Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
General Quotes Misc Heroic Ordeal

Battles Alear: Engaging Fire appears in

Availability[ | ]

This unit is not in the general summoning pool.

Summoning event

Bonus Hero history


  • This Hero has not been featured in any Arena season.

Aether Raids

  • Season 318:  –

Tempest Trials

  • This Hero has not been featured in any Tempest Trials event.

Event appearances

This Hero has not been featured in any events.


Legendary Heroes - Alear


He can trigger his Special twice during combat, counter ranged foes, and survive a deadly blow once!



Trivia[ | ]

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 繋和ぎし絆炎 リュール
German Alear: Feuriges Bündnis
Spanish (Europe) Alear: Fusión de fuego
Spanish (Latin America) Alear: Fusión de fuego
French Alear : Fusion enflammée
Italian Alear, Fuoco unificatore
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 繫承的絆炎 琉爾
Portuguese Alear: Fogo engajador

Gallery[ | ]

Sprite[ | ]
