Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Type Icon Name SP Required Description
C A D Briar F Save A/D Briar F Save 300 A/D Far Save 3 If foe with Range = 2 initiates combat against an ally within 2 spaces of unit, triggers【Savior】on unit.

If foe's Range = 2, grants Atk/Def+4 to unit and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 5 during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and unit's next attack deals damage = 40% of foe's attack damage prior to reductions (resets at end of combat; only highest value applied; does not stack).
If foe with Range = 2 initiates combat against an ally within 2 spaces of unit, triggers【Savior】on unit.

If foe's Range = 2, grants Atk/Def+4 to unit and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 5 during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and unit's next attack deals damage = 40% of foe's attack damage prior to reductions (resets at end of combat; only highest value applied; does not stack).

Unit takes ally's space, enters combat in ally's place, and receives all after-combat effects.

Savior will not trigger if ally is on terrain that unit cannot move to or if multiple units are able to use Savior during the same combat. If Savior triggers, after-combat movement effects do not occur.
Cannot use: InfantryCavalryFlying

Effects[ | ]

Map effects
Savior 【Savior】Unit UnitFoe Foe's Range = 2
& Foe Foe initiates
against Allies Allies
within 2 spaces
Combat effects
Temporary buffs Atk/Def+4Unit UnitFoe Foe's Range = 2
Damage Reduction Reduces damage by 5
from Foe Foe's first attack
(including second attacks)
Damage Boost Boosts damage by X%
X = 40% of Foe Foe's attack
damage prior to reductions

Notes[ | ]

  • The damage boosting effect of A D Briar F Save ignores the foe's Def or Res when calculating the damage boost, and can be reduced by damage-reduction effects such as Skilliconspecial Gust, Atk Spd Excel Atk/Spd Excel, and Status Effect Dodge Dodge.
    • The damage boosting effect of A D Briar F Save is calculated based on the foe's attack damage before being reduced by the unit's damage-reduction effects.
    • A D Briar F Save does not stack with other damage boosting effects. If the unit's total damage boost from other damage boosting effects is higher, the damage boosting effect of A D Briar F Save will not trigger.
      • Effects that prevent the foe from counterattacking such as Dazzling Shift Dazzling Shift, Status Effect Counterattacks disrupted Counterattacks disrupted, or Icon Class Red Sword Firesweep S+ equipped on the foe will not trigger the damage boosting effect of A D Briar F Save, unless the foe can neutralize those effects with skiis such as Null C-Disrupt 4 Null C-Disrupt 4 or Mystic Boost 4 Mystic Boost 4.

    List of owners[ | ]

    UnitSkill chain
    Fomortiis Dark of Night Face FC
    A/D Far Save 1
    A/D Far Save 2
    A/D Far Save 3
    A/D Briar F Save

    Availability[ | ]

    Summoning events

    Start End Event Skill
    2024-12-13 2025-01-13 Yearning to Give A/D Briar F Save

    Distributed units

    • This skill is not available on any distributed units.

    Combat Manuals

    • This skill has not been available on any distributed Combat Manuals.

    In other languages[ | ]

    Language Name
    Japanese ???
    German ???
    Spanish (Europe) ???
    Spanish (Latin America) ???
    French ???
    Italian ???
    Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) ???
    Portuguese ???

    See also[ | ]
