Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Caineghis: Gallia's Lion King - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

You have my gratitude, King
Caineghis. Your support is very
reassuring...and appreciated.

Yes, perhaps it was providence that
brought us here...

Whatever the case, we will give all we
have in the name of peace. For the
pride of Gallia, we can do no less.

Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

I'm glad to hear it. And I must admit,
I am eager to learn how a great king
such as yourself approaches war.

I have had little occasion to act more
like a warrior than a king...

It has been some time since I took
to the field and looked my enemy
in the eye...

In my younger days, however, things
were different...

It's strange. You are of the royal
family, and still risk your life
in battle. Does no one protest?

Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Yes... I am aware it isn't quite proper
for royalty to enter the fray...

On the contrary! Putting yourself at
risk with your countrymen raises their
morale. Is that not a king's purpose?

I am sure there are many varieties of
beorc king, but...yours is a style we
laguz find a natural fit.

Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC

Caineghis: Gallia's Lion King - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC

When I grow old and frail, Gallia will
need a successor to take my place.

Unfortunately, that successor is
currently a hot-blooded fool...just as
I was in the days of my youth.

You? A fool? I have trouble imagining
that, King Caineghis.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC

Yes, well, my younger self had it in
his head that any problem could be
solved if one applied enough force.

My successor acts as if he has the
same idea in his head—if indeed he
has anything but muscle up there.

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but...isn't
the king of Gallia determined by
strength rather than by bloodline?

If that is so, it seems natural for
Gallia's future king to use his great
strength to fight for his people.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC

While his physical strength cannot be
denied, it makes him weaker in some
important ways.

Conquering your foes by force alone
fills one with a certain arrogance...
You begin to feel unstoppable.

Then, when a crushing defeat finally
comes...more than just the battle is
lost. Everything you knew changes.

When one values strength above all...
Some can lose themselves—who they
thought they were—in defeat.

If strength is a weakness, as you say,
what would happen if such a person
took the throne?

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC

With someone like long as he
does not lose, he cannot change—and
therefore, he cannot rule justly.

The ruler who cannot change, you
see, can only be a tyrant. And so he
must lose before taking the throne.

I would rather have died from the
defeat that shaped me than to have
never faced it at all.

And if my successor dies in defeat,
though I would mourn, so be it. It will
be better for Gallia in the end.

But if he can meet defeat and keep
moving forward, he will be that much
closer to being worthy of the throne.

Caineghis: Gallia's Lion King - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC

My personal philosophy is, as a king
on the battlefield, the one thing you
must always be sure you do is...

never die.

No matter what happens, you must
survive. To me, that is part of a king's
duty as the head of his country.

No matter how miserable the loss,
if the king lives, there is hope.


Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC

I have a personal advisor and envoy,
who some call my shadow. His name
is Giffca.

If he is able to perform my duties in
one way or another, I will ask him to
so that my life is at less risk.

My people need me—at least until an
heir is ready to replace me. To that
end, I must take certain measures.

Thank you, King Caineghis.

There is so much to being a king—
both on and off the battlefield. I think
I'm beginning to understand that.

And as part of that understanding,
I'm also beginning to see how much
I still have yet to learn...

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC

Take heart... Though you may have
some work ahead of you yet, already
you possess much of what is needed.

Keep looking for examples of kings
you admire. Find them one by one,
and let them shape your growth.

Caineghis: Gallia's Lion King - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC

Ah! Good timing, Prince Alfonse.
I was just thinking about our talk.
I want to clear something up.

I'd be happy to hear anything you
have to tell me!

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC

All life is equal—or so we wish. But...
that is not the reality we live in.

You can see the evidence in the
difference between the weight of
a king's life and that of a soldier's.

I don't—

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain
Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC

Let me be clear... Neither life is
superior to the other. The difference
is the weight of the responsibility.

A king's life is not his own to spend.
It is a life responsible for the people.
That is one thing we must not forget.

A king must be disciplined and live
to carry out his responsibility to his
country and people.

Are you prepared to do that, Prince
Alfonse? Is that the kind of promise
you can make to your people?

I admit, I am extremely inexperienced
next to every other king gathered at
the castle, but...

I can promise that my resolve is
unwavering. I'm ready and willing
to do everything I need to do.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC
Caineghis Gallias Lion King Face FC

Good. As long as you remember that
promise, your path will lead you to
become the king you need to be.

As for me, there is no country here
over which I rule—no Gallia. Yet I will
still fight in its name, as king.

And as king, rest assured, I will
survive, and I will win the day.

With the weight of both Gallia and
Askr on my shoulders, that fact
will remain true.

So let us fight, survive, and win
together, that we may both fulfill
our duties as kings!

← Bastian Ranulf →
A Trust Earned
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
