Grandmaster 134 Army of Gluttons Reinforcement Map
Level Indicator:
Stamina Cost:
0 (Infernal)
Victory Requirements:
Phases to win: 7
300 (Infernal)
Map availability[ | ]
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Text[ | ]
Rinkah and Ilyana are more powerful when
close to allies. On turn two, Effie should
use Smite on Ingrid.
Unit data[ | ]
AI settings
See AI for a detailed description of the enemy movement settings.
Solution[ | ]
Turn 1
- Move
Ingrid two spaces up and one space right and attack the
Lance Cavalier. - Move
Rinkah two spaces right and attack the
Axe Flier. - Move
Ilyana two spaces left and attack the
Green Fáfnir. - Move
Effie one space up and attack the
Blue Manakete.
Map visual at the end of turn 1 |
Turn 2
- Move
Rinkah one space left and attack the
Green Fáfnir. - Move
Ilyana one space down and attack the
Green Manakete. - Move
Ingrid two spaces right and attack the
Axe Cavalier. - With
Effie, use
Smite on
Map visual at the end of turn 2 |
Turn 3
- With
Effie, attack the
Sword Dragon. - Move
Ilyana two spaces down and attack the
Green Fáfnir. - Move
Rinkah one space down and one space right and attack the
Sword Cavalier. - Move
Ingrid three spaces left and attack the
Sword Fighter.
Map visual at the end of turn 3 |
Turn 4
- Move
Effie one space up and attack the
Lance Knight. - With
Ilyana, attack the
Axe Fighter. - Move
Ingrid two spaces right and attack the
Axe Knight. - Move
Rinkah one space up and attack the
Sword Cavalier.
Map visual at the end of turn 4 |
In other languages[ | ]
Spanish (Europe)
Spanish (Latin America)
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)
Basics | |
Skill Studies | - Hone and Fortify
- Stacking Spur Boosts
- For Blade!
- Vantage to Counter
- Desperation
- Using Quick Riposte
- Ragnell's Distant Counter
- Using Close Counter
- Atk/Def Bond's Power
- Dangerous Breakers
- Steady Breath Rush
- Vantage & Flashing Blade
- Trigger Wrath
- Guidance River Crossing
- Flier Formation Soars
- Led by Wings of Mercy
- Move with Armor March
- Spd Smoke Follow-Ups
- Spd Ploy and the Forecast
- Trilemma Trickery
- Future Vision
- Caution with Savage Blow
- Brave Hector and Ephraim
- Brave Celica and Veronica
- The Binding Shield
- Make Your Own Miracle
- Follow Up with Forseti
- A Death-Defying Knife
- Laevatein's Travails
- Tiki and Mar-Mar
- Frelia's Sacred Twins
- Missiletainn!
- Renais's Sacred Twins
- Overprotective Corrin
- Unbreakable Bond
- The Seals of Nifl
- A Merciful Boost
- Triangle Attack!
- Gray Waves
- Worthy Foes
- Tibarn's Agility
- Glaredown
- Naga Powered Up
- Kitsune Family
- Fates Entwined
- Demonic Breath Rebuff
- Sound of an Argent Arrow
- Paid in Kind
- Fangs of the Lion
- Feline Perimeters
- The Bull and The Panther
- The Dark Prince's Sting
- Divine Fang
- Daughter's Defense
- Timid for a Reason
- Scatter Them!
- Three Houses 1
- Three Houses 2
- The Beginning
- Power in Proximity
- Brave Alm and Micaiah
- Brave Eliwood and Camilla
- Young Lion & Radiant Hero
- Dragon's Dream Dance
- One Face, Two Fates
- Trick Duo and Treat Mage
- Refined Above All
- Drawn to Hope's Light
- Of Princes and Mercs
- Guardian and Dancer
- Mother & Daughter
- Blood of the Queen
- Heroes, Astra and Wind
- Mirage ♯Session
- Mission: Reposition
- Nils's Mysterious Music
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- Double Trouble
- The Iron Twosome
- A Pair of New Tomes
- Resolute Conquest
- Dark Counters
- Gods of Valentia
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- Summer Harmony
- Counter and Impact
- Academy Summer Break
- Heroes, Light and Shadow
- Death Is Absolute
- Pirate Royalty
- Brave Eagle & Lion
- Brave Schemer & Prodigy
- Entwined Fates
- Greil Mercenaries, Charge!
- Alfonse and Álfar
- Divine Dragon Harvest
- Comrades in Arms
- Over the Azure Moon
- Ninja! Ninja! Ninja!
- Bern's Royal Escort
- Nightmarish Duo
- Festive Family Time
- Magic, Flame and Gear
- First Dream
- Wind and Rescue
- Plegian Infiltration
- Saint Seiros
- Kingly Defense
- Grannvale Nobility
- Fódlan–Almyra Alliance
- Lion's Lance and Shield
- Gathered Eggs
- Guiding Wings
- Etruria's Lovebirds
- Childhood Royals
- Crusader Lineage
- Out of Future Past
- Four Brides
- Order and Chaos
- Eldest Soaring Sisters
- Fishing Showdown!
- Vacation Retinue
- Ice and Rulebreaker
- Full Sails, Ahoy!
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- Devotee & Restorer
- Silver-Haired Maiden
- From the Abyss
- Kingsbrother's Flight
- Assisting the Harvest
- Ice God's Chosen
- Nabata Faithful
- Trials of the Ninja
- Flame God's Chosen
- Sage & War God
- God Retainer and East-Khan
- Eager Envoys
- Guiding Light
- Niðavell-Year
- Tempest of Tears
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- Legendary Struggle
- Devoted Shepherds
- Hermit and Heart
- For Love
- Bunny-Egg Curses
- Synchronized Blades
- Two Scions
- Childhood Clash
- House Friege
- Shadow Dragon's Return
- Dragons in Darkness
- Hearts Ablaze
- Dragon-Lord Team
- Sweeping Winds
- Officers Vacation
- Nohr's Gallant King
- Gods on Vacation
- Life's Guardian
- World of Openness
- Thieves in the Night
- Exalt and Scion
- Sublime Awakening
- Love of Legends
- Dancing Flames
- Finding Independence
- Oracle Resurrected
- Divine Reapers
- Ascended and Fell
- Mercenary Drive
- Flame, Frost, Dusk
- Reigning Anew
- World Enclosed
- Of Light and Dusk
- Righteous Revelers
- Blades of the Cycle
- Askr and Embla's Renewal
- Magic Practicum
- Dragons and Flowers
- Demon King & White Sage
- Hearts of Two Nations
- Dutiful Queen and Knight
- Exalt and His Other Half
- Vassal and Nightmare
- Armor, Piercing Bow
- Ashen Wolf of the Abyss
- Noble Strategy
- Youths, Noble and Dragon
- Knight and Archbishop
- Of Land and Hope
- Despair and Sacrifice
- Bridal Procession
- Fates of Hoshidan Royals
- Goddess & Swordmaiden
- Vacation Battlemaidens
- Bern's New Queen
- Living with Curses
- Refreshments
- Engaging Emblems?
- Powerful but Tender
- Dreams of the Álfar
- Tea-Party Desperation
- Eternal Loyalty
- Paths and Cycles
- Divine One and Hero-King
- Wind, White and Gold
- Crusader and Dream
- Crimea and Phoenicis
- Easy Money
- Petals in the Breeze
- Gentle Dragon
- Dawn of the Ninja
- The Gap Between
- From Beginning to End
- To Heal the Future
- Wintertime Operation
- Darkness and Dusk
- Vanaheimr New Year
- Scamp and Thrud Reborn
- Nabata Festivities
- Divine Dragon's Bonds
- Love of Renais and Grado
- Snow and Charm
- Emblems' Miracle
- Spring Engage!
- For Loved Ones
- Of Radiance
- Branded, Fell and Exalt
- Songstress and Villager
- Trickster's Delight
- Fell Family
- Brides, Askran & Emblian
- A Mother's Wish
- Dawning Connection
- Glittering Realm of Light
- Emblem of Echoes
- Summer Engage!
- Blossoming Resolution
- Strength of Eikþyrnir
- Nectar of Heiðrún
- Summer of Bonding
- Opposing Forces
- Capitalizing Strategy
- Master and Fated Partner
- Icy Festivities
- Fondness for Family
- Of the Holy War
- Open Harvest of Eternity
- Ancestral Advantage
- Quieting Blade
- Divergent Ninja
- Brilliant and Ruthless
- Hands of Yggdrasill
- In the Shadow of Heaven
- Winter Engage!
- Of Blazing
- Year of the Snake: Day 1
- Descendant of Ullr
- Jehanna Mercenaries
- Living Legend
- Descendant of Od
Grandmaster | |