts Grand Hero Battle - Travant: King of Thracia
Starts Grand Hero Battle - Heath: Wandering Knight
Starts Grand Hero Battle - Flame Emperor: Bringer of War
Starts Grand Hero Battle - Iago: Nohr's Tactician
Starts Grand Hero Battle - Ashnard: Mad King
Starts Grand Hero Battle - Gangrel: Plegia's Mad King
Starts Grand Hero Battle - Eremiya: Bishop of Woe
Starts Grand Hero Battle - Jorge: Traveling Peddler
Starts Grand Hero Battle - Petrine: Icy Flame-Lancer
Starts Grand Hero Battle - Nemesis: King of Liberation

■ Double EXP & SP Events
Active: to

Earn double EXP and SP from battle while these events are active! This is a great time to develop the Heroes you haven't gotten around to yet!

News emote Feh happy right
Get out there and earn yourself all sorts of rewards!

About Items
Dragonflower IDragonflower

Used to boost the stats of your Heroes. Can only be used on Heroes of the corresponding movement type (red for infantry, green for armored, yellow for cavalry, and blue for flying).
Trait FruitTrait Fruit
Collect 100 and you can change a Hero's traits (assets and flaws) once.
Heroic GrailHeroic Grail
Used to summon certain Heroes. Tap Allies, then Use Heroic Grails to see which Heroes can be summoned.

To see your in-game inventory of items, tap Misc., then Inventory.

