Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Ásgarðr is the celestial realm that is home to the creator of the universe, Alfaðör. It is described as a place of joy, a realm of the gods, and is the highest rank in Aether Raids. Its counterpart is Vanaheimr.

People[ | ]

  • Alfaðör is the celestial King and creator of everything.
  • Loki is the mischievous, shapeshifter who fought under Surtr's command, but her true master is Alfaðör.
  • Thórr is the god of war who is faithful to Alfaðör. She frequently tests the strength of mortals.
  • Baldr is the celestial god of the sun who is tasked with escorting accused criminals to Ásgarðr's Hall of Justice.
  • Höðr is the celestial god of dusk who is tasked with defending accused criminals in Ásgarðr's Hall of Justice.
  • Rune is a young boy who fled Ásgarðr, after Alfaðör ordered his capture for reading the Twilit Runes.

Resplendent Heroes[ | ]

The outfits of these Resplendent Resplendent Heroes are based on Ásgarðr: No results

Trivia[ | ]

  • In Norse mythology, Ásgarðr is the home of Æsir gods.

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese アースガルズ
German Ásgarðr
Spanish (Europe) Ásgarðr
Spanish (Latin America) Ásgarðr
French Ásgarðr
Italian Ásgarðr
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 阿斯嘉特
Portuguese Ásgarðr