Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
General Quotes Misc Heroic Ordeal

Summoning[ | ]

Oh... Hello there! I'm a soldier in the service of Grado. I'm a hard worker! My name? Oh, right! It's Amelia.

あ、あたしはグラド帝国の兵士、 アメリアです。若輩者ですが、 よろしくおねがいします!

Castle[ | ]

I'm from a small village called Silva. It's in Grado. I thought I'd join up and fight for my country...
I just hope everybody back home is doing all right.

あたしはグラド帝国のシルバ村から来たの。 国のために戦おうと思って… 村のみんな、元気かな…

I want to believe in justice. I want to know I'm doing the right thing.

あたしは…あたしの、 自分の思う正義を信じたい…

If you're worn out, let me help. I am a soldier of sorts as well, you know.

疲れてるなら、あたしが手伝うよ。 これでも、ほらっ、 一応兵士のはしくれだし…ねっ?

Hey! Can you hear that songbird? What a pretty voice it has! Let's get closer and listen...

ねえねえ、あっちで小鳥が鳴いてるよ。 すごくキレイな声だから、 一緒に聴きにいかない?

I admire General Duessel...and I train every day in the hope that, someday, I can be a little bit like him.

毎日訓練はしてるよ。 憧れのデュッセル将軍に少しでも 近づけたらって思ってるんだ。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Your pal told me to come here... 【Friend】, I mean!
I hope you two stay close, 【Summoner】.

【Friend】に言われてきたんだよ。 【Summoner】はお友達なんだよね。 これからも仲良くしてね。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

I have a lot of potential, don't I?

あたしでもこんなに 強くなれるんだ…!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Day by day, I'm becoming a real soldier!

あたしも、一人前の 兵士っぽくなれたかな?

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Maybe I don't have what it takes...

やっぱりあたしには 素質ないのかなぁ…

Ally Growth[ | ]

I'm getting stronger? This is so exciting!

これって強くなれたって ことだよね、嬉しい!

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Have I gotten stronger since I came here? Do you think I'm a soldier now, truly?
To me, a soldier is somebody who can protect the people they care about...
You see, when I was little...bandits raided our village. They took my mother.
And I couldn't do a thing for her. I just hid and watched, terrified. I...couldn't protect her.
That's why I have to become stronger. I need to be able to protect the people who matter to me.
Thanks for listening, 【Summoner】.
I hope you'll keep looking out for me. No matter what, I swear that I will protect those who I hold dear.

あたし…強くなれたのかな? 一人前の兵士になれたのかな? 大切な人を守れるくらいに…
…あたしのお母さんはね… あたしが子供の頃、 山賊に連れていかれたの…
あたしは震えてるだけで… 何もできなかった… お母さんを…守れなかった…
だから、あたし…強くなりたかったの… 自分の大切な人を 今度こそ守れるように…っ…
…ありがとう、 【Summoner】… あたしの話、聞いてくれて。
これからも見ててね。 あたしの大切な人のこと… ちゃんと守ってみせるから…

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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I'll do my best!
I'll protect everyone!
I am NOT scared!
Hyaah..? YAH!
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Defeat[ | ]

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Did I...give it my all?
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Haha ★
I have to get stronger, to protect the people I care about. ★
AAAGH! ...Don't do that! My heart skipped a beat! ★
This armor is SO heavy. I feel like I'm going to tip over. ★
Take that! And that! Hyaah! Ah! Were you watching me the whole time? ★
This is making me a little self-conscious. ★
Oh, Mother. If only... If only I had been stronger. ★
I want to become the shield that protects you. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
あはっ ★
強くなって、大切な人を守りたいの。 ★
ひゃんっ!? もう…心臓止まりそうになったよ~。 ★
よ、鎧、重くて…倒れちゃいそう… ★
えいっ! それっ! たぁっ! ? …ど、どこ見てるの? ★
あはっ、なんだかちょっと…照れる… ★
お母さん…あたしが…もっと強かったら……うぅっ…… ★
あたしは、あなたを守る盾になりたい… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Allllll right!
I'm ready...
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Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'll crush you!
This is starting to feel natural!
For peace.
Right, left, chop!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I was so close…
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Ahaha! ★
Hey, it's me! Amelia! What do you think of my new outfit? ★
Think twice before sneaking up on me! ★
This outfit suits me? It's nice of you to say so! ★
Jötunheimr is the land of the jötnar, right? They're so big! Talk about impressive. ★
I wonder if I'll be as corageous as the jötnar some day... ★
I want to believe in a justice of my own making. ★
I'm happy to have made a friend like you. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
あははっ ★
アメリアだよ! 新しい衣装、どうかな? ★
ひゃあぁっ!? そんなとこ触っちゃだめ! ★
すごく似合ってるって? あはっ、ちょっと…照れる… ★
ヨトゥンって巨人の国なんだね。おっきくってかっこいいなー ★
あたしも大人になったらダグ王女たちみたいに…こう…なれるかなっ? ★
あたしは、自分の思う正義を…信じたい! ★
あなたみたいな友達ができて、あたし、嬉しい。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'm ready!
I'll do my best.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Amelia: Rose of the War has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

I should've expected as much
from General Duessel!

After coming out here to help him
as thanks for everything, he's
handled it all without us!

Amelia: Rose of the War,
Driven by Vision/Story