Heroes' Saga
On the continent of Jugdral, Prince Kurth ruled Grannvale in the king's stead, receiving aid from the duchies Chalphy and Yngvi. Dissatisfied with his rule, a faction aligned against the prince began to take shape. When a young lady of Yngvi was kidnapped by barbarians from Verdane, Sigurd of House Chalphy set out to rescue her...
ユグドラル大陸の大国グランベルでは 王に代わり政を取り仕切るクルト王子を シアルフィ家とユングヴィ家が助けていた これを不服とする一部は反王子勢力を形成 シアルフィ家のシグルドは ヴェルダンの蛮族に攫われた ユングヴィ家の公女を救うため出征する
1st Act
Arvis, leader of the royal guard, took to the battlefield, thanking Sigurd with the gift of a silver sword from the king. Sigurd, having routed the barbarians and saved the maiden, encountered a woman in the Spirit Forest. Her name was Deirdre, and the two quickly fell in love...
国王を守る近衛指揮官のアルヴィスは 戦場を訪れ シグルドの労をねぎらい 国王からの銀の剣を下賜する 見事蛮族を討伐し公女を救ったシグルドは 精霊の森でディアドラという少女と出会い 互いに惹かれ合うのだった
2nd Act
Together, Sigurd and Deirdre traveled to a castle near the borderlands between Grannvale, Agustria, and Verdane. There, they lived happily for a time. Before long, however, the conflict surrounding Grannvale's oppression of Verdane spread to Agustria. Thus Sigurd marched to battle with Deirdre at his side, hoping to quell the violence. They remain for some time, by order of the king...
シグルドとディアドラは結ばれ 国境の城に居を構え 幸せな日々を送る しかしグランベルによるヴェルダンの制圧は 隣接するアグストリアの戦乱を招き シグルドはこれを収めるために ディアドラを伴い出兵 王の命により そのままアグストリアに留まることとなる
3rd Act
Sigurd and Deirdre were eventually blessed with a son. But Agustria, growing dissatisfied with Grannvale's military presence within its borders, mustered its troops to reclaim its territory. Amidst the ensuing battles, Sigurd learned of Deirdre's sudden disappearance, leaving their son behind. Further, he was told of the assassination of Prince Kurth—and he and his father were suspected...
シグルドとディアドラは待望の息子を授かる しかしグランベル軍の駐留を不服とした アグストリアは国を取り戻さんと兵を挙げ シグルドは戦いのさなか 息子を残し ディアドラが姿を消したことを知る 更にそこへクルト王子謀殺の報が入り シグルドとその父が疑われているという
4th Act
Framed by those who had deposed the prince, Sigurd fled to Silesse for protection. Before long, however, his pursuers forced Silesse onto the battlefield to defend the alleged prince killers. Sigurd, determined to clear the Chalphy name, set out for Grannvale...
反王子勢力の陰謀により 濡れ衣を着せられたシグルドは 北のシレジアに身を寄せるが 反逆者の討伐を名目とした反王子勢力は シレジアまでも戦渦に巻き込む シグルドはシアルフィ家の汚名を雪ぐため 自らグランベルへ討って出ることを決意する
Final Act
Repelling his foes, Sigurd advanced on the capital, Belhalla, making his triumphant return. It was only then that he learned Deirdre awaited him, having been robbed of her memory, now married to Arvis. The revelation made clear to Sigurd that all this had been Arvis's grand design. Overtaken by despair, Sigurd thus met with a traitor's end: execution.
シグルドは反王子勢力を破り進軍し ついに王都バーハラに凱旋する しかしそこで目にしたものは記憶を失い アルヴィスの妻となったディアドラだった すべての黒幕がアルヴィスであると知った シグルドは失意のうちに反逆者として 処刑され その生涯を閉じたのだった