Heroes' Saga
Grannvale was a kingdom comprised of six duchies bound together by the throne in its capital, Belhalla. It was at Belhalla's academy that Sigurd, Quan, and Eldigan first met and studied together, creating a lasting friendship between three sons of distinguished families from around the continent. They swore on their bond that they would always rush to aid one another if ever trouble came to any of them...
六つの公爵家とそれらを束ねる 王家の統べる大国グランベル シグルド キュアン エルトシャン 出自の異なる三人の若者は 名家を背負う身でありながら かつてその王都で共に学び友情で結ばれた 彼らは誓った 誰かが苦難の中にあらば 必ずこれを助けると
1st Act
One day, when Grannvale's army was away, forces from the neighboring country of Verdane launched an attack on Yngvi castle. Sigurd set out to aid a lady of the castle, Edain, an old friend of his. Approving of this quest, Quan joined with Sigurd, and the two made haste to the castle. After the battle, the king expressed his gratitude by granting Sigurd the title of Holy Knight of Grannvale...
グランベル王国軍の不在をつき 蛮族の国ヴェルダンが ユングヴィ公城に攻め込んだ 昔馴染みの公女を助けるため 一路ユングヴィを目指すシグルドに キュアンも賛同し駆けつける シグルドの戦いぶりを喜んだグランベル王は 王国聖騎士の称号を与えた
2nd Act
Though Sigurd helped protect the castle, Edain had been abducted! In pursuit, Sigurd took the fight to Verdane. Eldigan was shocked to learn Sigurd violated the border, but after understanding Sigurd's reasons, he promised to vouch for him in the event of any protest from Agustria's other nobility. So, Sigurd pushed on, outmaneuvering and conquering Verdane, annexing its territory...
連れ去られた公女を追って シグルドはヴェルダンに足を踏み入れる 国境を侵す友に驚くエルトシャン しかし事情を知り いらぬ野心を 起こしかねぬアグストリアのほかの諸公から 彼の背後を守ると約束する シグルドは見事ヴェルダンを制圧し そのまま国境の城主となる
3rd Act
In Agustria, anti-Grannvale sentiment reached a fever pitch, and the king ordered an invasion of Grannvale- occupied Verdane. Eldigan sought to convince Agustria's king toward a peaceful path, but he was branded a traitor and imprisoned...
エルトシャンの属するアグストリアでは 反グランベルの気運が高まり 王はいまやグランベルの制するところと なったヴェルダン侵略の命を下す エルトシャンは王に和平を進言するが 反逆者として捕らえられてしまう
4th Act
With Grannvale and Agustria at war, Sigurd reluctantly took the capital of Agusti, forcing Agustria's surrender. In doing so, he reunited with Eldigan, freeing him. To ease Eldigan's fear, Sigurd promised to withdraw within the span of a year. Trusting his friend, Eldigan took his injured king and went to the north...
全面戦争となるグランベルとアグストリア シグルドは不本意ながらその先鋒となる 陥落した王都で再会したエルトシャンに シグルドはいつか必ず撤退することを約束 エルトシャンはその言葉を信じ 傷ついた王と共に北へ去ってゆく
Final Act
Despite Sigurd's intent, Grannvale did not allow Agustria to return to Agustrian control. Losing his patience, the king of Agustria raised an army. Though torn between love for his country and love for his friend, Eldigan risked it all for his honor, proving himself worthy of the title Holy Knight.
シグルドの意に反し グランベルは アグストリアの返還に応じない 業を煮やしたアグストリア王は挙兵し 国と友とに挟まれたエルトシャンは 聖騎士の誇りを胸に命を散らすのだった